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Writer's pictureneweconomics2003


Updated: Feb 26

Hello Everyone, "Please Share" and join me in my survey called; The Future of Work. Is “WORK”. Questions are in three parts, Students and Career Changers / Industry & Bring Back Manufacturing / Manufacturing Trends.

Your “LIKES, TWEETS, COMMENTS ETC…" are all welcomed or any other means acceptable in forwarding indicators in developing the final stages of this New Private Industry Based Non-Traditional Vocational Technical College+ Accelerator through to University status Development for you. To Educate, Create Experience, Earn Your Learn as in a Degree, Earn As You Learn in all of our programs, Learn as in Skills &Training, Apprenticeships through to becoming a "Journeyman Tradesman In A Fraction Of The Time" and Entrepreneurship. Creating the Knowledge and Experience that our Students, Industries and our Economy requires throughout all sectors to become a more competitive country.

Students & Career Changers:

1. Would a completely paid “Alternative College+ Accelerator Through To University Status” approach inspire you from the Norm of our Traditional Public Colleges & Universities, where there is "No Debt", No Student Loans, No Tuition, No Holds Barred, would this type of process be of interest to you?

2. The value of College & University remains important, along side Skill & Training through to Higher Education. It is not unreasonable in thinking of the return on investment especially today when students are deeply concerned with today’s inflation, rising costs on everything, student loans, tuition, accommodations, and the accumulated debt that contributes "NO" economic benefits of enrollment or after graduation. Would this new College+ development through to University be of interest to you?

3. Would a New Direct Cohort of Opportunities addressing Careers & Career Changers, Greater Opportunities, Experience through our "Real Results Oriented Programs" be of interest to you?

4. Ambition, is in all of us for all the right reasons, opportunities creates ambition, therefore, opportunities that reflect your career goal would accelerate one's ambition through our Work, Earn, Learn, process in turn alleviating debt obligations be of interest to you?

5. Does the future and the accelerated costs of Inflation/Deflation in achieving your Education, Skills & Training programs create a major concern to you and your next career goals?

6. Would a more Direct "NO HOLDS BARRED" Alternative approach in achieving a Skilled Trade in 26 to 28 months inspire you to consider a Trades as a Career, or at least a complete understanding "OF" and whether it is right for you? Programs of achievement will be very "Ambition Generated" programs addressing Experience, Education, Skill & Training. Would something of this nature be of interest to you?

7. Is “Debt With No Experience" an accepted process of delivery for your Career Goals today? If not would a more "Direct Practical Real World Alternative Approach" be of interest to you?

8. Would a Private Innovative College/University, requiring Assertive, Ambitious, Attitudes, with Self Discipline and Self Driven individuals that builds Integrity and your personal efforts that leads to character. If your mindset is in achieving Higher Learning, Skilled Trades, or the multitude of other Career Minded Goal Programs throughout this college accelerator that may inspire a change within yourself be of interest to you?

9. Revenue, the driver of ones personal bottom line to jump? Meaning if you are in a job or career that seems to have grown old but you are hesitant because of life’s commitments (Bills etc...)? Would an opportunity to help make that "JUMP" as in this type of educational and skills training facility offering so much more to create that decision be of interest to you?

10. Virtual Reality, "Really" their was an older Band called "Blood, Sweat & Tears" just in the tittle itself reflects the "Determination, Frustrations and Drive" required along side a number of the "Senses" that apply to the "REAL" world. When Virtual Reality benefits the “Student” it may be implemented where it is most applicable to that student? This New College (University) will continue to create Choices, Changes, and Experience, Driving Opportunities, and an eye opening experience just in our campus facilities alone? Would this be of interest to you and your Future of Work?

11. Do we need a New Private College development in Canada as a "Competitive Alternative" to our existing Canadian Public Universities and Colleges? Would this be of interest to "YOU" and your career goals addressing the Future of Work?

