Providing What You Need
Welcome to PH. Industrial Incorporated & Phate Vocational Technical College & (University Development). Two uniquely designed entities bringing forward greater opportunities through our educational, skills, training, and apprenticeships programs all in support of our countries industry, our economy, and the future of Canadians. This Direct Private Industry Based Unprecedented Non-Traditional College (University) development approach will deliver tailor-made practical solutions, fast. We’re confident this New Institutional Development will inspire many in Serving our Students, Industry and our country better for you.
Why do FAQs matter?FAQs are a great way to help site visitors find quick answers to common questions about your business and create a better navigation experience.
What is an FAQ section?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about your business like "Where do you ship to?", "What are your opening hours?", or "How can I book a service?".
Where can I add my FAQs?FAQs can be added to any page on your site or to your Wix mobile app, giving access to members on the go.
How do I add a new question & answer?To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Add a new question & answer 3. Assign your FAQ to a category 4. Save and publish. You can always come back and edit your FAQs.
How do I edit or remove the 'Frequently Asked Questions' title?You can edit the title from the FAQ 'Settings' tab in the Editor. To remove the title from your mobile app go to the 'Site & App' tab in your Owner's app and customize.
Can I insert an image, video, or GIF in my FAQ?Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Manage FAQs from your site dashboard or in the Editor 2. Create a new FAQ or edit an existing one 3. From the answer text box click on the video, image or GIF icon 4. Add media from your library and save.
At PH. Industrial Incorporated & Phate Vocational Technical College. We understand that change is not always easy. We’ve been Advocating for "Change, Choice, and Opportunities" to help Canadians and Companies of all sizes respond to the enormous transitions taken place over the past 4 years that has exposed us to, and opened our eyes to competitive alternatives. Years of experience and personal research in the areas of Education, Skills & Training Requirements, Industry Demands, Engineering, Student Costs, and Government has taught us ways to Inspire Students, Parents, and Industry prioritizing successful opportunities for all.
Developing our World Class Team of Canadian Experts implementing our strategies of survival for you to thrive today and well into the future. Making Your Future Our Future Together.
Advancing Performance
Since conception PH. Industrial Incorporated & Phate Vocational Technical College began Advocating from 2000. Promoting and providing Alternative services for a variety of Businesses, Canadians, and Students. Upon every project you might undertake, our most important objective is to understand your core necessities and goals. Below are some examples of what we will be providing.
An Innovative Solution
Our mission is to support all Canadians, our Students, and our Economy with an Alternative College (University) development. Designed to support Canadians & Industry in creating and growing our uniquely competitive edge and yours. Throughout our variety of Educational Campuses and our unique (TDA) Training Delivery Agent advantage.
Our Vision
To develop our Strong and Powerful Board of Directors, considering the opposition.
To become a supplier to all OEMs and other Large and Small business sectors.
To educate and produce the most talented skilled trades and engineers throughout our uniquely designed College (university) development & Training Model.
To support the growth of our counties students, industries, and our economy.
To produce a variety of skilled trades in a fraction of the time compared to our traditional ways with the ability to move and gain experience.
To develop leadership having the intelligence to inspire, and to implement our strategic management vision that supports and provides the skills and education in achieving our student(s) and business initiative.
To have strong charismatic leaders who can sell the vision to relevant constituencies inside and outside our unique College (university) organizational development.
To have the diversity and flexibility to deal with any future technological changes spontaneously.
To be able to anticipate and create a Paradigm Shift. At PH. Industrial Incorporated & Phate Vocational Technical College (university) we will have the ability to change, overcome and adapt.
To become one of industries go to suppliers of our 5Ps Progressive, Process of Products, People, and Professions, and to become a (TDA) supplier of Multi-Skilled Trades and Engineers with full practical background.
To enhance our dynamic forward looking perspective with a continuous effort to identify and develop our Strategic Competitive Advantage.
To be extremely innovated having a high willingness to do things differently.
To break away from the traditional college/university mentality with the capabilities to reach levels we & you would not otherwise obtain.
Change, Choice, and Opportunities
Clients, Industry, Students, & Parents will approach PH. Industrial Incorporated & Phate Vocational Technical College (University) development with a general idea of what they need and want.
