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About The Founder Through 3 Decades of Determination. Rejuvenating Manufacturing, Skills, Training, Education & Opportunities.

Writer's picture: neweconomics2003neweconomics2003

Hello everyone, inspiring opportunities that will inspire many, and I do believe that for a simple reason. We all gain experience through life which is transferred, viewed, and evaluated. What's most inspiring is the Process upon how we achieve the Experience, Transfer what we have Learned, And having it Evaluated  for the Greater Good of Humanity as expressed below.

Philanthropy – The True Meaning? Philanthropy can be defined in many ways. The word comes from the GREEK, meaning “Love for Humanity”. Modern definitions include the concept of voluntary giving by an individual or group to promote the common good and improve the quality of life. Three distinctive philanthropy traditions: “Relief, Improvement, and Social Reform”.

How it began? In 1971 my First job having enough of school as many of us did, and where my parents made it very clear with two choices “Work or School” I chose work. My first job was in a foundry very dirty and hot, and I loved it. Over the course of 2 years I progressed from dumping the molds to building the molds to pouring the metal into the molds and more. Looking back there's always something you takeaway with you that has some type of meaning or application? Such as the sand conveyors and hopper systems throughout the plant where sometimes the belts would break which then required everyone to grab a shovel after maintenance repaired the belt to start shoveling the excess sand back up onto the conveyor belts. What was interesting was the sequence taking place where one would step in shovel for a bit, then step back and another one would step in to shovel, and as more people showed up the sequence expanded.

Second job was 1973 after I became friends with a neighbor and where he and his family moved back out to Alberta whom I went out and stayed with for 1 year. Gainfully employed myself with a local municipality, learned to drive a dump truck, front end loader and a little bit of backhoeing building cattle gates in the foothills.

Third job1974 back in Ontario achieved employment with an automotive company that build car frames, time spent here was 4 and a half years from 1974-78-9 during that time I was introduced to my first welding process, I got married, and started a family.

This is where I started my unintentional initiative into skills, training, education, and a world of understanding in business and economic development. Started by being inspired with a production (MIG) welding process at the automotive company. From there going to part-time classes at a local college weekends to broaden my welding skills because I truly liked it and I was developing a hunger to learn more. Needless to say I quit the car frame company and bounced around in and out of short term employment gaining a variety of experience including an attitude that anything over 3 months was a bonus. However, in 1980 I settled into my Fourth real job in a Custom, Welding, Machining, and Fabricating shop for another 4 years. Still hungry to develop more skills, talking things over with my wife who stated we can’t afford for me to just go to school. The alternative came down to me doing both, a decision to do full time school and a full time job by switching shifts staying on the afternoon shift from 4:15pm till 2:15am 4-10 hour shifts. Leading to an early morning start, up and off to a full time Welder/Fitter program from 8:30am to 3:00pm looked forward to the weekends I must say did this for a period of almost 1 year. Experience gained is experience earned, accelerated through the Welder/Fitter course based upon previous experience which led to an offer by the local college as a welding/technologist/instructor. Really thinking things over I quite my job and took the contract job at the college1984-5 after the contract and internal college changes unfortunately led me to be laid off where I continued to bounced around for another two years. Again started my Fifth job now 1987 in another automotive plant that was being constructed working directly for the Superintendent constructing the plant assisting him with internal plant fabrications and installations plus running a small crew. Again, the experience gained is experience earned which led to an old saying opportunities come and go. As the construction was winding down the Construction Superintendent offered to set me up with a Welding-Rig-Unit where we both would help each other with his business and in helping to develop my business. Long Story Short just before we engaged he had a health issue which ended the opportunity. However, not all lost now 1988, I was transferred into the plant that was being built as a Maintenance/Tool& Die Welder Fabricator from 1988-2008.

Even after gainfully employed in 1988 followed by the next 20 years I was still infuriated with the system that seemed to be designed in holding people back from their ambitions, knowledge, and the required experience people and industry needed. Although I have stated 1996 in my blog articles it pretty much started at this time collecting the knowledge required. Started buying a couple of books and reading like this one "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" followed by this particular financial book called "Financial and Business Statements" Barron's Business Library" and this very good book called "Developing Business Strategies, fifth edition by David A. Aaker". Now diligently I started to build. Picture this, for a number of years I aggressively collected every Industrial Magazine, News Papers, and related articles found on the internet everything I could get my hands on? For a few years every news paper I could get going into the garbage at work where people always asked me why, I simply said old news is good news. In doing so I achieved two things one was news about anything that related to my personal knowledge for this Institutional Development, two, an accumulation of 4700 job postings. All in the pursuit of my personal research in the areas of Industry Needs, Engineering, Government, Economics, Colleges & Universities, Business, Demographics, including Skills and Training.

