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Three Decades Later - Attention: All Canadians, Corporate, And Industry Canada

Writer's picture: neweconomics2003neweconomics2003

Updated: Jun 26, 2024

Three decades have passed and we are still addressing the skills shortages? Perhaps when you put things in prospective it is all about survival now (International Students) for our Public Colleges & Universities it is all about the money? As stated, Students, “They're paying more for their education in most provinces, but universities would be hard-pressed to argue possibly that students are getting more for their money? Hello Canada, I am addressing all Canadians, Small, Medium, and Large businesses in regards to the future growth of Canadians, Canadian Industry and the Future of Work for Canadians. Technology and Demographics are just two areas leading to the many concern in developing and cultivating our next generation. Our existing Public Institutions are consistently pursuing their own effort$ (International Students) over Canadians? On the minds of many Canadians, Students, and Parents today are the inflationary cost measures and debt where potential increases of student tuition fees will become apparent among other costs such as food, and accommodations etc.…? Finding a cost saving approach in obtaining one’s skill, education and or higher learning will become increasingly difficult for many. This new “Next Generation Polytechnic College with a strong accelerator in achieving University Status as well” has the ability to embrace Canadians with “Less Cost to No Cost” where Alternatives of Choice and Experience will become a great asset. Below are a list of highlighted concerns from our past Industries, Manufacturing, Students, Parents, and our Economy that reflect our Infrastructure. So what has changed that benefit the people today?

1. Feb. 12/96: Industry Canada Needs a Strong Infrastructure: Manufacturing success relies on cost-effective and efficient services that adapt to meet changing needs. 2. Feb.12/96: Making The Grade - Canada is currently facing a skilled labour shortage that poses a significant threat to manufactures. 3. June 16/97: Technology Drives a Complex Environment - Global flow of information companies to adapt innovative processes at an increasingly rapid pace. 4. June 16/97: Information Flow - Communications and information technologies both hardware and software are another set of technologies revolutionizing manufacturing systems and organizations.

5. Oct. 6/97: Forging new and fruitful links with education - Market forces are changing the relationships between industry and institutions. 6. Oct. 6/97: Building Blocks - Building effective mechanisms for transferring knowledge between college, university and industry is consequently just as important, if not more so, in strengthening industry/college/university relationships as is identifying relevant topics for university research.

7. Nov. 10/97: Universities Critical for expert business knowledge - Manufactures rely on colleges, universities and other educational Institutions for new technologies and skilled people. 8. Nov. 10/97: Creativity, problem solving, and a flexibility demand on an entrepreneurial approach to work.

9. Aug. 16/99: How universities & colleges can advance manufacturing. - The role that universities and colleges play as a repository and channel for existing information, and in educating and training students. 10. Private Universities would be a Credit -? Aug. 23/99: For the most part available university funds are being spent on unnecessary programs and irrelevant research grants. 11. Aug. 26/03: Universities imperial of running a ground. 12. Globe & Mail - Date 2003? - Universities Becoming Money Machines

1. Plant Industrial Magazine Feb. 12/96: Industry Canada Needs a Strong Infrastructure: Manufacturing success relies on cost-effective and efficient services that adapt to meet changing needs. Canada has always placed strong emphasis on a well developed infrastructure. Privatization is one avenue worth exploring, but only if costs are lowered and service quality is enhanced. For operations that count on innovation and new market development to achieve greater cost effectiveness, partial privatization is a preferred approach.

Note; The two entities being presented here are uniquely designed to work together creating an institution that has the ability to create the opportunities that count most in developing our strong infrastructure, lowering costs and where service quality is enhanced? With this new College development a (Paradigm Shift) will be created that can assist in achieving greater cost effectiveness, within a Fully Privatized College & perhaps University Development.

2. Plant Industrial Magazine Feb.12/96 - Making The Grade - Canada is currently facing a skilled labour shortage that poses a significant threat to manufactures. It is also essential to promote vocational and cooperative programs, which combine classroom preparation with work experience. It will require the involvement of all Canadians, especially in increasing the recognition and respect which we give as a society to vocational careers and the people who pursue them.

