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Writer's picture: neweconomics2003neweconomics2003

Updated: Sep 28, 2024






"A Solute To Our Canadian Founders, & Their Entrepreneurial Ambition".

This article document is based upon the needs of these two countries “Canada and the USA”. Through our dedicated work achieving this strategic development in supporting both countries with greater opportunities for the people and the dire needs of skilled labour expressed throughout our many blog articles.

What do we intend to address, shortages of skilled labour, student debt, apprenticeships, alternative career choices, and so much more. Developed to potentially attract various industries involvement. Phate Vocational Technical College University will be developed as a (Not-For-Profit) institution. Subsequently, addressing government(s) efforts of past and present, industry requirements, and our public colleges and universities long standing efforts and concerns achieving our labour shortages. Demographics, Construction, Manufacturing, Productivity, and our Infrastructure all of which reflects our economies growth moving forward.


An Introductory summary of Phate Vocational Technical College University development along side PH. Industrial Incorporated has been clearly expressed throughout our many blog articles creating the potential need to collaborate. Significantly, both PH. Industrial and Phate College University will work closely together creating ways worthy of attention.

Phate Vocational Technical College University and PH. Industrial combined will create a new Innovative approach to Education, Alternative Career Development, Skills & Training Opportunities all within our Private Industry Based Economically Developed System turning the corner for Change Today and Tomorrow.

Both Phate & PH. Industrials potential management will diligently build upon, and become open to negotiations looking into, acquisitions, joint venture and or partnership, also with existing accredited colleges and universities to accelerate our educational and vocational training initiative here in Canada and the USA. Phate College/University and PH. Industrial began putting together an innovative solution for this 21st century educational and vocational training system which intentionally, combines education including higher learning, throughout our vocational technical training strategies proposed dedicated over a number of years.

Conceptually, and initially this project will be orchestrated through Thomas J. Forbes Founder & CEO of both PH. Industrial Incorporated & Phate Vocational Technical College University Development. Working diligently alongside the required expertise and experience of all those involved in and required throughout these two uniquely designed developments. Also, initiating an interest in developing our new Interim Board of Directors assisting and nurturing the expertise in developing a liaison with Industry for growth partnership(s) and investment. Also noting, that there are some government programs that can be taken advantage of in our development stage through to completion.

First Stage of the Business clearly would be in the development of our Board of Directors overseeing our Industry and Educational platforms marring these two parties of PH. Industrial Incorporated and Phate Vocational Technical College University Development. Championed by Thomas J. Forbes through his years of R&D experience and dedication in the development of this new 21st century institution.

Working closely with new management and from both potential partnerships from Industry and possibly an existing Institution. “However, clearly expressed here there are two crucial groups of individuals that will be key to the success of PH. Industrial Incorporated & Phate Vocational Technical College University Development that should be included on our Board. Those with a background of the inner working of educational institutions will be able to provide guidance on, among other things, the administrative functions of developing and tweaking curriculum that fits into our programs schedule and running an organization of this magnitude. Also, since industry will be one of, if not the, key contributor of students to our program(s), the expertise of industry leaders will be invaluable from a business stand point and a program development standpoint to ensure workers are acquiring the skills their employer needs”. 

Common Questions For Like Minded Business Partnerships

Do you share a clear vision and common goals?

Is there enough trust and respect?

Is the value added by this partnership greater than the sum of individual contributions?

What are your shared values, and what do they mean?

Can you leverage their expertise, talents, and resources? Can they leverage yours?

What will each partner contribute, and what do they get in return?

Are they willing to share costs and risks?

Are they committed to following through with perseverance and a strong work ethic?

Will they act with integrity and have a high moral standard?

Can you communicate effectively in an open and transparent way?

Have potential risks/conflicts been considered and mitigated?

Have responsibilities been agreed upon, along with the division of profits?

Have you decided who can make which decisions and how they will be reinforced?

How will you fill in support functions, by outsourcing or hiring staff?

What are each partners’ financial contributions?

What is the cost structure and what are your income targets?

Are partners’ financial return expectations aligned?

