From an Initiatives Officer of FED/NOR Regional Operations July 2009. Stating in your efforts to start a new private vocational technical college that can offer degrees as well as diplomas you are indeed breaking new ground. Many European counties have incorporated a different sense of balance between what we call in North America trades and professions. Below, Frank Stronach voices himself. And for good reason? European countries such as Switzerland, Germany, France, Sweden and Italy are all exporters of world-class products. These products include BMW and Siemens from Germany, Ferrari and Ducati from Italy, Cartier and Michelin from France, Kuehne + Nagel and Schindler from Switzerland, and Electrolux and Husqvarna from Sweden. These brands as well as other quality products from Europe are synonymous around the world with state-of-the-art engineering, technical precision and know-how, and reliability.
So what have we learned Canada? Let me be very, very, clear what the countries above have proven is a system that worked for them? However, now the comment stated above from the FED/NOR Officer stating that we are breaking new ground where this new Private Industry Based Non-Tradition Vocational Technical College Development will be able to offer degrees, diplomas , and so much more? ("Yes Indeed including a Rapid Accelerator with a Strong Achievable System to become a University as well")? But Europe could never have achieved that well-deserved status if it weren’t for its outstanding trade and technical skills training. So now let us ask ourselves what is innovation, is not breaking new ground or is it the ground breaking that disrupts the mechanization of our existing monopolization of control within our Public Institutions. Where this new institution puts the control, ambition, and effort, into the hands of the people creating the opportunities that our country requires. Now let us take this to the "Next Level Canada" and ask yourself, if this new college development was a technology company breaking new ground, the Investors, Industry, and Governments would be throwing billions at our feet? But when it benefits the people "The Breaks Are On".
As Frank Stronach mentioned, where I also believe Canada should create a technical trades learning program as well. However, I do believe inspiration and opportunities will drive forward this new college foundation being presented. Not “COPYCATTING” some other culture with know disrespect to the European Model. Perhaps some ethically disciplined values along the same lines as the programs throughout Europe only Canadian Drive with Canadian initiatives in mind. Yes their should be some exposure within high school students from Grades 9 through to 12 displaying a variety of different trades over the course of high school. However, the second option is for the many students that Drop-Out of school where I have stated before Drop-Outs after realizing that their intent now requires an alternative may want to Drop Into this type of college development.
Our approach is more of a direct approach in comparison applying for a trade learning program, such as what expressed here as in, auto, home construction, and restaurants. Exposure would include everything from food processing and baking to automotive mechanics and body repair, as well as all of the construction trades, including carpentry, plumbing, masonry and drywall.
Our Innovative approach will be uniquely motivated and disciplined as it was always intended. Our Provincial Government has an “ALL HANDS ON DECK” approach if only they actually new what they were talking about. What is REAL is that “You Are Either In It Or You Are Not” where a student will know right quickly if it for him or her and where the door opens and closes allowing those who really want an ambitious change in. This is a self driven "NO HOLDS BARRED" institution for the ambitious. A direct driving force for the thousands of students with the desire to pursue a trade or profession and or the many other in demand career positions that truly surround and intertwines the various industries that are in distress today.
The CIBC Deputy Chief Economist Benjamin Tal on the state of housing in Canada as stated in the second Link below. Noting that the job vacancy rate in construction is at a record high with approximately 80,000 unfilled jobs a problem that will only get worse. Since the percentage of construction workers nearing retirement is also at an all-time high. And while "Immigrants Used To Be A Significant Source Of Skilled Labour". NOTE: And so just what is behind all the Immigration if it serves know purpose to our economy only to Compromise us and them? There is an old saying that “We Need To Clean Up The House Before Our Guesses Arrive” but instead the government is going out of their way to bastardize the situation? The Federal and Provincial Governments all stated “Remember” throughout Covid-19 all their fast tracking of skills, and a goal of one million immigrants, we should be in abundance of skills by now, but wait this is what we got in the link below and "What About Our Own Homeless"?
Tal pointed out this is no longer the case when it comes to the construction industry.
So the trend having a shortage of workers, a looming retirement crisis and fewer young apprentices could apply to almost any trade. So the implications for the Canadian economy are dire. This is the most fabricated, disgusting, disillusioned, intentional comment I have ever heard, prove me wrong if you look at my research over the past 27 years, proves nothing more that pure Ignorance, Arrogance and Government Rhetoric. "That Fit The Narrative That We All See And Feel Today".
NO, the fact is, we’re graduating to many majors without a clue of the Real World, along side the short sighted intellects and politicians that think Critical Thought only come from their short sighted realm of intelligence and compromising initiatives. Many of these students are graduating with enormous Debt and Bleak job prospects because they lack any tangible, worthwhile skills that businesses and organizations are willing to pay for. “Hallelujah Huston We Are Breaking Ground On Truth”?
A college or university education is not for everyone, this is their now “Turnaround Excuse of Critical Thought "BS” the intentional game plan over 60 years of “Fudging It Up”. STOP The “BS” Young Canadians need the opportunities to build a good life, having a good start, to become knowledgeable of, and able to apply the term productive members of society. STOP The “BS” they have been “Out Rightly Shafted” not a watered down disservice. They have been provided with a Leash full of “BS” and the Ultimate Lack in providing Direct Opportunities that creates a good start and family, and to purchase a home. A rewarding career working as a tradesman is a one of the many, many other great opportunities that surrounded and are intertwined as stated within the world of industry which our youth know absolutely nothing about.
