TACTICAL: A planned action taken intended to help someone (Students & The Next Generation) to achieve what they want in a particular situation; Career, Education, Skills, Training, Opportunities and Employment; PH. Industrial Incorporated & Phate Vocational Technical College University Development. Through a Practical Private Direct Non-Traditional Industry Based College University. Clearly, I'm not great or a synonymous with any type of brilliance. However, I am ambitious and have been diligently determined and persistent with our strategically applied principles pertaining to this New College University Development. Spanning the years of research of unprecedented “Rhetoric” from Government and our Traditional Institutions which led us to our Exceptionally Direct Strategic Acumen. Today’s modern world has enormous influences (Leashed) over the people, and in reflection of such we've certainly and deliberately deviated away from that norm. Which has created a foundational approach offering opportunities not found in our traditional institutions. NOTE: When, if ever did anyone question our institutions upon their "Funding" and the cost behind the enrollment? You, See, Read, and Hear about it, but never has their been any "Public" accountable questioning upon the authenticity behind such, especially their R&D network of funding? Example: I would not express such if it wasn't presented to me from one who had sat on numerous boards such as these institutions. "It's Like An Open Cheque Book With Know Accountability Or Reasoning Behind The Funds required" all though they talk a good story? They just openly expect funding without question? Remember unless it's a private source, than it's coming from government tax dollars "Meaning" for years it's been coming out of your pocket?
Our Designed Employment Driven Strategies and business plan maneuvers will become our direct approach, and will certainly create a unique Alternative along side our 60+ year old Traditional Institutional mind set.
The psychological warfare of "Propaganda" certainly exists everywhere today especially within the past 4 challenging years. What would boost the peoples morale today would be within this overpowering development of opportunities not found in our traditional institutions. (Classified) as an Alternative. Example; There is "NO" other college/university/industry that offers this type incentive. Opportunities with one of our outstanding prerequisites that being ambition (No Ambition No Go). Change comes with awareness, where we too will join, Ford, Toyota, John Deere abolishing the "Woke Initiatives (DEI) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policies". At this new College/University Development there will be "NO" Rainbows of any sort either, and where we also support this particular Mayor in his stance. https://x.com/HaveWeAllGoneM1/status/1863785765735448798?t=yrj7Vurj7hmn6CsIpa0W9g&s=09
However, perhaps the time has come to explore Partnering with Larger Businesses to Scale Up the Growth (Factor) of this much needed institution where there is know greater advantage and opportunities of enticement that benefit both parties such as Ford, Toyota and John Deere and the many other business sector businesses as stipulated within our "MAPLE LEAF LOGO" above for a seat of influence upon our Board of Directors (or other).
“Awe” the strategy of the "Tactician", where we have developed specific means to address many concerns, improvise, and create the ability to change the circumstances of today that benefit the people of tomorrow.
Leading from the front of the line showing the "Realness" of development and what’s needed to energize our "Nation(s) Productivity" requirements will be our extraordinary responsibility to the people.
Our Logistics are unique within our "Organized System" supporting the needs of our Student Base, with Accommodations, Nourishment, Fitness, Focus, Instillment, Discipline, Experience, and with the resources that will and would inspire them and whom they become employed with after. Addressing industries needs through Skills, Training, Education, Recruitment, Sponsorship, Product, and our employable R&D along side our countries economic needs and productivity requirements.
“We The People” have a “Legacy” called our "Past" where true foundational efforts were developed creating (Our Own Critical Thought) through rapid maneuvering, and adaptability, which solidifies reference for our future. Modern challenges have been foggy, leashed, confusing and complicated. Note: "And Also Expressed As Being Indoctrinated To Accept A Set Of Beliefs Broadcasted to the Masses"? Choosing to alleviate these problems would strengthen our next generation creating a "Significant Competitive Edge Locally, Nationally & Internationally" creating advantages for growth.
So where’s the Genius and Strategic Brilliance to Inspire the People? Only understanding Today's Challenges, and applying our key principles, values, focused disciplines, and experience where individuals and organizations can achieve remarkable success together. This will be the legacy that serves as a testament to our Nation(s) of today, through our effective strategic development of tomorrow.
Let Me Elaborate Upon All The "Rhetoric Illusions".
Deaf Ears Everywhere, Deaf Politicians, Deaf Investors, Deaf Institutions, Deaf Industries, & Deaf Associations? So Why Ask? If You Don't Want A Solution? As Expressed Below?
After viewing the speaking notes, “Skills; the Key to Canada’s Competitiveness” of the Honorable Perrin Beatty President and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, on October 24/2007 at Telfer School of Management, at the University of Ottawa.
NOTE: We have achieved in addressing these points of interest stated by Perrin Beatty; surprisingly lower cost to students, enhanced coordination of business needs, a unique training regime, direct opportunities in skilled trades & education, completely encouraging labour mobility, creating specialized training, captured a unique approach in obtain older workers and their knowledge and skills. "Seriously What More Do You Want"?
