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New 3 In 1- Private Non-Traditional Industry Based College University Development.

Writer's picture: neweconomics2003neweconomics2003

Updated: Nov 21, 2024

Here is another earlier posting I just up-graded from 8/19/2017. The Big Picture - Ray Dalio Founder of Bridgewater Quote; "Indicators of the cost-effectiveness of education are lacking and correlations of the factors with subsequent growth don't exist, at least to my knowledge. "That is Dangerous" For example; if "Policy" makers simply educate people without consideration of the costs and paybacks of the education, they will waste resources and make their economies less productive even though we will become more educated people." A New World Class Skills Training & Educational College, that supports our Unprecedented Non-Traditional College to deliver the talent and help build the infrastructure that is required? However, this New Private Non-Traditional Three In One possibilities "College-University-Polytechnic Institution” development if you will, or an "Industry Based Polytechnic College University" would assist in delivering World Class Skills, Skilled Trades, Education, Career Alternatives with a unique approach to Higher Learning. In addition, we can alleviate the "Rising Costs of Tuition, Student Debt, where Student Loans and Defaults" that are putting Traditional Colleges and Universities under pressure to prove their true value? Keep in mind this new Competitive approach will not change their traditional agenda, we can only create other meaningful Opportunities in Training, Education, and Cost Alternatives to Tuition etc... Creating our Alternative Business Development by "Promoting and Advocating" our Skills Training, and Educational College Model for the development of Canadians today and tomorrow.

However, a meaningful delivery, opportunities, and our many other program developments and goals that one can achieve. Like Real World Work Ethics that is required in industry not found in Traditional Institutions, Professional Development within a Real Practical Working Environment which creates Experience not found in Traditional Institutions, Critical Thinking created and developed throughout every day work with every day solutions not found in Traditional Institutions. The goal of this Innovative Development is to build a strong Canadian Based-Innovation Capacity through Public, Private Investments & Partnerships where the taxpayers are not on the hook for another 60 years? And where Industry has the opportunity to capitalize on its human capital. "Innovation", here in Canada, traditional hands-off policies have failed to boost our weak record of innovation. Taking into consideration one area of concern, Skilled Trades, they apply innovation almost every day through problem solving creating without preparation in real terms making it work or "Critical Thought" also not found in Traditional Institutions.

Respectfully it is the Tradesman that is most likely to work in sink to assist and create, innovate, embrace, and adopt to the next generation of Technology. In order to make the first step which was often in "LOCKSTEP" with Tradesman Brothers throughout and within the organizations. Here we are again making a great leap forward. I have been approached and "Advised" some time ago the need to get in touch with Associations that support the Skilled Trade? Also the Ontario College of Trades that seem to have found a new menu, called “All Hands On Deck” under the Doug Ford Regime (A Nation Within A Nation), don't get me wrong the Liberal Party is worse and the bottom of the barrel is our NDP? Truly, I can't favor one over the other when what counts most is that of the people having greater opportunities to move forward in life. Sharing one of my Business Evaluations – Stating, you have created a remarkable idea that would be of great benefit to the Skilled Trades sector of our economy, the need of a Board of Directors, and the need to Partner with an Existing Accredited College or University "or" Create Our Own by finding and attracting those with knowledge of the inner workings of educational institutions which would be able to provide guidance on, among other things, the administration functions of developing curriculum(s) and running an organization of this magnitude. And the expertise of Industry Leaders that would be invaluable from both a business standpoint and a program development stand point to ensure that workers are acquiring the skills that employers need. Also the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) another Adviser, in review of this development some time ago suggested the need of Stakeholders. Contacted, Director of Skills Policies Canadian Chamber of Commerce - suggested in contacting the Construction Associations that represent that industry and the employers in seeking an interest. Once again I am Reaching Out to both to the Employers, Construction, and the Manufacturing Associations in gaining their interest. Lastly, but "First Adviser" a Former Senior Vice-President of Merrill Lynch Canada, stating the importance of acquiring and recruiting a Strong & Powerful Board of Directors First." Critical Thought, not required here considering the confusing stage of our country, the opposition, and the state of the world we are now in?

