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Unprecedented Non-Traditional Skills & Training College University Development.

Writer's picture: neweconomics2003neweconomics2003

Updated: Aug 4, 2024

Hello everyone, re-addressing something suggested to me from a few years ago was to “Test Canadians & Industry” advocating the need for a New Private Non-Traditional Vocational Technical College University Development. Directly, implementing Education, Skilled Trades Apprenticeships through to Journeyman, Manufacturing Skills and Education, including Higher Learning and so many opportunities not presented within traditional institutions. Once again I am reaching out to all Canadians, Construction Associations, Manufacturing Associations, and all Industries Across Canada. Truly, a change is required addressing the magnitude of what’s required for individuals from one spectrum to the other and from Coast, to Coast, To Coast. Yes, a Board of Directors representing this Industrial Based College/University Development Accelerator where a change is definitely required in applying our direct approach to skills and education for Industry, Parents, Students and throughout all other sectors. People can no longer expect traditional views and practices applying to education and skills development to remain the same if anything more expensive. Requirements in the training occupations have changed, we all certainly have seen this, now we have a 144 leashed designated apprenticeship programs in Canada how easy it was for government to copy and paste from another country? And now for many the process is leashed to a system that Hinders Canadians Ambition and our Critical Thought process.

The system of vocational qualification must therefore live up to different demands in today’s narrative which seems to be express quite clearly. Apprentices and companies both expect vocational training at the Highest Possible Standardized National Level that supports a Nation. Those who have trained in occupations want to get ahead in their field of work (not leashed and corralled) and to have opportunities for continuing training (Specialized or other). For those who change to another occupational field they don't want to have to start from scratch again in a related branch but to have qualifications accredited and their ambitions calculated and evaluated satisfying the opportunities of interest. Young people and companies have every right to expect that their education and skills development efforts are embedded in a system which ensures experience, access, quality, mobility, knowledge and more?

Skilled Trade workers are what drives our country and are in lock-step within our countries infrastructure, industry and our economy. All to be developed within a system that’s truly in-bedded in determination, focus, and ambition where apprenticeships and educational programs are not given but earned. - Building an avenue for students right out of high school into the trades or for those who might have dropped-out, realizing an alternative choice to engage and may want to drop-back-in?

- Poaching, it is a natural process get over it whether trained from Industry, Unions or other. That’s why would encourage our Sponsorship program for you. Training People Well Enough Knowing They Will Leave, To Become The Investment Industry Needs, By Embracing Their Found Knowledge And Skill, Will Become A Great Asset So Treat Them Well”. We will also be offer Degrees, within this New College University Development. To reverse your thoughts from tradition to your ambition, we step even further away from the Norm into the Real where “You Pay Them” or “We Pay You”? Which generates an income throughout our 5 week term semesters. Want a "No Holds Barred" Fast Track Delivery that would put an 8000 or 9000 hour apprenticeship completed at 26 & 28 months as an example. Secondly, it would assist in alleviating many student program(s) from being Debt Incurred into an Ambitious Self Driven institution creating a Non-Traditional experience and good start forward with "NO Debt End".

- A strong working class is very important especially right now when both Federal and Provincial Governments are boasting about the need of Skilled Trades, but then again they have been boasting about it for well over 30 years now? And it was once stated that we have far to many “educated” people with no jobs and not enough people with skills or a skilled trades. How interesting this comment is but yet our Colleges and Universities are loaded up with "International Students"? The Golden Gail Of Opportunities, Very Lucrative For Their Institutions. As stated from Conestoga College Ontario, a hansom surplus of $252 million from international students "Jerry McGuire" show me the money and forget about Canadians? "Do I need To Say Any More"?

- Engineering, a 4 year engineering internship after graduation with a Bachelors Degree, followed by 4 more years mentored by a professional engineer and mandatory for PEO to grant a license, consequently many new graduates never get licensed because they can't find a suitable job with a professional engineer as a mentor, because the employers are not forced to participate? Just another solved problem Canada within this New Institution with a positive Delivery. Engineered By Design With Experience?

- It's been stated that today's craftsmen apprentices are not interested in learning the skills of craftsmen before them have learned, there is a serious delinquency in respect to the steps previously walked by others, and today's individuals seem to not want to learn from their predecessors. Simply put, the presence of self disciple is required in our internal prerequisites within this new institution (called Instilled) where our foundation of principals are, values, ambition, respect, knowledge, experience, and work ethics, all will be completely understood up-front before entry. The difference will be if they choose to be out side looking in, verses inside looking out? Life's Choices.

- Another viewed statement. Our current "Public System is Inefficient and Ineffective" in meeting our growing demands for the skilled trades and can be easily abused by contractors and does not encourage enrollment? “Clearly” in this comment meaning our “PUBLIC SYSTEM” is what requires a change or an alternative? This is where I like to express to them "Clearly" to “GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE” Period? The system is corruptly leashed-led and has been for a long, long time. 144 Skilled Trades we have now, a Lucrative Copycat System that was a Cut And Paste System From Some Other Country. Talk About Compromise, and absolutely no "Critical Thought", where solutions not illusions do exist.