From 1988 through to 2004 between work, family, and other obligations including the creation of this New College University Development. Categorizing and Cataloguing everything and there was plenty of it. My wife typed hundreds of things required to be presented, worked on our LOGO, and step by step implementing the detailed areas of my strategic business plan. The two books above (Financial Business Statements & Developing Business Strategies) were very detailed and helped answer and guide me in all aspects of development. A friend of my wife who was an Engineering Technologist, I believe that was her title, where she helped professionally bringing to life the strategic campus layout through the Blue-Print drawings created Note; this took place after my first presentation stated below and where a (Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words). As stated in the above paragraph documenting each section of our supporting research all labeled easy to find for the various titles such as. Colleges & Universities, Skilled Trades, Engineering, Industry, Government, Demographics, and Trends. Also, like all businesses, or should I say like a motor or a machine where there are numerous parts to make it work? And where developing a business there is no difference. This is where the 4700 job adds collected in the news papers collected came into play. Meaning if you build it you need to know of all the moving parts, that's how we developed our Flow Charts from Corporate Staff, Human Resources, Engineering, Administration, Information Technology, Financial, Management, all the way down to the Janitor.

Here we are now in 2004 achieved a uniquely designed business model leading to the final stage of presentation. Called KPMG March /04 Met with Vlad Lizonov and his advisor can’t recall his name for a free consultation, it was a very short, very direct, and very frustrating. They wouldn’t even look at it, made it clear they were only interested in "High Tech Companies"? I walked in at that time with my briefcase, a tube of hand sketched drawing, and a plastic storage container with 6-3” binders completely laid out with my business plan. Needless to say they told me to come back when you reduce all that to about one inch. Funny you could see they were holding back their laughter? Long story short I said a lot of "F" words among others on my way back home. Totally "Pissed Off" I through everything in a corner when I got home and didn't touch for a month?

Now one month later and the pain staking process picking through everything to have it reduced to one inch in size. Absolutely painful but managed to condense it all. Now 9 months later and ready for presentation again. Now November 2004 I met with Andrew Campbell from Gowlings Lafleur Henderson LLP as a free consultation left my plan with him for review and met back with him January 2005, after reviewing my plan in detail he e-mailed me as to what I should do. He also e-mailed me an attachment with a non-disclosure for my protection in meeting potential associates. Finally, something that was positive and where the NDA signals that I had something of interest. Now considering my next move I saw this gentleman on line and made a cold call to him, as he stated clearly on the phone "If It Is Dot-Com He's Not Interested", so I told him "NO" it is manufacturing and skills training and it doesn't get any better than this, long pause, okay, and invited me to come and see him? Now February. 2006 Met with Matthew Gaasenbeek III Chairman Northern Crown Capital Inc. 40 years experience in management consulting and corporate finance, both in Canada and Internationally. For 11 years he was Senior Vice President of Midland Doherty now Merrill Lynch Canada, was President of a public mining company, sat on numerous corporate, government and non profit organization boards, particular in the environmental field. Sounds Like a Reputable Person? After his review and comments, referred me to a number of people. He told me to edit my plan, print up some business cards, and recruit a Strong and Powerful Board of Director First, and then the business plan. A missed opportunity if only he wasn't winding down his business at that time it may have been different. However, a very positive meeting and now thinking "How In The Hell Do You Recruit A Strong And Powerful Board Of Directors?

2007 - A strong supporting article for what I am Proposing.  After viewing the speaking notes “Skills; the Key to Canada’s Competitiveness” of the Honorable Perrin Beatty President and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, on October 24/2007 at Telfer School of Management, at the University of Ottawa. Note; In this new institutional development, "we have achieved in developing and addressing all points of interest stated by Perrin Beatty; Surprisingly Lower Cost to Students; Enhanced Coordination of Business Needs; a Unique Training Regime; Opportunities in Skilled Trades; Completely Encourage Labour Mobility; Created Specialized Training; and Captured a Unique Approach to Obtain Older Workers and their Knowledge and Skills”. NOTE; We have also addressed a unique alternative process for those with other interest such as higher learning that also addresses a, "Surprisingly Lower To "NO" Costs To Students".

Note; How interesting it is to have addressed the concerns stated above and "Mind Boggling" the lack of attention WHY? Must have something to do with having a Strong & Powerful Board Of Directors as stated earlier, or the competitive nature of what I was presenting?

