Hello everyone, once again we are Advocating & Promoting in bringing forward a “Question”, a question of Choice and Opportunity. The sequence of issues and concerns presented in the links below have your personal interests and questions at heart. "Opinions Are Mine". Keep in mind that many High End Nationally Historical Institutions may not be effected in this chaotic world where others might? However, the system as we have all come to know, was built in their best interest not yours. For 60+ years they have had it their way, now you can have your way with us? So having it your way will be throughout our Innovative Alternative of Choices and Opportunities? Directly below the American Flag shows all that would be achieved throughout our New Alternative Industry Based Vocational Technical College University Development. What's unique is the fact that those who can will pay large for their "Elite" College or University of choice. Where others will now have another "Elite" Avenue not having to take second best? "Really" Thinking twice now about "REAPING THE BENEFITS THAT SERVE YOU BEST"?
This New Private Industry Based Non-Traditional Vocational Technical College University Development will quickly gain a National Equivalent in Education, Skills, and Training completely engaging in both S.T.E.M. programs, Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics. And our S.T.E.M. programs with Experience meaning; Skills, Training, Education, and Manufacturing where Experience counts. Definitely, & most importantly it's all about "YOU".
Our Strength
Work, Earn, Learn
Mind, Body, & Soul
Health, Fitness, Nutrition
Focus, Fairness, & Financial
Skills, Training, and Experience
Change, Choice, & Opportunities
Education, Degrees, Higher Learning
Single, Dual, Trades, & Entrepreneurship
Get In, Get Out, and Get On with Your Life
Democracy, Constitution, Rights & Freedoms
NO, Tuition, Debt, Student Loans, No Holds Barred
Below is a shared posting from May 2020 when we were on LinkedIn, a posting shared to Facebook.
Quote: "There is nothing more “REAL” than the Development of Product, People, Profession, and Experience. The value is in the opportunities transferred upon those who appreciate the value that ambition can bring. Success is in watching others develop their ambitions and what we bring to the table for them to succeed. Only through developing this new uniquely designed Institution and through this New Direct Private Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical College (University) developing a much stronger asset for the "People" outside our traditional pathways of delivery.
Nothing "Difficult" about having conversation with Industry about Foreign Workers? Or is it all the unnecessary infestation of immigration? There just needs to be an "Alternative" for Industry to embrace or an innovative change from Foreign to Domestic that benefits our country and culture. https://globalnews.ca/video/10489012/difficult-conversations-need-to-be-had-with-industry-on-temporary-foreign-workers-miller
I do find it interesting how the compromise continues from Pandemic-to a-Plandemic? And talk about waste treatment which is a cesspool of many bacteria(s) always been and always will be. But now to elaborate upon saliva-based pathogen surveillance capabilities, pathogens that might be present. $1.57 million to advance wastewater surveillance? "What A Spit Of "BS" funding? SCAM.
According to new research, 23 percent of bachelor's degree programs and 43 percent of master's degree programs have a negative ROI. Note; perhaps if their was a practical substance integrated into their programs just might be a Positive ROI instead of a Negative one.
Two things here "Smoke & Mirrors" One, many people are leaving other provinces because of corrupt government "BS" to something more stable perhaps. Two, the Population Growth is an infestation of immigration so say it like it is and it is creating our Federal governments compromising initiative of Havoc.
Elon Musk blasts obsolete education system for failing to reach kids: Note; How interesting and to think this new Institutional development would certainly step up in supporting a new process of delivery.
Math degrees are becoming less accessible—and this is a problem for business, government and innovation. Well now Un-Do what you have created and in doing so this New College University will emerge.
‘We need to go back to teacher-led explicit instruction’: Math expert: Note; Certainly wouldn't hurt considering where we are.
They created their own demise by not investing their own people rather than chasing a compromising Greed for Money? All intentionally fabricated to create where we are today.
Sparking and sustaining engagement for student success? Talk about self glorification where this new College University Development will engage students within an Alternative and more ways that benefit them.
"Ontario Universities" From leading research that will improve quality of life to training a highly skilled workforce, Ontario’s universities are paving the way to a prosperous future – one that is strengthened by university talent & innovation. Note; With all this Gloating Rhetoric being continuously regurgitated for well over 25+ years. TRULY students do need a strengthened alternative approach in creating talent.
We’re waiting to see who goes under first: Why universities are on the brink? Note; Although this is being expressed in the UK, we can't forget our own ground breaking "Exit Strategy" created with Laurentian University Ontario that went into Bankruptcy Protection to clear the path of the Domino Effect?
FIRST READING: The layers of grim news in Canada’s latest jobs report. Note; So "WHY & WHERE" are our life saving Colleges & Universities and all their Critical Thought "BS" I guess their still trying to create something "CRITICAL"? As they have done for the past 3 decades.
Canada's oil sands hub threatened by wildfire, sparking large evacuations. Note; The title expresses everything you need to know Canada's Oil Sands Hub.
In jobless Canada, student dreams end in debt and drugs. Note; How interesting for both Domestic and Foreign.
Conestoga is a foreign student mecca. Its climb to riches perhaps leading it off a cliff? NO CLIFF if anything just another planned greedy institution lining up for CCAA Bankruptcy Protection.
As more borrowers qualify for student loan forgiveness, incoming college freshmen are set to rack up $37,000 in new debt, report finds. Note; The viscous circle continues, I like our model better No Debt, No Loans, No Holds Barred.
Faculty union blasts ‘unprecedented’ 29 program cuts at Fleming College. Note; If the problem is Dire their is always Chapter #11 precedence has been set?
High school students accepted to Columbia saying 'no thank you' due to antisemitism: college consultant, Antisemitism reports leads aspiring college students to ditch Columbia as top choice. Note; Now that is putting one foot in front of the other, is it what Works for students not Woke for students? Interesting.
"AWE" The world of Policies, Policy this, Policy that, and than there is what we call a direct approach to education, skills, training, and experience, "Where's" your experience sitting at home Online Creating your self made "MASTER" must be one of those Critical Thought Policies.
International student cuts could force Sault College to suspend programs. Note; As I said about Fleming, the same applies here. Precedence has been set CCAA awaits for your decision Bankruptcy Protection.
Financial aid for colleges in chaos amid new FAFSA - Note; Just what would you do without "DEBT", most likely get your Mental Health Back. NO Stress, NO Debt, NO Holds Barred?
"LMAO" just a reminder of the "Alternative" where Precedence was created to save the institutions from their own Demise. CCAA Chapter 11 Bankruptcy protection.
Minus the "GREEN DREAM" Technical, Vocational, Education, and Training I can relate to.
Report: Cost of College, Stress Pushes Students to Consider Stopping Out
New survey data identifies trends among students who left college and those who are still enrolled but seriously consider leaving. Note; Debt, Stress, Opting Out, What is our institutions doing to our Brilliant young minds.
"AWE" the plan is in play Work, Work, Work, you Parents you don't need to retire? Posthaste: Canadian parents 'dreading' paying to send their kids to university
But many willing to put off retirement and take on debt to make it happen?
"O" Lord Have Mercy, The College Financial-Aid Scramble, Students are bearing the brunt of the disastrous FAFSA overhaul. That may affect where they go to college—and whether they enroll at all.