Industry: Bring Back Manufacturing

Manufacturing's simple equation among many sectors; Labour + Raw Material + Capital = Production.

1. Skilled Labor Gap: With a generation full of skills entering retirement, the manufacturing industry is witnessing a looming labor shortage? By the year 2025, there will be around 2 million to 3.5 million unoccupied manufacturing positions. Thanks to the advent of new technology, manufacturing firms find themselves in less need of employees? However, they need workers with different sets of skills. Specific tasks around manufacturing have been automated. Machine sensors have become common in the industry. They are utilized to collect significant amounts of information. With this kind of innovation, the job make-up in the industry is shifting. Manufacturers now require workers with top-tech skill sets. They need employees that are proficient in mathematics and own an analytical mind. The desire for an unskilled and trainable workforce that was embraced some time back is slowly shrinking as innovation has become more prevalent. An advance in the augmented reality sector, combined with virtual reality, is making it effortless for manufacturers to train on the job and also cut on the costs. One of the biggest manufacturing challenges faced by the industry today is the lack of skilled workers. According to a survey conducted by the Manufacturing Institute and Deloitte Consulting LLP, approximately 22% of skilled manufacturing workers (almost 2.7 million valued employees) will be retiring within the next 10 years. In addition, another 700,000 workers will be needed due to industry growth. The combination of an aging workforce and growing population has led to this difficulty. To overcome this challenge, there are a few options manufacturers could consider – including Programs to develop your lower-skilled employees into more valuable workers. Communication and planning ideas aimed at keeping some of your older highly skilled employees around past the date they might otherwise choose to retire.

Note; In the above I have learned not to believe everything written? For the most part they talk a good story as you might have already seen in our other articles. So the means of a "New Competitive Educational Skills Training College Development That Would Accelerate Rapidly to University Status Would Certainly Be Innovative" but continues to be ignored? However, rather then making Entry-Level Hiring Less Risky, Productive, and Profitable by creating the resources required and available for the many companies to sponsor and recruit for those who maybe interested in an apprenticeship program as an example or the many other careers not found in our traditional system. Therefore, a more Direct Private Industry Based Vocational Technical College/University Institutional Business Model. Directly developing the Skills, Education, Experience, Skilled Trades, Alternative Careers, through to Higher Learning, delivering the excitement of knowledge, creating exactly what students require and industry. Including entertaining an entrepreneurial approach. Please see our many other Blogs Articles.

2. Trade War Effects; Small profits are a significant worry for all manufacturers. This can be made worse with continued trade wars. Current trade wars affect all industry sectors. Manufacturing is not an exception since finished products and raw materials are sourced and sold across the globe. In the coming years, the industry is considering tactical changes, mainly in the supply chain. They want to ease the impact of trade wars that are always heating up. This particular supply chain as in our College/University Development can be applied to the “Many Sector Supply Chains” addressing our 5Ps securing a direct approach through a Progressive, Process, of Product, People, and Profession. The Future of Work is “WORK” the future of "Knowledge" is through work truly the foundation of growth and experience is becoming increasingly important.

Example; Securing a competitive edge that benefits Canadians, Industry, Students, and our Economy, where we can all "REAP" the benefits as described. This type of Industry Based College/University Development would be of great importance and an interest to Industry, Our Students, and many Canadians throughout this development where our Work, Earn, Learn system of solutions will stand out from all the illusions? Learning from our Past, sets Precedence for Change, Choice and Opportunities where our future depends upon it? As stated we will be “Embracing The Value of Knowledge And Skills To Secure Our Future”.