Have they agreed to a written agreement, including an exit strategy?

NOTE: The “MOU” “Memorandum of Understanding”. The early stage non-binding agreement that sets the stage of each party’s intentions to take action in conducting a business transaction for Start-Up, in the form of partnerships. This being said reflects the collaboration that will be shared with all parties engaging in this development.

Strategically, we are cultivating a new growth Industry which will develop in having a strong influence upon the public by offering alternative educational goals and achieving greater opportunities. A new growth asset in support of the various industries across our countries.

Our combined efforts will build our Management Team which will accelerate our development where putting people first creates the ambition required in our threshold not yet crossed for decades. Creating the "Deep Smarts" as stated in the second article called AD&P February 2005. This can be viewed within our Blog Article called "NORTH AMERICA UNLEASED".

The intended initial offering is to partner with, or other as stated clearly in our “OPEN PROPOSAL” website to engage with interest in stimulating our countries industrial growth, and enhancing student institutional engagements. To invest alongside or partner with this uniquely designed development creating a much needed State of the Art Business Educational Career Oriented and Skills Training Institution.

Needless to say obtaining credibility with the (MTCU) "Ministry of Training Colleges & Universities" through an existing College/University partnership would indeed develop PH. Industrial & Phate College University rapidly and encourage greater industry engagement in this Alternative Institution that benefits the people, industry, and our economies.

NOTE: All eyes will be upon this new development where such experience and guidance is the ultimate goal in bringing PH. Industrial Incorporated and Phate Vocational Technical College University development to fruition.

Working together goes hand and hand with knowledge experience and technology, this creates a level playing field to which everyone will know and understand the prerequisite requirements throughout the transformation of this new institution, our students and the uniqueness as stated in our strength below.

Our Strength

Work, Earn, Learn

Mind, Body, & Soul

Health, Fitness, Nutrition

Focus, Fairness, & Financial

Skills, Training, and Experience

Change, Choice, & Opportunities

Education, Degrees, Higher Learning

Single, Dual, Trades, & Entrepreneurship

Get In, Get Out, and Get On with Your Life

Democracy, Constitution, Rights & Freedoms

NO, Tuition, Debt, Student Loans, No Holds Barred


Our "End To End" Progressive, Process, of Product, People & Profession embracing our Institutions Founding 5Ps. Clearly, expressed as an Unprecedented Non-Traditional Private Industry Based Vocational Technical College University Development. A New Direct Tailor-Made Industry Based Institution serving our "Next Generation" of Students, Business Growth, Entrepreneurship, and a solid Patriotic Democracy for the people.

If you abuse something intentionally from both sides domestic and foreign it then opens the eyes of a collaborated effort to compromise from both governments? My Thoughts.

I can understand funding to help but, all through this article I see nothing in regards of "HELP" meaning Fathers, or is this article pertaining to just single mothers?

Interesting times from those who created the gross International Tsunami in the first place?

For the most part, "DECADES" of rhetoric and illusions, with know real solutions?

Productivity is that of knowledge and experience gained by the opportunities that lead with a disciplined instilled work ethics. It's called "WORK" Willingness to Obtain Real Knowledge.

As the story continues, sounds familiar?

Intentional Unprecedented Gross Spending, comes from deliberate and intentional ability to compromise, and implementing wedges to continue the compromise after departure?

Indeed, there will be other more direct and student cost friendly institutions the will appear? "I Think I Know Of One" all in favor of the people.

"AWE" The Ship Building Sector of interest especially 1, sitting ideal and implying skills shortages, and 5 implying 100% tariff's? Also noted, there does seem to be an upswing in the needs for skilled labour, and how a new institution can and could be very useful.

I believe we have all 7 and more waiting for, as stated above in our proposal.

Funny how one tactic action or strategy carefully planned to achieve a specific end? One is expressed in the Link, the other is expressed in our "Open Proposal". Unions are not always required?

It should be a prerequisite to speak the language of the country you choose to study in? As expressed in our proposal above English will be a prerequisite in reading writing and comprehension and is predominate in North America.

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