After a couple of years running around I finally came across some "REAL" positive inroads. Met with Mike Arndt of Graham Mathew & Partners LLP Chartered Accountants October 2008 where he said he would review my plan. Met back with Mike on December 2008, his response was "QUOTE" THOMAS, you have developed a truly remarkable idea that would be of great benefit to the skilled-trades sector of our economy, especially in these trying times. Indeed, it is this type of vision that is difficult to find these days and you should be commended for undertaking such a valuable project. Now that was positive and accelerating news "WOW" what a relief knowing that I am still on the right track. Joined the Chamber of Commerce in March of 2008, engaging in December 2008 at the Last Chamber after hours of the year at the Galt & Country Club, being encouraged to meet John Tibbits President of Conestoga College. I introduced myself to him and briefly told him what I’m doing, followed up with an e-mail to him with some information about my business and to meet with him. On January13/2009 Met with Mike McClements Executive Dean at Conestoga College a follow up from the e-mail I had sent John Tibbits. The conversation was short and sweat, where Mike made it very clear that I was their competitor and I was on my way. I did ask if they would be interested in a partnership with me “no”. So I took that as a Huge Compliment. (Must Have Been The NDA)? January 2009 Met back with Yves Richard from the (IRAP) "National Research Council of Canada, Industrial Research Assistance Program" he said it was a great plan and that I need to get Stakeholders on board and that at this time he can’t help me but later on he could. After a number of years working the neighborhood and surrounding communities I had contacted a person from this Institution in March 2009 Contacted BDC after viewing my e-mail information the person view point was that it looks like I have been getting the run around and that I should seek help outside this community. Well now that was not something I wanted to here Completely Disheartening? I've Been The Circle Jerk Some Would Say.


However, from supporting cold calls, achieving positive evaluations, numerous referrals, Incorporating PH. Industrial the practical side of this institution August 2009, and registering the name of the College side with the MTCU Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities through the (PCC) Private Career College Branch October 2008, including registering the college business name. All of which would lead to this new Unprecedented (TDA) Training Delivery Agent for Canadians. Clearly, now more than ever I can understand the need of a Strong and Powerful Board of Directors First, Partnerships, and Stakeholders.

Here we go again in 2008 and the frustration continues once again, laid off indefinitely after 20 years being a Maintenance/Welder/Fabricator only to find that the system in play still continued to hamper the same situation I experienced my self many years earlier. Requiring a fast track refresher which “Does Not Exist” and getting into the local college was so long. Therefore, having to access a small private college outside of my own community for a quick refresh which turned into having to take their 4 month program, best I could get on short notice and disheartening from the practical side where they could not even address the level of skill requirements I needed. Which led me to reach back in thought from years past on technical applications and technique. 2009 back chasing work up to 2010? Remember what I mentioned earlier “experience gained is experienced earned” my son and his wife saw an add on line for a Welding Instructor at the same local college that kicked me to the street. I applied along with a very respectable reference letter from the time I spent as a Technologist/Instructor years before, they reached out to me and I gained the position within their Pipe Welding Program. Job Six - However, coming to know that the contract was short in duration due to costs typical (?) required me to remain on the hunt for work. Job Seven - After applying for a “B” Pressure welder opportunity in Alberta, away I went for another short term contract that led to a long term 1-1/2 years in the Alberta Oil Patch now 2010-11, followed by another year in a Saskatchewan Potash Mine 1 mile underground 2011-12.

Again back in Ontario about to address another short refresh of skills intending to go back to the Oil Patch. Job Eight - Driving by from refreshing my skills day and considering the UA, I stopped by and managed to obtain their test, employment, and membership with the (UA) United Association of Plumbers & Pipe Fitters 2012. The most interesting thing now many years later is it would have been nice if I was introduced to the UA years earlier. However, from 2012-17 I had achieved more interesting work to broaden my scope of skills experience and understanding which also included 6 months of Sleeving work on our existing Pipe-Line Systems. Followed by 3 months of studying and achieving a level 1 CSA W178.2 Welding Inspection. Job Nine - Now once again November 2017, in between jobs through the UA, I had a call from a company from an application I sent out a year past. Always interested, so I engaged in their interview, test, and gainfully employed myself, the most intriguing thing about this employment was the shift offered to me and the hours of work. Which allotted me in creating a great deal more time pursuing my initiative by developing many more articles supporting and promoting this new institutional development creating greater opportunities in, skills, training, and education for all in North America. It is now where I remain today.

"Remember Playing It Forward Embraces Our Future"

Now 2024, Sitting on the Bank of the "River Compromise" Looking for others to assist in the Fishing for the Goodness that still lives in our Treacherous Waters. Which would helpful in the development of this New Private Unprecedented Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical College University Development, designed to Inspire Industry and the People. In doing so we would be securing our future for the Next Generation of Intelligence. Nothing here will be "Artificial" only all original.

In Addition To My Story Above Here Are Some Other Related Comments, Links, and Articles

NOTE: There is “No Other” existing company, college, or university development offering this type opportunity to the people as we intend to do in our “Real” World Class Industry Based Vocational Technical College University Development that includes Higher Education throughout this Sustainable Development. If it sounds “Competitive” to others “It Is” for all the right reasons.