3. Need Supply Chain Visibility; Manufacturers must always meet the soaring client demand. They should satisfy that demand throughout the customer experience and product lifespan. For this to be achieved, there must be a physical, visible, and real-time applications. Manufacturers must be aware of every detail and know when products are delayed reaching the market. Being updated on such situations will give them an upper hand to adjust or rectify the problem. These are the challenges that the industry will face each and every year. Either way, they can’t ignore them if they wish to continue enjoying the manufacturing resurgence. Real-Time visibility to assist in crunch times where manufactures must know of all existing available assets from bottom line savings to quality, recruitment, outsourcing, including Workmen-Ship and Experience? A New College/University Business Model combines that knowledge and delivers a “Progressive, Process, of Product, People, and Profession” where and when situations arrive we have a unique opportunity to address the areas of concern something not to be ignored? Would this type of College Development be helpful to Industry, Canadians, Students, and our Economy? “Grounded, Visible Knowledge, Quality, Through Experienced Workmen-Ship”.

4. Customer Self-Service Application; Most manufacturing companies are focused on the timely delivery of commodities. Also, they seek to maximize profits and revenue. However, customer self-service has fallen by the wayside. Customer-facing portals and applications have been common in the industry. All clients in need of information are forced to use their phones to contact the manufacturer. This has been a frustrating task for clients, especially in this (Questionable) Digital Age? The manufacturing industry, customers consist of partners, end-consumers, and sub-contractors. The three customers have unique needs, requirements, and concerns for partnering and interacting within the manufacturing world. With isolated partners and end-customer portals connected to a significant source, manufacturers will be able to offer quality customer service. Clients will be able to inquire, request new proposals, search for solutions or knowledge, and also obtain necessary updates of their orders. Sub-contractors will be able to track, accept, and update the tasks assigned to them. Also, they will use the self –service portal to communicate with the manufacturer.

Note; Together, throughout our Strategically Designed Business Model within this New Private Direct Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical College/University development. Engaging in the Service and Delivery of one of the Worlds Greatest Commodities, (People) and throughout our 5P program. Helping Industry seek and obtain their ability to Maximizing Profits and Revenue through Partnerships, Outsourcing, Ingenuity, and Engineering significantly embracing Change, Choice and Opportunities for Industry, Canadians and our Students. Building a Stronger Manufacturing Base starts with people, and innovation addressing technology requirements “As We See Fit”. Would this type of College/University Development be of interest to the people of our societies and industry? “Bring Back Manufacturing”

5. System Usability; Internal system users are similar to clients who prefer self-service platforms instead of using the cell phone. Internal users require updated systems that can assist them better in job performance. Updated systems offer flexibility, greater insight, and speed. This permits workers to use applications to their benefit by performing their tasks more efficiently and effectively. The system provides a conducive environment for employees to complete their tasks instead of hindering completion of jobs. However, the AS/400 systems (Out Dated Today I Presume) that most manufacturing firms utilize can’t provide a much-needed user experience. Today’s workers need an updated system? Companies must venture into the market and look for solutions? There are numerous available solutions that firms can acquire to provide a much more advanced user experience?

Note; Connecting people places, and things, will be conducive in developing Next Generation of Skills and Education. However, within this New Private Direct Industry Based Non-Traditional Vocational Technical College/University development where we will address and up-date our system to meet the needs of Canadians, Industry and those who may be interested in sponsoring someone to this new institutional development moving forward. Would this type of Institution be of interest to industry, students, Canadians, and our country, knowing the clarity behind the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How where we can delivery the human asset that derives from and with complete experience and accountability? “A Practice Based System Solution – People”? Companies, Students, and Canadians must venture into the world market looking for best solutions for them not illusions their future depends upon it.

6. Machine Intelligence; The manufacturing industry is increasingly using the, Internet of Things? A majority of firms either have already implemented the technology or are on the verge of implementing the Internet of Things Machines. Smart machines assist companies in collecting useful information that can aid them to improve productivity and implement predictive maintenance. But, gathering information is a relatively easy task. Analyzing and aggregating collected data is the challenging part. With companies already having the machines on their shelves, most of them don’t have the system to analyze and extract the information being captured by the system. In this particular sense, the industry is missing out on a very vital opportunity? The entire industry needs to do better on data mining capacities? This way, they will be in a position to make better and real-time decisions. Implementing the “Internet of Things” designed to assist and manage analytical and predictive maintenance. The technology of monitoring can support the industry to analyze their data promptly. Also, it will assist in predicting the maintenance period of an asset? As a result of this, the industry will transition from a replace or repair maintenance to a predict and fix model?

