Hello everyone, Structure and the importance of it whether being Health, Work, Knowledge, Education, or Skills & Training. The rapid attraction of this new institutional development will bring forward Investments, Partnerships, and of course a New Cohort of Canadian students. And also for our neighboring country USA throughout this New Private Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical College University Development.

Structure What Is It: It's People, Industry, Education, Economy, Infrastructure, Skills, Training, Honesty, Integrity, the foundation of life throughout the opportunities one can achieve. Businesses operate in very different ways, all with unique challenges played by different roles in our economy. There uniqueness varies in size and influences the functions that impact our world of business.
Definition of S/M/L businesses. Where all 3 reflects a number of employees through “Turnover”, "Structure", "Economic Impact". All "Inspire Curiosity", creating an "Interest", including "Investment and Partnerships". This new State of the Art Unprecedented Private Non-Traditional Vocational Technical Institutional Development puts PH. Industrial Incorporated as the For-Profit "Company", and Phate as the Not-For-Profit "College, University", creating a whole new level by way of. "Improvisation" the ability to come up with ideas on the fly, while "Innovation" takes those ideas and turn them into something new and improved applications. Although being complementary, they are not the same. R&D involves creating new products and services and is the first step in the development process. "Innovation", on the other hand, is found in every field that adds value to Customers, Students, Employees, and Employers. Improvisation is understood as the creative and spontaneous process of attempting to achieve an objective in a new way. Improvisation as in and "Throughout Our Alternative For A New Radical Innovative Institution". Four Cs of Improvisation are: "Creativity, Critical Thinking, Collaboration and Communication". Prerequisite skills of improvisation are Listening, Supporting, and being Present. What's in our accelerator programs of delivery, perhaps Angle Investors, Venture Capitalists, Partnerships, and other fundraising methods to accelerate development and achieving cash flow for our Start-Up. As it was originally developed, PH. Industrial Inc's. "Shares" will translate into an investment/management portfolio ensuring quality leadership throughout this development along side strategic Partnerships and Stakeholders. In doing so, we will develop our Strong Board of Directors along the way for PH. Industrial Inc. and Phate Vocational Technical College University Development. Combined together creating a unique For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Institutional Development of Opportunities for the People.
Here we have small businesses “Operational" Less than 50 employees, independent and quickly adapts to market changes. There “Proximity Value” Local community driven with personalized treatment. They have "Limited Resources” and difficult to obtain financing and economies of scale. Their “Niche Innovation” is focused upon specific areas through owner’s needs and enthusiasm.
Medium size businesses have 50 up to 250 employees. Enthusiasm with combined elements and effort. With “Greater Market Scope” a middle management with a scope that's not limited to local, but not as engaged as large businesses. They “Balance Between Flexibility & Resources” where resources are greater than small, yet more flexible than large businesses. They also have a “Capacity For Innovation” resources to invest in R&D but specifically focused than that of larger businesses.
Large businesses have 250 employees and up, there're Nationally and Internationally focus with a significant influence on the economy. They can create “Large Scale Transactions” and operate in numerous regions and at a global level. They have a “High Capacity of Capital and Resources” and can obtain substantial credit, and can make high investments. They can be “Complex Structures" divided into numerous departments with hierarchical and bureaucratic structures. Focused upon “Strategic Innovation” and they are resourceful for large R&D projects and for acquiring state-of-the-art technologies.

The Combination
Numbers of employees, students encompassing this unique College/University management structure, amplifying a small to large market scope mentality, creating the capacity for innovation, R&D and financial stability. Intentionally driven to inspire the "Originality of our Human Intelligence" through our student engagement, embracing our new uniquely designed skills, training, and educational delivery, reversing the traditional flow of knowledge throughout our "Hourglass" of education, skills, training, entrepreneurship, higher learning, career alternatives, and more.
"Size is important in our economy".
The size of a business can determine its economic impact and responsibilities. Analyzing how each business contributes to the economy. Example: Small business engages as a, "Job Creation Engine, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Opportunities". Where Medium businesses have "Economic Growth Potential", and has an accelerated growth stage bringing new technologies and processes to the market. It also creates a bridge between S/L businesses by playing a crucial role in supply chains. Large businesses have greater "Economic Stability", their large size has greater resources and provides stability, where they can invest in important projects requiring economic and human resources. They also have a Global Impact in the world providing an important contribution to the GDP and international recognition.
Note: We are, and will become, all stated and more in the "The Combination" above.
When the Sands of the "Hour-Glass" are reversed metaphorical speaking, it would certainly create an interest to you, definitely "Inspire Curiosity", perhaps you would even try to diligently analyze it for answers? However, the downward flow of the "Hour-glass" certainly represents today's traditional system? Starting at they top with our long time institutional (Critical Thinkers) of today only to work your our way to the bottom after you "pay and indebt" yourself of course, then hopefully start and work your way back up through experience? "Reversing The Flow Of Tradition", this term being used would be in creating an ambitious "Incentive for Students, Creating Opportunities of Knowledge, Skills, Education, Health, Fitness, and Experience, all embraced within our Real World Campus. Embracing the Interest of the people, inspire the needs of Investors, and Industry. Combining PH. Industrial & Phate Vocational Technical College University will create an Innovative Work, Earn, Learn" system throughout our uniquely designed campus environment. Creating an alternative with a direct "No Holds Barred" approach where Canadians and our neighboring USA citizens can and would create a good start forward. Note: Over many years there seems to have been great lengths taken in keeping Governments needs above all & Societies needs below as in an open "Umbrella Effect" meaning a complete lack of insight of what our society requires. Closing the "Umbrella" opens a clear understanding of what the people, industry, students, economy, and our infrastructure needs to succeed. This new institutional development has a clear alternative understanding of what's needed?
Note: This is Heart Breaking, in the link below within our neighboring country, mind you we here in Canada are in the same boat. However, incentives, alternatives and solutions do exist and are definitely required. As stated throughout our continuous Blog Articles Advocating & Promoting for this new unprecedented alternative institutional development. "SO WHAT"S YOUR PASSION"
Note: Look Canada how "WE ARE NOT EVEN ON THE LIST" "WAKE UP CANADA" https://www.vanguardngr.com/2024/09/top-10-manufacturing-countries-in-the-world/
Note: Funny how our system has know Alternatives (Brings My Thoughts Back To Covid) only the one we all have to follow because alternative solutions are not addressed but required. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/2024/09/17/scrap-the-fee-cap-let-universities-compete/
Note: "AWE", the financial hardships continue, how often does it need to be said that we need a solution? Intelligence, doesn't evolve from your pocket by how much money one has, it's created by the ambition and the opportunities created to achieve and develop that intelligence. https://www.queensjournal.ca/graduate-funding-slashed-a-blow-on-equity-and-financial-necessity/
Note: Realizing that there is a strong push in play for something other, but the fact that here in North America we have an opportunity to correct and embrace the changes required? Alternatives do exist in making those changes?
Note: Government(s) to some extent holds our countries growth incentive "Purse" strings, where alternative solutions can help resolve the problem. "NOT", the intentional magnitude of Immigration and International students which never was a solution (My Thoughts) which Canadians have seen and felt first hand and around the world for the past 4 years. However, that is another story that will come to light another day?
Note: Interesting? However, Heath, Fitness, Career Alternatives, Education, Skills & Training, and the opportunities to succeed are all on the table called "Ambition"? "You Want It, We Got It".
Note: Really, this should be know surprise to our colleges? (Remember the Loop-Hole closed only after the French Laurentian University completed their "CCAA" Bankruptcy Protection)? However, perhaps the link below has certainly enlightened some possibility to our New Institutional Development.