Note; Present day issues are expressed clearly in the 2 titles below, to read in full see one of our supporting articles called “NORTH AMERICA UNLEASHED” among the many other supporting articles that reflect our manufacturing sector and that of the US. For those who pursue the vocational avenue we have an incentive based process where a young person straight out of Post Secondary could & can obtain an apprenticeship here and become a Journeyman in a fraction of the time as our Traditional ways with No “Pre” Apprenticeship required. And now to add to this it does not matter where you train? The jurisdictions thanks to our Provincial Premiers, apprentices can now travel across the country and have their work time accredited. Also to what was stated above, their will be no cooperative programs at this facility. Students could & can also continue to advance in another related avenues if one chooses.

- AD&P February 2005; are you experienced?

- AD&P February 2005; Four years into a bachelor's program, possibly another couple in graduate or professional school, and suddenly you’re on the fast track to a fulfilling and profitable career. This is the general thinking, but most university BA and B.Sc. graduates often find themselves saddled with thousands of dollars in cumbersome student debt.

3. Plant Industrial Magazine June 16/97 - Technology Drives a Complex Environment - Global flow of information companies to adapt innovative processes at an increasingly rapid pace. But the race to be first is costly. There are considerable technical and market risks associated with such innovation? The costs of new product development and commercialization is significant. The cost of not keeping pace with technological changes, or not anticipating new product development and new customer demands shaped by the “Competition”. In addition to reshaping market demands the development and application of new production technologies are revolutionizing the way goods are manufactured here at home and around the world. New computer-aided design, manufacturing and engineering capabilities, fully automated processing material handling systems, numerically controlled and computer integrated machine tools, robotics, sensors and vision systems, automated guided vehicles, modular and interchangeable parts and production systems, advanced information and new software applications, virtual reality and artificial intelligence all of these technologies are available and being used by manufactures throughout the country.

Note; Interesting the very same talk today from 25 years ago? All of what has been stated above is very much an everyday process in industry and some of it has become outdated since this article over the last Two Decades. Throughout the continuous development of technology this new college with a rapid accelerator to achieve university status will work with or along side new developing State of the Art Technologies enhancing our bottom line and that of our Students.

4. Plant Industrial Magazine June 16/97 - Information Flow - Communications and information technologies both hardware and software are another set of technologies revolutionizing manufacturing systems and organizations. They better enable companies to monitor material flows, inventories and markets, and to communicate directly with their customers, suppliers and other business partners. They permit manufactures to collect and manage information at and increasing levels of complexity. And they are instrumental in implementing systems of statistical quality control, automated processing and fabrication, computer integrated design and manufacturing, concurrent engineering where design and engineering functions are integrated, and intelligent manufacturing systems, where machines 'learn and reconfigure themselves on the bases of artificial intelligence. Information technologies including software are integral components of advanced machine tools and manufacturing processes.

Note; This new developing college and university accelerator system would embrace partnerships with technology that would apply to our system of delivery, in supporting this 21st Century institution where technology, education, skills training, skilled trade apprenticeships, management, engineering, and so many other alternative careers can and will be obtained..

5. Plant Industrial Magazine Oct. 6/97 - Forging new and fruitful links with education - Market forces are changing the relationships between industry and institutions. - The prime objective of companies is to make money. And for universities, the challenge will be first to recognize that the technical and business issues that organizations face are challenging problems and, consequently, require an analysis of existing resources and services to ensure they offer the level of education, expertise, and research required to meet the specific needs of manufactures. Opportunities for university research in many disciplines including the sciences, mathematics, engineering, commerce and business management, education and economics. University research will play a key role in enabling companies to develop products, enter new markets, improve existing products and processes, keep pace technological change, recognize and integrate business systems, and adapt best business practices. Universities are also an information reservoir and companies expect to draw on their knowledge and expertise, skilled personnel, and have access to advanced technologies and equipment. For companies, the direct value of research is determined by its application in solving technical and business problems, and by an organization's ability to commercialize and make money from these applications. the research needs of individual manufactures depend on the nature of the problems they face, the quality and scope of their in-house resources as well their own technical, research and development capabilities. And many companies rely on universities for expertise and knowledge applicable to specific technical, production and business problems or count on these institutions as a source of highly skilled personnel or as a facility for upgrading the skills of current employees.

