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Writer's picture: neweconomics2003neweconomics2003

Updated: Feb 28, 2024

In response to a Globe & Mail Article Aug. 16/17 called - Is Ontario Facing A Shortage Of Skills, Or A Lack Of Investment?

At the start of this original article as stated, where cataclysmic (meaning disastrous) in regards to Skills Mismatch, Skills Gap, Over Educated, Under Adapted, and or Over Credentialed. As a Canadian having indulged in a great amount of personal research over many years to provide a Unique System which seems to have become a "Stalemate" in Investment, throughout our Advocating & Promoting of it? Industry, Education, and Government all thinking that Higher Education and their Boasting of Intelligence have all the answers to produce workers who are better suited for today’s work force. “Awe" The Critical Thinkers”? When Higher Learning has their heads in the clouds, they can not see their way and if Industry is looking up to Higher Learning for answers they too can’t see the forest for the trees, like stand above or below an open umbrella either one can see what's required? Certainly, something grounded that Canadians would know?

Now that we have Complete Clarity upon how and what they know (And What We Don’t) as what's best suited for today’s work force, yet they have been working on it since 1960 with know success? Experience, has always been and will continue to be best suited for today’s workforce? Skills Gap, Skills Mismatch, Over Educated, Under Adapted, Over Credentialed, and the positions that go unfilled because employers have trouble finding workers with the right Hard Skills, Soft Skills, IT Skills, Stem Skills. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics a foundation implemented from 60 years ago and it’s nothing new just another format with the addition of Technology applied skills”, now becoming the standard norm. Writing Skills, Presentation Skills, Punctuality Skills all a discipline or Can-Do-Attitude, these are all grade school fundamentals. Discipline, values and knowledge which starts in the home? Can-Do-Attitude is the development of Show, Tell, and Apply. The analogy is a simple one until Higher Learning is applied, again to solve the problem, where Government, Employers Hiring Consultants, Industry Associations, including the Chamber of Commerce. All 4 unfortunately (my perspective) most likely haven't seen the ground or ever did understand where it is? A direct progressive, process of product, people, and profession truly a rooted meaningful and practical solution? "We Need To Close The Umbrella to succeed"?

The Blame Game; The Brag & Boasting formula within the Realm of the Pundits that can’t fix a simple problem but will Cry Foul and Point Fingers when questioned “WHO” is accountable? The Skills Mismatch, blamed upon the divergence between, supply of workers, and demand of employers. Derived in the early 1960s when government turned their backs on vocational which was the foundation of society, where instead they stated we will get them from abroad? Which led to the collapse of our deeply embedded foundation of our skills development system and continued to be phased out over time. What grew out of that was our existing Institutions full of (International Students Today) and where an enormous amount of student debt was and still is created. Now 63 years gone by our existing embedded system that was deliberately altered? "My Own Personal Thoughts". However, the results of the “Mainstream Economic Theory” has come to this question? “What seems to be “Resoundingly Impossible” are the many Educators, Policy Makers, Investors and even the General Public when being challenged to “Adopt a New Paradigm Shift” that’s beneficial to all Canadians addressing Education, Skills Training, Apprenticeships, Entrepreneurship, Career Alternatives and so much more”. Truly, their is a number difference between generations to fill in the up coming void. (Their are approximately 10.7 Traditionalists and Baby Boomers in Canada and their is only 6.8 Genxers Thus we have 41% of the work force that needs to be replace by 26% of Genxers do the math). Regardless, of the supply, demand and economic theory, passing the torch will become a great challenge but continuously compromised by our so call “Critical Thinkers, Pundits, And Government” who seem to be the only ones with a solution? "Such An Illusionary Group, Or A Predictable One".