Note; “This must be "Tech Talk" for if it is broken fix it, repair it, and maintain it”. Technology continues to push the next level in “Their” favor to where we all end up having to conform to “Their” new ways, (remember it is just another tool)? However, and what ever the technology may be the outcome continues to be questioned, if it isn't broken the intelligent machine will send you a "Text" to fix it, “meanwhile we would already realize it is broken and in the process of fixing it? Truly as stated above "the entire industry needs to do better". However, embracing issues as they arrive such as Technology and Advanced Manufacturing, and applying them throughout our Work Earn Learn Intelligent Cohort within our New Non-Traditional Industry Based College/University Development where we will certainly embrace our “Future of Work”. Would this Innovative Institution be of interest to Industry, Students, and Parents (considering the costs & quality of this New College/University Development)? “Work, Earn, Learn”.

7. Project Management; For manufacturers to convey products to the market, they must adhere to extremely stressful, tight, and strict timelines. In the manufacturing line, all projects are all about cost, time, and quality sensitive. As a result, these projects tend to be rigid and tightly controlled. Manufacturers that fail to beat the deadlines are always at a greater risk of losing millions of dollars in potential profit and revenue. Such rigidity and tight control mean that there is less ability for companies to update their scopes or make adjustments as the projects are ongoing. Most projects entail a design commitment that is carried early on. There is always less flexibility for adjustment as new data emerges or requirements for change. This can be challenging and frustrating for a team that anticipates producing quality products. Deadlines always handcuff them. “Change, Choice, and Opportunities that reflect the intensities as described above can be embraced in helping those manufacturer(s) in flexibility to update and make adjustments, and relieve some of the intense restrictions that handcuff them.

Through this New Institutional Development we can provide a Progressive Process of Product People and Profession to assist in tight stressful timelines with a strong cost conscious approach in delivery of quality, diversified, and time sensitivity environment, or in other words a "Cost, Time, Quality/Quantity Sensitive Institutional Delivery". Would such an innovative institution addressing and reflecting upon many areas of our manufacturing growth mechanism be of interest? “Ingenuity, A Path of Critical Thinking Only Spoken About, But Not Applied Within Traditional Educational Institutions"?

8. Safety; Manufacturing and Construction can be a dangerous, and it’s vital that manufacturers and the construction job site employers are aware of health and safety regulations. There were approximately 2.9 million non-fatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported by private industry employers alone. Manufacturers must find ways to help lower the risk of injury. It’s something which can be avoided if the necessary precautions are taken. The challenge comes with trying to find solutions to help with health and safety.

To overcome this challenge, requires an "Instilled, Process Of Disciplinary Applied Practice, Based Upon Knowledge and Education" within those who are entering into these areas of employment? Below are two Links of the Real Statistics we all need to keep in mind and be “Aware” of? “Through Early Stage Education and Training and throughout our Practiced Based Skills Development that will be embedded within each new student at this New Non-Traditional College/University Development where the instilment within each developing student becomes a “Real Practiced Based Safety Transformational Approach” to help create a long happy healthy career and profitable life”. One of Industries Greatest Assets is “YOU” going home at the end of each day? “Safe, Save, Specialize” and "Health, Fitness, and Nutrition are key elements moving forward.

9. Robotics and Automation; Technology is advancing and the demand for it is increasing? Manufacturers are under more pressure than ever to fulfill large orders and deliver the goods. Efficiency has never been more important, and many are turning to modern robotics and automation in order to improve production rates. In America as an example, from 2010 to 2016, nearly 137,000 robots were shipped to US customers the most in any seven-year period in the US robotics industry. The problem comes with the fact that robotics are too expensive for many companies? To help with this problem, there are companies which are now offering robotics as a service? This means that those businesses which can’t afford the robotics outright can rent the robots and quickly use them as part of their workforce? Despite the manufacturing challenges, the industry remains important to the US economy and the people within. So, manufacturers need to stay aware and look for solutions? End to End Solutions and what does it mean?