Our societies intellects, corruption, and politicians had their "Big Win" leading to Canada’s Stagnant Economy. But yet our Universities and Polytechnic Colleges are all loaded up with International student and gouging them all the way to the bank in the process. Young Canadians with drive, who want, and have the ambition, looking for the same opportunities and a quality of life that previous generations enjoyed. It starts with a real Work, Earn, Learn, system of opportunities where the world of Manufacturing and Construction Trade Careers as one possibility can be provided along side the many other positions professional or otherwise. And that’s exactly what we will be promoting and delivering within this new ground breaking college development.
Here we have a few more takeaways from another earlier posting from Frank Stronach.
How interesting is this quote; it supports my research of the past 27 years of Government RHETORIC. In a pre-budget submission prepared by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) in fall of last year, the national accounting organization urged the federal government to act on a Canada Revenue Agency task force report issued in 2011 that identified 61 areas where government could remove regulatory burdens on small businesses. Turns out it was nothing more than another government report collecting dust? More than a decade has passed, and nothing has changed in terms of the paperwork and compliance Canada’s small business and startups get saddled with. Aside from the rules that safeguard human health and regulations that protect our environment, government needs to get out of the way of small business. It’s high time we gave Canada’s small business owners the freedom and the space to do what business was meant to do: sell products and services that people want and need, create jobs, and generate economic wealth.
"I chose not to elaborate upon one of the Links in Frank Stronach's posting from the WEF, simply because of just how interesting things have developed and was predicted as stated below by the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada. This was in 2005 quite the planned (Crystal Ball Scam) State Of The Art affairs as we are all witnessing today"?
Economic Development; The Certified General Accountants Association of Canada observed that no labour growth is expected from 2016 to 2025. (Canadian Business Magazine, March 14-27 /05). Trudeau and the Gang?
How interesting is this, don't Canadians know how to run a convenient store and gas bar, or a fast food service restaurant? Interesting how Mr. Stronach elaborated upon the 2011 Canada Revenue Agency Task Force Report? Collecting Layers of Government Rhetoric Dust.
This is an "Open Door For Businesses Considering Succession Plans" provided they match our interest in our Canadian Development Initiative. To the owners that want the best for their employees with their long term of recognition and for their great efforts. Just might embrace a thought of a Win, Win, opportunity for the owners and the employees and Canadians?
More than 40 per cent of the owners of small to medium – sized businesses – about 400,000 people – plan to retire in the next five years, yet only about one-third have formal succession plans like Mr. McKenzie, according to a survey released yesterday by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB). These often family-run businesses make-up almost half of the Canadian economy, and the changes could disrupt two million jobs across the country, the CFIB says, “This isn’t only an issue for businesses; when you see the magnitude of people that are planning to do some form of succession over the next five years, that could have a real whack on the economy and not a good one if not handled properly”. Two-thirds of the 4,300 people surveyed by the CFIB said they felt it was too early to plan for succession, while others indicated they had little time to deal with such issues and found the whole process too complex. Seventy per cent of businesses that don’t have a plan go under. The survey has prompted the CFIB to recommend the Canadian government raise the lifetime capital gains exemption to $1-million from $500,000, partly to cover inflation and also to reassure owners who plan to sell their businesses as a way to generate retirement income. (Globe & Mail, June 14/05, 'Succession Issue Looming, CFIB Warns')
And here in this report by Gilles Paquet stating the Underlined? Now is the time for a New Ground Breaking College Development for Canadians. Wake Up Canada.
An article written by the University of Ottawa economics professor Gilles Paquet in the latest edition of Policy Options magazine! Canada, he wrote in the magazine, is plagued by social rigidities that prevent it from adapting smoothly and quickly to meet the new (economic) challenges. Such as an aging economy is marred by decline in risk-taking, clinging to old techniques when new and more economical ones are available, resistance to rationalization (and) a propensity to feather bedding. Business groups, chief executives, economists and, most importantly, David Dodge, the Bank of Canada governor, have sounded warnings regarding Canada’s laggard productivity growth. Statistics Canada reported the country posted its worst performance in almost a decade. Productivity is a key economic measure that determines the amount of output produced per unit of input. Productivity growth leads to lower prices for manufactured goods, which in turn translates into increased purchasing power for workers. Mr. Paquet attributed the failure to deal with productivity two key factors. First, a strong “anti-economic-growth” sentiment in Canada fueled by moralists, environmentalists and other crusaders who have denounced the so-called cult of efficiency. And second, a failure on the part of elected officials to underline the importance to Canadians of productivity growth. “Leaders must be educators, persons called upon to reframe the citizens views of the public realm”, the economists wrote. Most officials in Canada have been passively recording the results of opinion polls, has not shouldered their responsibility as “preceptors” altering citizens to the importance of productivity gains and innovation. However, international competition – particularly from the emerging economies of China, India and Brazil – will force Canada to focus its attention to productivity. Productivity growth will not be generated by edicts of governments, the article states. They will emerge mainly from the threat of foreign suppliers and will be the result of a change in the nature of industrial organizations. Canadians will have to wake up to this realty.