- Training for middle management (supervision) of our craft is seriously over looked as well and because of the aging work force of skilled craftsmen has left a gap between Sr. management and the new craftsmen (Intentional of course). And there are many indicators in today's market that demonstrate the skill of the craft is less than yesterday? NOTE: In this comment clearly reflects the one above, again just another adjustment that can be corrected and developed within this New Private Industry Based Vocational Technical College University Development.

- Skills training an incredibly important part of Canada's education systems, right along side and within the K-12 and post-secondary education systems. I think the focus of the skills training depend a lot on regionally, but people need access to well-developed, well-run skills training systems whether they are young, older, experienced or not and from one end of this country to another. Clearly, once again expressing our “Canada’s Education System” “HUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM” all generated by our Critical Thinkers “SYSTEM”? This new industry based college university development will be “100% Well-Developed and Well Run” because they will not be part of our Applied Educational System a step away from tradition.

- Today's supervisory skills do not exist because the industry focused their attention on the “numbers” to complete the work and not the skill to complete the work. Truth, always has a way of “Slapping You Square In The Face” Are you awake yet Canada?

In addition to these comments above, I had read the Ontario Construction Secretariats article called Completion Counts being a big concern, needless to say the trade unions have a higher completion rate than others, why, probably because they are trades or the fact that they are not part of their system or are they? Another article I viewed called Unemployable Graduates by Barbara W. Chernin which led into another article from the Star (Ken Coats). In his article were some interesting view points. Bringing Higher Education into the 21st Century and that we owe it to our selves to "Question Outdated Ways of Thinking For Evolving Labour Markets". And the idea that everyone deserves a degree or at least a chance to “EARN” one. Rethinking the funding formula for post-secondary, and be more open minded about blue collar jobs (the Mantra of our time appears to be, you can be anything that you want to be? Note; a (False Statement) not everyone can or has the ability to be. How to give Canada's next generation the right tools to succeed, rebuild post-secondary and bring Canadians into the debate? What Debate We Ask?

My views are based upon what was said above so let me be brief about two things, PH. Industrial Incorporated & Phate Vocational Technical College University Development. These two entities are uniquely designed to bring about the change required by creating this Unprecedented Private Industry Based Vocational Technical College Development of the Skilled Trades, Education, and many Career Alternatives. Today we have a "Pre-Leashed System and a Co-op System", here at Phate Industry based College University you would come straight out of high school perhaps, directly into a trade of your choice and become a Journeyman within 26 to 28 months with our upfront prerequisite system of achievement where one will know directly whether it is for you and the ability to not waste our time and that of the student? I am completely disheartened by the "Pre-Leashed Apprenticeship Programs" being offered to students, such a waste of time and money, wasted only to find out you are on your own finding an apprenticeship that hopefully you achieve in becoming a Journeyman. “No Dam” wonder there is a concern about apprenticeship completion rates? In the Public System the start to finish time from a Pre-Leashed Apprenticeship to Journeyman becomes the million dollar question today for some? This new college university development eliminates "Fact over Fiction and Solution over Illusion" that would create a Journeyman in a fraction of the time as apposed to traditional ways through our “100% Well-Developed and Well Run” industrial based college university creating the opportunities to excel. Offering and engaging into the higher levels of middle management, take a second trade, or earn a “Degree” perhaps or become an entrepreneur. Called Ambition?

Which now leads into the realm of (university status) meaning another direct approach were an apprenticeship/engineering program as an example works in parallel with each other giving the engineer the practical knowledge required, something abandoned by the PEO years ago. Here we will set new standards and opportunities for new employable opportunities throughout our prerequisite programs of Work, Earn, Learn. We will develop a suitable professional environment to which one can be mentor and achieve their P.Eng. Directly, Honestly, and Respectfully when it comes to manufacturing, skills and training it just doesn't get better than this new College/University development. Today’s “Unemployable Graduates” could excel rapidly in this institution if they bring their ambition and adjust to our prerequisite program of Health, Fitness, Nutrition, Knowledge, Skills, and Education. As Ken Coats elaborated it is "Time To Bring Canadians Into The Debate" to have an alternative choice and to be able to choose their Phate (fate) wisely. And a reminder on just how long we should wait Canada? Economic Development Has A Voice From The People That Benefits The People? (The Certified General Accountants Association of Canada Observed That No Labour Growth is Expected From 2016 to 2025 (Canadian Business Magazine 14-27-05). Isn’t interesting how the time frame reflects Justin Trudeau’s time in office? My Thoughts.