Note: Years ago, throughout my research had come across an inspiring article that corresponded with what I'm developing. Thought for sure Industry would have picked up on this? "But Didn't".

Note; Remember in the beginning of this article where I said there is always something you takeaway from what you experience, it was in the volunteer process of the shoveling sequence that I took with me to be applied years later within this New Private Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical College University Development. Also expressed within one of my many other articles that I had posted throughout my 10 years on LinkedIn, which I called the H.O.P.P.E.R. System. Meaning; Human Opportunities of Principles, Practices, Education and Recruitment”. After being removed from LinkedIn during the "Covid-Caper" from posting things they didn't like left me scrambling what to do now? Which led me to creating my own website where all my articles are now reposted for you to view. However, I am now ramping up awareness on Alignable a Small Business Network, where I continuously pursue Advocating and Promoting the opportunities that this new institutional development will create for all those concerned.

Pure Chance: What were the odds of me being dedicated for 3 decades driving me forward tenaciously over the years creating opportunities for others to benefit from. I guess I could express that simple by what I have said from time to time on other various platform's "I Share Because I Care". Even one of my long time friends said to me that they would have thrown in the towel long ago.

FACT - Socialism and Socialist Enterprises Produces Poor Quality at High Prices. Clearly, acknowledges that fact today, and that the Quality of Education has gone way down but costs are rapidly accelerated?

Note; These 5 articles and comment are displayed throughout my many articles all worth reviewing?

  1. GLOBE & MAIL APR.21/03 UNIVERSITIES/ENGINEERS – Mr. Armstrong – An apprenticeship can teach the practical over the theoretical and give them a lasting employee’s eye view of the organizations. “Organizations have to become their own “Universities”, he said. They “Can’t Rely” on “Academic Institutions” to “Deliver in Graduates all Business-Related Skills They Need”. Work term projects are not enough. Mr. Armstrong attributes the Reluctance of Engineer to embrace change to their training. Engineers saw posing challenges to change. By Mr. Stephen Armstrong AMGI Management Inc. a licensed Professional Engineer.

2. AD&P February 2005; are you experienced?

3. AD&P February 2005; Four years into a bachelor's program, possibly another couple in graduate or professional school, and suddenly you’re on the fast track to a fulfilling and profitable career. This is the general thinking, but most university BA and B.Sc. graduates often find themselves saddled with thousands of dollars in cumbersome student debt.

4. Stephen Deloitte, a Toronto-based partner at Deloitte Consulting LLP. (Globe & Mail, Mar.23/05, "War for talent requires new strategies”)?

5. An article written by the University of Ottawa economics professor Gilles Paquet in the latest edition of Policy Options magazine!

Competition & Competitors; "Absolutely" do exist such as our Public Universities and Polytechnic Colleges, Training Institutions, Private Institutions, and Organized Labour such as Unions. Note; to Organized Labour this institution may be seen as a "Benefit or Competitor" a choice to their members perhaps, as possible employment, or on a recruitment basis outside of their own?

Note: CFIB- Canadian Federation of Independent Business: November 28, 2018. Over $1.5 Trillion in business assets will be in play over the next decade, as nearly three quarters (72%) of small to medium sized businesses intend to exit their business, according to a new survey by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business. These often family-run businesses make-up almost half of the Canadian economy, and the changes could disrupt two million jobs across the country, the CFIB says.

How coincidental June 27/2021 this article below was posted and now in review they state, “This article was posted 3 year ago. Some information may know longer be current”?

This one I like and is interesting, it reflects what I said about the "FRENCH" Laurentian University? They went into CCAA Bankruptcy Protection came out of it? And now our Government tied off that "Loop Hole" so now know other institution can? "Coincidence Perhaps"? Must be a "French Thing"? Now We Wait For The Domino Effect?

Isn't this one interesting, perhaps there will be some interest for this new development?

So, if you have "NO" student debt when finished your skills development, or education. Would that not be an asset considering what's being expressed here in this institutional development.

If the Oil & Gas Industry does influence Universities for Higher Learning? They should put their sights upon a new Influencing Institutional Development that offer a great deal more?

Old news is good news so when do we begin.

Debt is an option, but not necessary when an alternative addressing that particular narrative can be resolved?

Obviously we need an alternative to our post-secondary education.

Interesting how ship building has become an interest.

"WAKE ME UP BEFORE YOU GO GO" - "THERE WILL BE A NEW INSTITUTION FOR YOU TO GO GO I just love seeing how everyone just accepts this insanity and ignores an alternative.

What happen was clearly a compromising approach I would say and fully intentional.

As expressed here Fitness, Exercise, Nutrition, Health, Food, has become a great concern exciting is it not?

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