The value of college/university degrees, skills and training, and that of higher educational programs, are not unreasonable in thinking of the return on investment. Both Canadian and American students are deeply concerned with today’s inflation, rising costs of, student debt, tuition costs, accommodations costs, books, food, all contributing to their personal economic benefits of enrollment. “This Is Where We Can Help” through our Work, Earn, Learn programs. Public Universities and Colleges, need to ensure they have adequate funds usually through three choices: the state or province that subsidizes them, or tuition goes up, or quality gets cut, “now”, their new forth one is blatantly clear today called International Students “Their New Cash Cow”? Direct and upfront information pertaining to specific programs and degrees, including skills training and apprenticeships, experience requirements, and completion times are all in the interest of students today and should very well be considering it’s their future. Throughout the various campus programs of interest such as undergraduate, graduate, professional, entrepreneurship, skills and training, skilled trades apprenticeships, and various other alternative programs. Within this New Private Unprecedented Industry Based Non-Traditional Vocational Technical College (university) development, where the earnings of your learning start immediately, coupled with our internal prerequisites of delivery throughout all programs. Point being made here is that our traditional institutional systems of delivery encourages Tuition, Debt, and Repayment. Here, our student enrollment will be that of ambition and focus, the reason behind one's education, skills, knowledge, and the experience one requires and demanded throughout the various industries of employment. WORK is the prerequisite of all our students which reflects, no discrimination in any area as described in, race, creed, colour, or gender (Man & Women) simply put two is company three is a crowd. Clearly presented "W.O.R.K." is the Willingness to Obtain Real Knowledge. Educational values where one will understand clearly up front of the Progressive, Process, of Product, People and Profession being provided in this New Post Secondary Educational College (university) development and its unique (TDA) Skills & Training System. This Alternative Institutional Development steps away from our traditional colleges and university institutions in building additional economically valued pathways in obtaining ones specific graduate or undergraduate intentions, including the many skills, training, and Alternative Career requirements.
Today’s Start For Tomorrows Future, Our Public Colleges and Universities. They have had their way with you for years, now you can have your way with us.
Our Strength
Work, Earn, Learn
Mind, Body, & Soul
Health, Fitness, Nutrition
Focus, Fairness, & Financial
Skills, Training, and Experience
Change, Choice, & Opportunities
Education, Degrees, Higher Learning
Single, Dual, Trades, & Entrepreneurship
Get In, Get Out, and Get On with Your Life
Democracy, Constitution, Rights & Freedoms
NO, Tuition, Debt, Student Loans, No Holds Barred
One of my main peeves with our Canadian/North American system is its near total lack of comprehensive Technical Training and Education for the Modern Manufacturing Workforce and more. Let me be blatantly clear this New Private College (University) Developing Institutional System is not new, it like many other things have been deliberately ignored for well over 25 years. Where approximately 6000+ students would be able to attend this development (At full capacity). This New College (University) Institutional Development addressing ambitious young students, career changers, and more, from the ages of 16 reflecting an early choice and perhaps embracing our Drop-Out problem as one area of great concern as stated in the link below. In essence, this Private Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical Training College (University) development with an astounding portfolio of programs that will encompass throughout one's training and education within a variety of disciplines. Such as Machinists, Electronics, Automation, Research Development, Rapid Manufacturing, Tool and Die Building, Tool Design, Welding, Electrical, Plumbing, Fitters & Welders; Pipe, Plate, and Structural, HVAC, Engineering, and a variety of other disciplines and so much more. Give this some thought Canada (North America) here we will have an industry base having a projection upwards of 6,000+ employees/students on-site throughout our strategic campuses, can you think of anything that can come close. How many Colleges and Universities that you know of that have the ability to become self-sustaining, self-driven, cultivating ambitious students in achieving their goals such as this Private Industry Based College development can you think of one Canada?
Note; Supply & Demand, Needs & Wants, has an incentive that drives investment, partnerships, stakeholders, and non-bank lenders to invest?
PH. Industrial Incorporated & Phate Vocational Technical College (University) Development. These two entities are uniquely designed to work together creating a New Level of Opportunities in Education, Entrepreneurship, Engineering, including the demand for a New Type of (TDA) Training Delivery Agent reflecting and encouraging the Skills and Training for Canadians. Through your Human Resource to Ours, for Recruiting, or perhaps Sponsoring across our Nation. To better serve you and the variety of businesses, clients, and students of interested. Whether you’re a Small, Medium, Large business or a Multinational Corporation, we can help your continuous growth of success. This New Private College Institutional Development can and will become an asset to you and to all Canadians.
Achieve Your Goals
Expert Guidance
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