Hear again it simply means a Progressive Process of Product People and Profession through a "Cost, Time, Quality/Quantity, Knowledge Institution" that delivers all levels of Product and People. Obtaining and applying the tools required to address competitive growth throughout manufacturing and to instill the educational and knowledge base that individuals required in many sectors displayed. "Change Choice and Opportunities". Instilling a Cost Conscious, Quality, Experienced Process of Delivery, for Students, Recruiting and Assisting Manufactures next level of competitive opportunities. Through this type of Innovation, Manufacturing and Canadians would have a greater opportunity to succeed. Perhaps this type of College/University/Development would be of interest to your business growth? “Bring Back Manufacturing Through People"

10. Navigating Changing Laws; Every year, laws change, are updated, or removed. And every year you have to make sure you are on top of these changes. After all, the consequences of not following changing legislation could be huge and problematic? Knowing the law and keeping up to date such as in these areas of concerns. OSHA, Insurance, Right-to-Know, SDS, ISO Procedures, throughout North American States and Provincial Laws? In addressing Changes Choices and Opportunities this "New End to End Solution Institution" will continue to stay on top of the issues stated so we can apply our “Know Holds Barred” opportunity approach in achieving best possible competitive edge in supporting and supplying our Education, Skills & Training to the People, Students, Industry, and our economy. Would this New Innovative College/University/Development be of interest to you as a student or your business? “Creativity”

There is nothing more “REAL” than the development a Progressive Process, of Product, People, Profession, and Experience. The value is in the opportunities transferred to those who appreciate the value that ambition can bring. Success is in watching others develop their ambitions and knowledge that we bring to the table for them to succeed. Academia and Industry in both areas have knowledge levels that can accelerate rapidly to a Higher Learning, achieving a common theme of intelligence and a new Cohort of Critical Thinkers? Where Industry, Parents, and Students require an Alternative Foundation for individuals to achieve a "Mix & Match" set of studies reflecting various environments, which would set precedence for change?

This New Institutional Development Expressed:

Train & Educate People Well Enough Knowing They Will Leave, To become the Investment Industry Needs, by Embracing Their Found Knowledge and Skill, Will become a Great Asset so Treat Them Well. Where the Hallways and Aisle Ways are filled with both Blue Collar & White Collar Workers offering “Life Long Learners” the knowledge and skills from Academia to Practice-Based-Training and everything in between where the worlds come together creating the future of work for the next generation.

Today there is “NO” other existing College/University/Development that clearly sets precedence for Change as this Uniquely Designed, Direct, Private, Industry Based, Non-Traditional Vocational Technical College/University Institutional Development. There is "No Doubt" in my mind that the nature of Competition is the reasoning behind this Private College/University Development being "Ignored" considering after 60 years of Traditional ways an Alternative would be a welcomed relief to Parents, Students, and Industry. "Which Requires No Critical Thought" pushing their one sided Socialist Society Narrative? My Thoughts. Some would think that a reputable Accounting Firm Evaluation, a Preliminary Evaluation from a Capital Company including an evaluation from a respected PCC (Private Career College) Consultant where all 3 being being positive would have merit? However, we will continue to Advocating & Promoting this new Private Industry College/University/Development because all Canadians regardless of Politics or Policy require an Alternative from our existing Public Institutional Monopoly. Along with our continuous pursuit in bring Canadians the excitement of Change and Opportunities of this Development? I have always been optimistic upon the recruitment for this New Institutions Team of Great Leaders and Mentors through our continuous pursuit in achieving Partnerships, Stakeholders, and Investors. There has been many head winds and treacherous waters over the years. However, I see positive signs of meaningful interests appearing. I keep hearing about all the “ALL HANDS ON DECK” coming from our Ontario Premier Government, and our Federal Government stating "We Have Your Back". Therefore, I guess Rhetoric is a prerequisite in government?