Note; The Prime objective of companies is to make money, today that same objective applies to our Public Universities & Colleges with their “Top Heavy International Students” among other initiatives. A full market analysis has been obtained of today's existing resources and services within the development of this new college accelerator. To clearly ensure we offer the level of education, expertise, and research required to meet the specific needs of the manufactures, parental concerns, and students, that reflect or infrastructure and economic growth. This new college development will have a clear and concise approach upon development in many areas addressing manufacturing & construction, skills development, R&D, education, career development, and the ability to achieve university status.

6. Plant Industrial Magazine Oct. 6/97 - Building Blocks - Building effective mechanisms for transferring knowledge between university and industry is consequently just as important, if not more so, in strengthening industry/university relationships as is identifying relevant topics for university research. Canadian universities are a valuable resource of knowledge, expertise, and skilled personnel, but they are not the only source that industry should rely on. Moreover, global access to information means companies are scanning the world for the knowledge and the skilled workers they require. For the manufactures, the object is to meet their particular knowledge and requirements in the most cost effective way possible. But as the technical and business problems become more complex, companies will place increasing value on research that is multidisciplinary drawing on various perspectives and levels of analysis from across academic disciplines, team based, collaborative and flexible.

Note; “AWE” the transfer of knowledge between industry and this new college accelerator will be Paramount in comparison to traditional institutions. As stated above, “Canadian universities are a valuable resource of knowledge, expertise, and skilled personnel, but they are not the only source that industry should rely on”? Honestly, I could not have said it better my self in strengthening relationships with industry. Our objective is to meet the requirements of the people to become as cost effective as possible. Breaking new ground assisting the many sectors that influence our infrastructure and the many small, medium, and large businesses in ways that our existing universities and colleges are not tailored to do. What seems to be “Resoundingly Impossible” are the many Educators, Policy Makers, and even the General Public when being challenged to Adopt a New Paradigm that’s beneficial to all Canadians addressing Education/Skills Training/Apprenticeships, Entrepreneurship/and many Career Alternatives.

7. Plant Industrial Magazine Nov. 10/97 Universities Critical for expert business knowledge - Manufactures rely on educational Institutions for new technologies and skilled people - To train people with operational, development, manufacturing and business skills. And when it comes to maximizing the benefits of university research capabilities projects should be assessed applications, but also in terms of the infrastructure of basic and applied knowledge, expertise and teaching capabilities they support. Canadian industry is the provision of well trained, knowledgeable, creative and highly skilled people. Manufacturing employees today must have these basic types of skills, regardless of their sector of field of technical or business expertise. LITERACY, NUMERACY, TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE, ANALYTICAL SKILLS, INTERPERSONAL SKILLS.

Note; What I find most amazing is how they speak so highly of them selves, as if the world would stop without them? Well trained, knowledgeable, creative, and highly skilled people is not rocket science to develop. It is the Opportunities that are presented and the inspired ambition to obtain such? Today these basic requirements as stated start in grade school, our “Fundamental Rooted Foundation” for career and skills development and growth. Apprenticing or accelerating to higher levels of education or other career developments, this new college accelerator will assist Canadian Industry in producing the Student-Human Capital that industry and our country demands.