Wants, Needs, Experience, Employment, Formal Education, and Apprenticeship delivery for Canadians that teaches all including the skills to meet National Standards. And for those who dropped out of school could drop in and achieve their grade 12 and an apprenticeship at the same time. Industry, "Supporting In Bringing Back Manufacturing" and various other sectors, with job recruitment in mind, or perhaps a sponsorship creating less time between transitions for individuals and businesses. Creating our "Talent Strategy" stepping outside tradition with "Free Training, No Tuition, No Student Loans, No Debt" which employs a deeper understanding of our Parents and Students needs and initiatives in their abilities and ambition to succeed.

Young people have various bumps in the road that can hinder ones growth in starting out, opportunity is a great helping hand that can create personal sustainability and get them back on track. Statistically, one changes careers up to 5 times over a persons life. Creating that opportunity to change careers whether moving up in the ranks of Skilled Trades to Supervisor, Project Manager, Engineer or jumping ship into something completely different, that would be innovative in today’s world. Regardless of ones ambition, skills learned early and knowledge obtained will stay with you in creative thought know matter what direction life takes you and a great back up foundation for growth whether it may be higher learning or other and is truly up to the ambitious individual.

Remember, Innovation is an investment in Change, Choice, People, Manufacturing Skills, Advanced Manufacturing, Automation Skills, Skilled Trades, Research & Development in Product, People, and Profession. Embracing all the Technological Advances leading up to the 21st Century Drive forward. Putting meaningful opportunities back into the hands of the people.

Modernizing the Skilled Trades

Modernizing the Apprenticeship Act 2019 again, through another “Vision” it truly must be a politician's go to upon being elected. To get apprentices trained faster through competency-based courses and making use of skills that cross over through the trades. For those who have followed my articles will see the Rhetoric and the money spent over the past 27 years is phenomenal?

So here we are going to have a Leash put upon a whole lot of people, following the carrot, creating jobs with a single skill or process in some areas and I can tell you the chances of them moving forward are less than they were yesterday mostly because they become comfortable where they are at. Then when the economic down turn comes “And It Will” we will have a whole lot of people with a little bit here and a little bit there, in other words we have a whole lot of nothing and the people always loose in the end nice plan. So, it is a good thing that it is nothing more than a “Vision Correct” I hope? One way is in continuing to promote the trades as a viable option which all governments seem to have had difficulty in achieving. However, in creating a new foundation, a Non-Traditional College Culture in an environment to which they are to obtain their training, skills and education as needed. Developing another brainstorm from government that spans across multiple trades as it was once called “Cross Trading or Multi-Skilling” has been around a long time and we can see just how successful that turned out to be “NOT”? The Modular Skill Sets certainly sounds like an “Academic Driven Make Work Incentive Program Of Survival” for our traditional institutions with no disrespect to them they too have to earn a living?

The employers both Manufacturing/Construction want Experienced Skilled Trades people and they should have them, the requirement to master the scope of detailed knowledge is there for a reason. Employers say it is too lengthy, they want to shorten that time frame? It can be "Achieved" where the culture of Skilled Trades is maintained through a direct process of delivery and as far as the apprenticeship Drop-Outs are concerned they will continue to Drop-Out regardless if they are not fully engaged?

It is obvious that all this talk about innovation is nothing more than words. Diversified, is a Pivot Point in regards to an economic down turn, now we are talking about “Dual Skilled Trades” which is another achievable process. Lets talk Masonry yes it is an Art so is Welding, Plumbing, Sheet Metal, Electrical, and Painting, to name a few. Solution, a combined effort in reflection of the Dual Trades. The Dual System of vocational education and training is worldwide renowned and essentially still provides all young people with an opportunity to enter skilled employment and thereby taking responsibility for their life.