Our Strength
Work, Earn, Learn
Mind, Body, & Soul
Health, Fitness, Nutrition
Focus, Fairness, & Financial
Skills, Training, and Experience
Change, Choice, & Opportunities
Education, Degrees, Higher Learning
Single, Dual, Trades, & Entrepreneurship
Get In, Get Out, and Get On with Your Life
Democracy, Constitution, Rights & Freedoms
NO, Tuition, Debt, Student Loans, No Holds Barred
"Where Ambition Rules"
The list above signifies our "Component" According to Leavitt and Scott-Morton, organizational components include: (1) organization structure and corporate culture, (2) management and business process, (3) individuals and roles to changes of global economic, and (4) political and social environment. The business "Component" means any product, process, computer software, technique, formula, or invention which is to be held for sale, lease, or license, or used by the taxpayer in a trade or business of the taxpayer.
This, and what has been going on in the past 4+ years that we know of representing Canadians which leaves a huge question behind foreign interference which we've been hearing about. If our government showed this much effort towards Canada, Canadians our country would be "Stronger & Freer" "Time For A Change Of Batter"? (ASAP) and a new institution to support the need of change.
Once again when do Canadians come "First" or is it just pure "Illusionary" ("BS") & "Rhetoric" that governs our country? What seems to be “Resoundingly Impossible” are the many Educators, Policy Makers, Investors, Industry, and even the General Public when being challenged to what’s beneficial to Canadians and our country by addressing, creating, developing, greater, opportunities in the realm of, Education, Skills Training, Apprenticeships, Entrepreneurship, Career Alternatives and so much more. Where traditional institutions are “Definitely” not “Ethics Founded” Nor Can They Instill The Required Work Ethics And Experience from our Past, cultivated to address our Present Day Challenges. "However, We Can"
NOTE: We speak "Profusely" of the Next Generation? Therefore, We Will Become The Next Generation "College University" to accommodate our Next Generation.
Sometimes you need to just show some of the "Illusionary Rhetoric" to see the "BS"?
CANADIAN MACHINERY AND METAL FORMING MAGAZINE JAN/FEB/O3- $12 BILLION BOOST FOR APPRENTICESHIPS – The money will be split between skills/competences Canada (SKC) a national non-profit group that promotes skilled trades and technical careers as a career option, for Canadian youth, and the Canadian apprenticeship forum.
How far back does the illusionary rhetoric go, how does 27 years sound to you to my knowledge?
1999 – HOW UNIVERSITIES CAN ADVANCE MANUFACTURING – The role that universities play as a repository and channel for existing information, and in educating and training students, is one of the most important mechanisms for a transferring research findings and expert knowledge to business. University research capabilities should, therefore, be assessed not only with respect to specific industrial applications. But also in terms of infrastructure of basic and applied knowledge expertise and teaching capabilities that they support. Note; the "Repository Factory" of their "R&D House of Critical Thought" is still not working well for the people? I assume it may take another 27 years & $12 Billion perhaps? However, their "Golden Grail Of Knowledge" is more of a "Ball & Chain" of Opportunities (Indoctrinated) in their best interest. Completely, Non-Existent within our Direct Alternative Approach for the People putting Canadians "First"?
Note; It's Not Funny when their was once so much and now so little from all the manufacturing that left our country including the USA over the years. (Intentionally I Would Presume)? There are plenty of jobs and careers in manufacturing the general public has know idea of as expressed here, "Ives Landry Foundation" 1998 of the late Chairman, President and CEO of Chrysler Canada Ltd, who saw the importance of Skills and Education within his manufacturing sector where a complete reflection of his efforts are also embraced in these two articles. AD&P February 2005: Four years into a bachelor's program, possibly another couple in graduate or professional school, and suddenly you’re on the fast track to a fulfilling a profitable career. AD&P February 2005: are you experienced? Both of these articles can be read in full in our Blog article called "North America Unleashed". Deaf Ears Even In Manufacturing?
1997 – FORGING NEW AND FRUITFUL LINKS WITH EDUCATION – MARKET FORCES ARE CHANGING THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN INDUSTRY AND INSTITUTIONS – The prime objective of companies is to make money. And for universities, the challenge will be first to recognize that the technical and business issues that organizations face are challenging problems and, consequently, require an analysis of existing resources and services to ensure they offer the level of education, expertise and research required to meet the specific needs of manufacturers. Opportunities for university research in many disciplines including the sciences, mathematics, engineering, commerce and business management, education and economics. University research will play a key role in enabling companies to develop products, enter new markets, improve existing products and processes, keep pace with technological change, reorganize and integrate business systems and adopt best business practices. Universities are also an information reservoir and companies expect to draw on their knowledge and expertise, skilled personnel, and have access to advanced technologies and equipment. For companies, the direct value of research is determined by its application is solving technical and business problems, and by an organization’s ability to commercialize and make money from these applications. The research needs of individual manufacturers depend on the nature of the problems they face, the quality and scope of their in-house resources as well as their own technical, research and development capabilities. And many companies rely on universities for expertise and knowledge applicable to specific technical, production and business problems or count on these institutions as a source of highly skilled personnel or as a facility for upgrading the skills of current employees. Note: Lots of "R" words for "Rhetoric" in their "House of Illusions"? From 1997 to now, they certainly don't seem to have shown to be any type "Savior" towards industry and manufacturing in particular?