NOTE; Below are many accumulated links of concerned direction as to where your career may lead? Which may be of interest to you or not? Also please view all my other supporting blog article on our new site.

Note; From one Persistent Patriotic Canadian to you, I hope all the Links are still active?

Manufacturing Trends

Globe & Mail March 3/2003 - Job Decline For Best And Least Educated - Stats Canada's Flagship Publication, Canadian Economic Observer. For high-school graduate's, the employment rate climbed 1.9 percent points to 66.4 percent from 64.5 percent. Among those with a post secondary certificate, 72.6 percent had jobs last year, up from 1.8 points from 70.8 percent in 1977. The rate of high school drop-outs was 45 percent in 2002, up from 1.7 points from 43.3 percent in 1977. The persistence of this trend, through various stages of business cycle and rapid changes in technology, remains one of the most interesting shifts in the labour market? Note: And look at today. 2024?

Globe & Mail Sept. 24/2003 - Loads of Knowledge And Soft Skills Too - Trend the most employable people in 2013 will have to have at least a University Degree and desire to continually acquire more education. A strong understanding of the "BIG PICTURE" is that effect business and also a base of Technical skills that their specialties will be essential according to the survey conducted by Drake Beam Morin - Canada Inc. for the Globe & Mail.

Wards Auto World Magazine Aug. 1998 - Wake Up Call - The colleges and universities (seem) to have convinced the public that everybody should go to college. The sophistication of knowledge that a skilled tradesman must acquire is far above that required in the past. Much of the training approaches, equals, college levels. A well-designed four year co-op program that gives the student the academic and hands-on training required should result in an Associate Degree in Skilled trades?

(Date?) - The Toronto Dominion Bank called for Canada “to move further up the value- added economic chain” because of the emergence of new competitors. “We must compete by being smarter, not by being cheaper through lower wages. “The report states also that our need for world-class universities and colleges has never been greater?” The report also states “our weakness is in productivity and that, in turn, speaks to shortcomings on innovation. ”Gillian Manning, an economist at the Toronto Dominion Bank warned that shifting the playing field to a higher level of competition isn’t easy, particularly because other countries are attempting to do the same thing. Canada needs a unified strategy to create a better education system, she added.

PLANT INDUSTRIAL MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 12, 1996 – MAKING THE GRADE – Canada is currently facing a skilled labor shortage that poses a significant threat to manufacturers. It is also essential to promote vocational and cooperative programs, which combine classroom preparation with work experience. It will require the involvement of all Canadians, especially in increasing the recognition and respect which we give as a society to vocational careers and the people who pursuer them.

(Date?) - For manufacturer the objective is to meet their particular knowledge and requirements in the most cost-effective way possible. But as the technical and business problems of industry become more complex, companies will place increasing vale on research that is multidisciplinary- drawing on various perspectives and levels of analysis from across academic disciplines-team-based, collaborative and flexible.


For the finance industry and business industry and business management consulting firms, an engineering background is a “hot” commodity. Noting that what makes engineering grasps attractive to these employers is their practical, problem solving skills and the ability to arrive at cost-effective solutions quickly. He stressed that engineering schools will have to find ways to lure talented engineers from industry since University salaries don’t match that of those in industry.

Note; in the above paragraph with the comment a "HOT" commodity, I laughed, because when I was on LinkedIn for a number of years, I put it out there a number of times asking "Where Do I Find An Engineer With A Full Journeyman Background" No Answer?

ENG. DIMENSIONS JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2002 – Ontario ministries and large private corporations are developing their own formal engineering training programs – and have contacted PEO to make sure their programs for (EI’S) engineering internships will meet the experience requirements for Licensure?

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