Skilled Trades in a Fraction of the Time / Engineers with

a full Practical Background / Career Alternatives / Higher Learning

Business Summary: Our initiative will be in stages A Strong Board of Directors First, our For-Profit Multi-Faced Manufacturing Corporation achieved through Investors, Partnerships and Acquisitions, producing a variety of component parts, skills, apprenticeships, education, and products for many sectors as stated within our Canadian Maple Leaf Logo as an example. Secondly, our uniquely designed Not-For-Profit Industry Based College University. Again through Partnerships or Acquisition(s) of existing accredited Colleges or Universities for administration experience, curriculum development to suit our needs and the needs of our student flow, administering our (TDA) Training Delivery Agent Programs, creating unprecedented opportunities within this world class educational, skills training, skilled trades training institution through to creating journeyman, engineers with a full practical background, and the many other career paths, and degrees enhancing our countries long neglected manufacturing foundation for potential growth that this institution will engage in helping in redeveloping North America.

Product/Services: Directly creating an alternative for parents who want the best possible opportunities for their kids and the costs, creating an experienced way to save their money, earn a living and be educated, develop skills, skilled trades, engineering and other higher educational programs, including the many other career alternatives throughout our progressive process of product people and profession campus facilities. In doing so we will create a strong "No Tuition, No Student Loans, No Holds Barred" incentive that will lead to our students becoming "Debt Free" and an experience at the end of their skills development and or educational goals not obtained traditionally.

Target Market: Being (diversified which include only two genders man & women) and will not engage in the (LGBTQ/LGBTQ2/LGBTTTQQIAP) or what ever they choose to call it. Will not apply in this industrial based manufacturing model of development through our For-Profit business portfolio and Not-For-Profit College University development. Intentionally we will engage with many sectors throughout our development of, skills development, recruitment, and outsourcing as a service, including developing our own products internally, for local, national, or international possibilities. Supply, Service, Educate, and Train within our uniquely designed environment addressing industry, students and our economy. Our plan, is in obtain Strategic Partnerships/Co-Founder Stakeholders, Investors, and Government in developing our innovative Start-Up, this can take on many forms and needs to be orchestrated Professionally, Logistically, and Logically together.

Customer & Sponsorship's: Unique opportunities for recruitment, surprisingly lower costs to students, enhanced coordination of business needs, unique training regime, opportunities in skilled trades, completely encouraging labour mobility, creating specialized training, capturing a unique approach in obtaining older workers and their knowledge and skills. Offering businesses and industry an incentive for possible outsourcing opportunity for their own growth and internal career development of human capital, a new alternative for recruitment your way.


Management Projection: Through the early stages of this development, these two initiatives will require a Strong Board of Directors as stated pursuing acquisitions strategically along side our partnerships, which will attract and generate into our management team. Administrative knowledge and skills in running an institution of this magnitude. This New Direct Private Non-Traditional Vocational Technical College University Development will be paramount moving forward creating alternative opportunities for Canadians. In pursuing these goals we will create a management structure that will apply themselves uniquely to both of our initiatives needs. Creating our “100% Well-Developed and Well Run College University.

Customers: Canadians are our customers “FIRST” creating greater opportunities encouraging and developing our student base. Manufacturing, Construction, Education, and Skills touching base with all sectors building upon and strengthening our once great economy together. We will ramp up quickly becoming a large diversified Privately Competitive College University. Our growth rate will accelerate rapidly with the attraction of our Canadian Students and Industry, as we build the physical part of this industry and our campus facilities.

Sales/Marketing Strategy: Location is important as in most things where we do have an intended home base that has it’s uniqueness to attract, creating a work force capable of developing, and using the newest of technology where and when it may be applicable. In turn creating our Great Canadian World Class Competitive College University in the areas of Education, Skills Development, Skilled Trades, through our Career Alternative Based Facilities including those interested in Higher Learning in our unique wholesome environment.

Last But Most Important: I know all to well when Boy meets Girl and how things can change quickly. It becomes an inspiring time of commitment, love, supporting a new family and that feeling of being trapped? Wanting to better for yourself and your new family, can't afford to quit your job or engage in full time school or other because of costs? Examples; ambition leads to extraordinary efforts to obtain a foundation. From personal experience at a time in my youth where I engaged in fulltime school and full time job at the same time is and can be over the top and excruciating at the very least and truly not for everyone even if they had that opportunity. So, love, family, commitment, requires a plan? For the many things expressed within this article we can help develop your ambitious plan and family. I have seen what a strong committed plan between husband and wife can create when the opportunities arise to engage? Because the costs in life such as bills etc... do not stop? This is where this new College University development can help "YOU" and your family as well as many career changers. As Ken Coats elaborated above "It's Time To Bring Canadians Into The Debate". Speak Loud And Clear Canada! Helping in Advocating & Promoting For This New College University Development. Advocating To Your Local MPs, Social Media, Your Local Camber Of Commerce, Friends etc...

Thank You,

Thomas J. Forbes

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