Note; It was the Mid 1980s when I personally saw the accelerated change where as Quoted: GLOBE & MAIL AUG. 26/2003 – UNIVERSITIES IN PERIAL OF RUNNIN AGROUND "But there has been multibillion dollar investment by the Federal Government in university research. The universities main challenge lies with the undergraduates. They’re paying more for their education in most provinces, but universities would be hard-pressed to argue possibly that students are getting more for there money". Interesting how the R&D evolved and goes without question? Especially, Pharma, Bio, Medical, Computer Technology ect... My Thoughts.
PLEASE NOTE: Don't Be Offended By My Agitational Comments They're Completely Intentional Throughout This Blog Article.
Here is my "Summary" from an earlier blog article called Advocating from Coast to Coast to Coast & Now To "YOU" The People Of Canada In Promoting The Need. Note; I added a few things.
In the Link above I can honestly say when viewing the Board Of Directors of Polytechnics Canada, I see a great "Achievable Challenge" for our Board of Directors in implementing our Strong Offense & Defense Strategies bowing into the ring becoming a "Private Rival Competitor". When viewing the Bio’s of their board members, I truly have to laugh upon an earlier reflected statement to me by the BDC in 2009 stating it looks like I have been getting the run around and that I should seek help outside my own community. However, the BDCs view point seems now to be short sighted the run around is much bigger than at the local community level? Therefore, it's become Blatantly clear in “Layman’s Terms” of the Circle Jerk obstructing this initiative. I assume some might have thought that I would go away from years past? However, I see more clearly than ever that my work has a deep embedded foundational purpose that represents the Canadian people giving them a good start forward in creating greater opportunities. Growing up I have heard the term “Don’t Let Anyone Pull The Wool Over Your Eyes”. That being said, developing this New College/University/Development will hypothetically “Shear The Sheep” of the wool that has been pulled over the eyes of Canadians and opens the door upon a New Private Industry Based Non-Traditional Alternative Institutional Development in strengthening "Our Own Critical Thought" throughout our countries needs in Skills, Education, and Knowledge supporting our Next Generation, Industry, Country, and our Economy.
Here we are again with a list of interesting Link articles and my comments if you choose to go through them?
As in everything stated they certainly have a track record for requiring "FUNDS". Some type of competition is required, or do we just keep throwing money at them like confetti? And right after all of their gouging of the international students and where some showed record profits? WOW. And they still ask for more?
I do have to say there seems to be know lack of "Inspiration" and a "Focus" within the New U.S. Government Administration at least they are putting Americans "First" Perhaps I should go their they certainly seem to be more interesting in their own people something I haven't seen here in Canada for a Long, Long, Long, Time?
And students go else ware? Don't worry "Funding" always miraculously appears?
On Line, how interest it would be to earn and learn in the real world of things? Called Experience.
Won't hurt my feelings?
Canada is know different, they truly require a competitor that's for the people.
If it is anything like Canada this gibberish has been going on for years? We truly need a change?
And why not? Look what "You and only You Got" over every other college and university? It wouldn't have happened if it was and English Speaking University?
I must say I do like real intelligent knowledge.
Ya, we can do that too?
Still I and we should know who Trudeau hired for his Fast Track Immigration "Board" that he never elaborated upon?
WOW, AI, Climate, Pharma, Environment, Digital, Carbon, Algorithms,
A tragedy or an industry manipulation against the people?
To bad your not a French Institution like Laurentian University?
Well deserver or not surprising?
Don't worry the funding always shows up? From your pockets?
Attendance has always been a prerequisite?
Incompetent or intentional Government? The Illusions keep on coming.
Old News This Has Been Going On For Years? Just another Dirty Little Secret Government Knows About And Does Nothing But It reflects Upon Our Medical System?
Nothing New Here
I like the part of being private.
WOW, What a motivator everything at home and no experience, we are going down this path for the leaders of tomorrow? We are in Trouble?
LOL, in this new College University it never goes up $ from nothing.
WOW, Something good for Canadians. Or Just Smoke and Mirrors?
Interesting, manufacturing has always been a key asset for employment? But Pharma, EVs, and Carbon Taxes and our immensely corrupt government got in the way? Compare that over 40 years? And see the outsourcing?
Can't say I don't like what I here? Perhaps an introduction to Trump presenting this type of College University would inspire a Nation that seems to be "For The People"? Certainly doesn't interest our government? But then again the government would want to do something for the people not for themselves?