Now, lets talk about engineers with all that is being asked here, at one time it was a prerequisite to have a Journeyman back ground prior to entering into the disciplines of Mechanical, Electrical, and Civil Engineering which the curriculum still remains dormant within their archives. Obviously you would think Universities would call that Critical Thought? However, Engineering, a 4 year engineering internship after graduation with a Bachelors Degree, followed by 4 more years mentored by a professional engineer and mandatory for PEO to grant a license, consequently many new graduates never get licensed because they can't find a suitable job with a professional engineer as a mentor, because the employers are not forced to participate? Another approach to solve a problem for Canadians within this New College development.

Note: Do you think there is something missing in this example stated below?

“U.S. Engineers need hands-on training: GM/ U.S. auto makers could streamline their design process if American engineers were trained more like their Asian and European counter parts. We are actually training our engineers to be managers while the rest of the world trains them to be doers.” General Motors executive Bob Lutz said Asian and European engineers are trained in drafting and can draw a new design on the spot when they run into problems. U.S. engineers often need to call in designers to do the drawing and may take weeks to figure out a solution. He said. GM has been trying to combat the problem with a three year old program that trains engineers, including some in the middle of their careers, to do their own drafting. We can no longer afford to do engineering and design several times over around the world (Globe and Mail, April 14, 2005). Note: I hope they managed to correct the problem and I wonder how many other companies have a similar problem?

With complete clarity on what they are considering requires no guess work. However, the only thing that one of our previous government did right was in the name “The College of Trades” but as one government after another likes to wrap themselves up as the "Go To Achievers" in support of the people but we do seem to loose every time. And here we are 27 years later based upon my own personal knowledge and now it becomes a concern? Their is no quick fix although the Hype is enormous with all the government taxpayers "Marketing and Awareness Monies" which I am sure it too is costing Canadians an astronomical amount today. We are just a New Direct Innovative College Designed to help Canadians.

Creating and doing business with Phate Vocational Technical College designed as a Not-For-Profit, along side PH. Industrial Incorporated a For-Profit company has a “Specialty Benefit” the development of this college will have a “Sustainable and Significant Culture”. Notable; There is “NO” other Company or College development that exists today with Parents and Students Success in mind with No Tuition, No Student Loans, Now Debt.

"In this new college “We don't need to Guess the Future, We Build the Future Together

where the Hallways and Aisle Ways are filled with both "Blue-Collar & White-Collar Workers"

offering “Life Long Learners an Edge to Engage". From Academia to Practice-Based-

Training and everything in between where the worlds come together creating the Future of

Work for today and tomorrow”.

The answer to the paragraph below is "Absolutely"

Are universities becoming business-driven?

There is the mantra that 'universities are not business'. However, others believe that universities already had become business-driven and reveal that higher education institutions should agree and focus on improving their operation as applying business concepts. There are many arguments about the commercialization of universities while it has been a very controversial topic. Nature of academic institutions may be changed by commercialization in ways, and by trying so hard to obtain more money. Moreover, higher education is seen as a budget area that, unlike other government services, can compensate for cuts in-state expenditures. A typical and not incorrect assumption is that public colleges and universities have sources of funds, especially students and the tuition's they pay, that are not available to other government services. This assumption makes higher education vulnerable to cuts during tough budgetary times, when policymakers tend to focus on solving short-term issues rather than on addressing long-term needs. Unfortunately, higher education, in particular, becoming out of reach for a common man, not to talk about a poor man. Everybody deserve to acquire appropriate knowledge. As a result, universities may compromise values that are vital to the continued assurance and loyalty of faculty, students, alumni, and even the general public if they try too hard to make money. Should universities agree that they are becoming business-driven?

Nyamdavaa Byambadori - Mongolia - University of Life Sciences

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