8. Plant Industrial Magazine Nov. 10/97 - Creativity, problem solving, and a flexibility demand on an entrepreneurial approach to work. Above all, they must regard work as an opportunity for continuous learning, for taking on new responsibilities and upgrading skills. Education and training programs with the greatest value for manufactures are those which - Direct education and research toward manufacturing applications in manufacturing studies curriculum. - Provide students with the basic knowledge, techniques and analytical tools required to meet the present and future needs for manufactures, not just prerequisites of traditional academic degrees. - Broaden manufacturing studies to include topics in management, economics, design, engineering and interpersonal skills. - Combine perspective and analytical approaches on a multidisciplinary basis. - Study systems within manufacturing, such as integrated product and process design, information systems integration, supply chain management practices, organizational and resource management. - Provide training in the latest technologies being used by industry. - Work jointly with industry to share access to modern technologies and equipment, expertise in training and teaching capabilities. - Operate on a competitive basis, providing students with industrial experience as well as academic qualifications. - And are structured on a modular basis, providing the opportunity for training and skills upgrading in short concentrated programs that mixed and matched according to the specific needs of students and their industrial employers.

Note; Supply & Demand, Creativity, Problem Solving, Flexibility, and Entrepreneurship Approach to Work. Those words completely enhances the regard we have for work, and work ethics throughout many opportunities applied to Canadians. Embedded deeply in our Uniquely Designed College+ Foundation where being Unprecedented by applying to all of which has been addressed above. Mix & Match Skills Training will become our specialty when it comes to manufacturing & construction, where skills training just doesn't get any better than what this uniquely designed College+ accelerator development can deliver.

9. Plant Industrial Magazine Aug.16/99 - How universities can advance manufacturing. - The role that universities play as a repository and channel for existing information, and in educating and training students, is one of the most important mechanisms for transferring research findings and expert knowledge to business. University research capabilities should, therefore, be assessed not only with respect to specific industrial applications. But also in terms of infrastructure of basic and applied knowledge expertise and teaching capabilities that they support.

Note; Again, as stated earlier they certainly like putting them selves on a pedestal? This new developing college accelerator in achieving university status, know matter how it is played we will become a "Competitor" to our Traditional Public Universities and Polytechnic Colleges where we have embedded mechanisms for transferring research findings and expert knowledge to businesses. (Called People). "Elite" for the people as it was intended, expressed as unprecedented and unique in our approach to today's skills, education, knowledge, and experience. A student based facility where acceleration in careers, skills and education is based upon ambition. (No Holds Barred)

10. Private Universities would be a Credit -? Aug. 23/99 - For the most part available university funds are being spent on unnecessary programs and irrelevant research grants. But letting some students pay high tuition fees for a formal education if desired, there will be no more money in the total education pool for struggling universities. It is high time that Canadians stop fearing the supposed threat of private universities. By allowing some students to pay their own way, we reduce the influence of government controls on our education system and increasing the freedom of choice in the education market place. As well, there is no reason why a private university can't do well in Canada. It's true there are but a few Canadian Private Universities at present.

Note; There playing our song the one they don’t like "Private and Competitive". Setting the Bar higher and direct for the development of our next generation in skills, training, education, entrepreneurship, through an inspiring approach that will reduce a great deal of student tuition fees and other associated costs. It is truly time for a Competitive Change for the people and will certainly be helpful in Canada's infrastructure and economic growth moving forward.

11. Globe & Mail Aug. 26/03 - Universities imperial of running a ground. - Tricky business, some schools are in better financial shape than others, in large part because of the different levels of provincial support. The biggest challenge for Canada's universities however is stopping the deterioration and perhaps improving the quality of undergraduate education. Now, the universities are grappling with a huge backlog of deferred maintenance even while they construct new buildings, growing class size and a series of pressure that emphasize faculty research over teaching, especially to undergraduates. But there has been multi-billion dollar investment by the Federal government in university research. The universities main challenge lies with the undergraduates. They're paying more for their education in most provinces, but universities would be hard-pressed to argue possibly that students are getting more for their money. Funding budget the lifeline of university financing, hasn't kept pace with cost of university education. Research can help but doesn't drive excellence in undergraduate teaching. A selected handful of Canadian universities have thought privately how to escape the tyranny of low base-budget increases from government by imagining them selves as a "fully private institutions" such as those which exist in the United States. For those who have toyed with the idea breaking away from the other universities and from provincial governments? So the universities are stuck. They have persuaded some provinces to allow graduate and professional fees to rise. But these measures cannot make up for limited base-budget increases, fees freezes, and government to be stuck. The worry about access, which includes them to keep fee increases down. More important, the health care is rising faster than any other component. Health care is literally squeezing every other government financed program. Voters worry about health care than universities. With universities and government both stuck, something has to suffer. But in a depressing number of cases is the quality of the undergraduates education.