With our already inflated world and where our Pundit Leaders are conveniently pushing for higher wages? Companies with labour intensive work will most likely find Alternatives such as machines or some type of (Advanced Manufacturing & Automation) to fill in the void? For the people, even as ambitious people strive to acquire those in demand skills associated with higher pay it always "Requires the Experience Slap in the Face". Hire an entry-level person and trained in house for their required specific skills (Perhaps) sometimes called employer investment? Or Pay more out of pocket to be Trained in and for those specific skills themselves. An Industry Sponsored solution, a Directly Integrated Institutional System that can and would be an asset to Canadians hands down with no "illusion" just a solution. Life long learning is not just university or college specific, life long learning applies itself throughout life, such as the institution presented here, an original practically applied prerequisite of programs for today's career development. For the unpractical this unique college development would be able to provide training for firm-specific skills, all part and parcel for companies in question. Firm-specific skills need to be acquired in the context in which they would be used. “Absolutely”. However, by ignoring the costs of higher education, within this new State of the Art, Unprecedented Non-Traditional Private Industry Based Vocational Technical College (University) Development will become an asset for industry, students and our economy. We have all come to realize that the Crystal Ball Curriculum Developers are Academia? Where the “Golden Grail of Critical Thought” have corralled us all into their ways of thinking for years. Shaping Conditions, Identify Skills in their best interest of what, and will be needed in 10 years? "REALLY" Perhaps the mentality of those running the companies today are all on that same page stating, it would be asinine to expect higher education to reliably predict the future when those running companies come from those institutions "Of Critical Thought" where they too can't reliably predict the future either? Just look at the world we are in right now?

Evidence upon the alleged skills mismatch is confusing stating it does not support such a claim. However, there was no claim of an overheated labour market phenomena from 2017 and now in 2023 reflecting the past 36 months I find it very interesting as to what has evolved? In 2017 pay rates were not skyrocketing, interesting how things have accelerated over the course of 36 months? Firms aren't going out of business because they cannot find enough skilled workers and the data often doesn't substantiate the claims. Interesting just how things changed in 5-6 years. Cases which do provide information about employers' training practices stated here in the Canadian Chamber of Commerce's 2013, "Up Skilling the Workforce" Employer-Sponsored Training and Resolving the Skills Gap, one of the more level-headed reports," they reveal that employers are actually spending less and less on employee training?

What seems to evolve around the "W5" Who, What, Where, When, Why & How? Where W.O.R.K. or the meaning of such "Willingness to Obtain Real Knowledge" regardless of education, skills, training, or higher learning if you do not Comprehend the meaning of work or what is expected of you, you will be working the Unemployment line? Work is truly a therapeutic, focused, results oriented, process of knowledge and accountability. Which applies to all levels of class, status, or position and where some may expect more than others. Practical, the bare essentials aligning experience with applied applications of delivery that correspond with the many other components in industry. Concerns today apply to the Students and Parents and their out of pockets costs?

This New Private Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical College development can and will provide industry specific skills and training related to the many functioning requirements of many companies. Also in this Private Competitive Integrated Industry Based Non-Traditional College, which will rapidly develop into the Higher levels of Polytechnic College status including University. PH. Industrial Incorporated & Phate Vocational Technical College Development where the true meaning of opportunities and experience exists. Uniquely working together, both creating a solution (Not An Illusion) to the ongoing Mix & Match of Professional Processes, Delivering Skills, Skills Training, Skilled Trades Training “Uniquely Designed From Apprentice Through To Journeyman”, Education, Alternative Career Delivery and a Unique Approach to Higher Learning where we leave out costs apply ambition, through a Work, Earn, Learn System?

Now my answer to the question of "Shortage of Skills is the Lack of Investment"? I would say both, a shortage of good skills development opportunities, and the demographics expressed above that speaks for itself, people will be coming up through the generation gap, change will come and they will have to apply and adopt themselves accordingly as they appear. Their contributing factor will be their work ethics, ambition, experience, and seeking out those opportunities that benefit them directly. Lack of Investment, Traditional Institutions supported by government and the gouging of the International student for them to survive, "Meaning" the illusionary machine still need to be fed$. Becoming a Private Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical College (University) development leaves us out of the Easy Please(y)$ Funds that the "Critical Thinker Institutions" survive on. Partnerships, Stakeholders, Industry, and Investors all demand results. This now becomes the Real World of Work, Earn & Learn the true meaning of Competitive Accountability. Founding this much needed Innovative Progressive Process of Product People and Profession being proposed would become a great start for Canadians moving forward into creating our solutions. Creating a Foot Print not just in Ontario but Nationally for Canadians.

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