Note; 30 years later have they made it better for you? Not so Tricky now with all the high paying International Students? It is truly unfortunate that today's Universities and Polytechnic Colleges and Government are stuck based upon limited budget and the many contributing factors that have put the load on the students such as Debt, Tuition Fees, Professional Fees Etc... Quote: ("Now, the universities are grappling with a huge backlog of deferred maintenance even while they construct new buildings, growing class size and a series of pressure that emphasize faculty research over teaching, especially to undergraduates. But there has been multi-billion dollar investment by the Federal government in university research”. "Sounds like miss management, and would not happen in this New College+ Accelerator Development All The Way Up To University Status". Quote: (“The universities main challenge lies with the undergraduates. They're paying more for their education in most provinces, but universities would be hard-pressed to argue possibly that students are getting more for their money”). Quote: (“A selected handful of Canadian universities have thought privately how to escape the tyranny of low base-budget increases from government by imagining them selves as a "fully private institutions" such as those which exist in the United States”). One can only assume that the "Pre" apprenticeship programs have become a source of an Elastic Style of revenue for them? However, it just boggles my mind just how long it would take to become a Journeyman through the traditional college system? What is reflected in the 3 quotes above would not apply within this New Fully Private Industry Based Vocational Technical College+ accelerator through to becoming a University.

12. Globe & Mail - Date 2003? - Universities Becoming Money Machines – This is a major challenge from 20 to 30 years ago when the pursuit of knowledge and education were the main items on the agenda. They are equipped to file patents, to develop licensing arrangements, to provide real-state, for development and to help establish new companies all with the eyes on the money. We are witnessing a race to acquire intellectual property rights that will generate money. It is getting out of hand, and other important values are being neglected both at the individual staff level, where professors are distracted from research and teaching by the lure of money, and at the institutional level where the captains of the corporate world are pursued and coddled with great affection than our leading academics. But today most of the money comes from the private sector. Governments encouraged that shift, partly by offering tax incentives for investments in research and development partly by expanding the scope of intellectual property rights.

Note; Money, Money, Money, Funding, Funding, Funding. Canada "REALLY" without question? And now you understand why our education system has problems, seems to me they stepped away from the foundation of knowledge and education of the student, to lining their pockets?


Alternatives for Canadians, Alternatives for Industry, Alternatives from today’s Public Institutions? A trusted development for you helping your long and short term strategies and goals start with the opportunities and ambition to succeed. This New Unprecedented Self Supporting Motivational Private Career College+ accelerator through to university status, will address the concerns as stated above which are many. It is truly interesting when one can reflect upon the past to see our precedence day results. This development has a rooted potential to assist in Canada's Infrastructure, Economic and Infrastructure Growth, Skills Training, Technology Applications, Apprenticeships, Entrepreneurship, and much more addressing our countries various sectors. Canada has a foundation as stated below.

10 - Parts that creates a new inspiring institution.

Work, Earn, Learn

Mind, Body, & Soul

Health, Fitness, Nutrition

Focus, Fairness, & Financial

Skills, Training, &, Experience

Change, Choice, & Opportunities

Education, Degrees, Higher Learning

Get In, Get Out, & Get On with Your Life

Single Trade, Dual Trades, Entrepreneurship

Democracy, Constitution, Rights & Freedoms

Along side our No Debt, No Tuition, No Student Loans, No Holds Barred.

Here are some up to date supporting Links

This next link is Hot Off The Press. Four things will happen, Investors will become interested, Industry will want to partner or other, some Institutions will want to partner, and lastly the high level of ignorance will be applied and completely ignore this new Institutional Development.

Viewing my other articles will show you distinctly that yes Canada had great opportunities to increase the population but chose to ignore? Fast forward to today and all that has gone on in the past 36 months you can come to your own conclusion?

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