Hello Everyone, Music - it moves us, motivates us, inspires us and I believe one melody I have in mind goes something like this. "Get Your Motor Running, Get Out On The Highway, Looking For Adventure, In What Ever Comes Are Way". This melody is full of Ambition, Freedom, Inspiration, Opportunities, Change, and Choices. Sound Familiar?
So here we are again addressing the “Skills Shortage Chronicles” only a "$8.5 Trillion Dollar Talent Shortage"? Let it be known to the (Investors, Stakeholders, Possible Partnerships, and Potential Board Members) that there is a Sustainable Initiative waiting for you? So tell me has anyone ever seen so much money floating around going out of Canada as we have in the past 4 years (Post Plandemic) “Historic” I would say? And now, “Governments and Organizations must make talent strategy a key priority and take steps now to educate, train, and up-skill their existing work forces, well I am impressed with their enthusiasm, the past 25+ years proved to be full of Jargon & Rhetoric, not to mention the hundreds of millions spent and here we are? Therefore, I "ASSUME" that unless a Solution or an Alternative to which they speak of is not one of their own, and not one that applies directly to them will "Fall Upon Deaf Ears" when it actually benefits the interest of the People, Parents, Students, and Industry within this Alternative College+ University Solution ? Therefore, opportunities will become the Same Old Lip Service Jargon only to please our ears for another 25+years? With such Grave Concerns today and what is being proposed in the second link below will most likely "NOT" gain the slightest of interest to address and create a good start for our Students the Canadian People, Indigenous, Industry, and our Economy? See first link below.
Note; "We The People" regardless as to where the term originated is a Country/Community where Leaders & Politicians are to Manage in the best interest of the people, for the people with honesty in complete support of our Democracy and Constitution? In business when management strives to under mind the company and line their pockets it shows up in the financial statements usually or other. This is where they are dismissed or brought to justice depending upon the severity of their corrupt injustice to the company/country/people in this case where all eyes are upon our Government? Yes, in this questionable “Pandemic” it did and has raised fear among us all but than again their is questions and even greater questions from the vaccines? However, there is a greater fear to our Managing Leaders coming from "We the People" when they were to act in the best interest of us all. Canada do we Lead or do we Follow some other different narrative?
The Link below has also been presented in another article. Imagine only 85 million Tech workers required by 2030, “WOW” the competitive edge (Supporting the Control of a Compromising Narrative) has grown. I some times wonder like all things in time that the required interest grows old for some of us, where some might require a change from such a competitive Sector? But then money is always the driver correct provided the Tech World remains to be lucrative and a great interest to many? We must all remember that in most cases technology is a tool, and we need to be constantly aware of that fact in everything we do, it is not a life style? “Education” The statistics have been around for years where our existing Public Institutions made it easy for them to gouge, meaning the costs of education hindering peoples opportunities verses helping. In doing so created longer periods of time for many to pay off the Debt Accumulated from what they had learned? I also truly understand immigration for all the right reasons, but as I have said before we need to clean up our own house before our guests arrive. (Unfortunately It Seems To Have Become An Invasion) Meaning Canadians First? However, the System has only been accelerated since our Leader came into power developing his portfolio of votes since 2015. Our government also reflected their aggressive attempt to immigrate a very large number of immigrants over a very short period of time (Votes)/(Invasion) never mind about back ground checks that would be to slow. My fellow Canadians we are not part of our “Leaders Aggressive Opportunities” regardless presenting a "Sustainable Alternative Solution for Canadians" to engage Privately along side our Public Institutions for the benefit of Canadians.? Interesting how their main interests are in the Tech Sector as in the link below.
QUOTE; Our Immigration Officials will have to be less application processors and more head-hunters for the entrepreneurs, engineers, researchers, finance professionals, marketers, salespeople and other vocations required to fuel Canada’s economy and vibrant society for generations to come”. From what I just read does this not reflect upon what our Public Universities and Polytechnic Colleges, supposedly be developing for Canadians? Or are they now not capable of this either, and why are these positions not expressed throughout Canada as much as they are for immigration. (Called Encouragement). Could it be that “International Students are more Profitable” "ABSOLUTLY"? So Canada, the Competitive Edge, are we now Incapable, do we not have the Intelligence, or perhaps we have become to stupid, or perhaps we have no voice or ambition?
CANADIANS NOT REQUIRED; I just can't wait for all the skilled and educated to quickly arrive so we can all start to view them from standing outside looking in?
2023 an all Canadian Alternative Solution that Benefits Canadians. Truly, is it not time to put Canadians First. Funny, just how the debt, credit card debt, student loan debt, and the gross spending of our government all come into play along side the "Cracks in the so called Pandemic, including the so called vaccines as well" that are now coming to light? And to think for a moment that our Leaders Side Kick would like our savings to help foot their fabricated bill of incompetence or was it premeditated (Remember That)?
"We need to be "Vigilantly Aware” of which umbrella we chose to sit under? It's our "Middle Class Privilege" being Fringed Upon?
Note;- Both Socialism and Communism place great value on creating a more equally controlled society and the removal of our "Class Privileges"? The main difference is that Communism involves creating an "Un-Equal Society" creating an authoritarian state, which denies basic or all liberties". Here in Canada we are to have an equal scale of Capitalism/Socialism but seems that we are leaning to far one way and it's looking a little fuzzy? Just like Balancing Budgets we also need to have Balance in the many things that make us Free Canadians?
"AWE" the "Tyranny" stated in examples throughout my other articles that reflect upon the accelerated Costs of Quality Education and Skills Development leading towards our "Leashed-Led Society"? Perhaps, Billions more from our (Tax Payer Government Foundation) and their "Dire Need" for Job Creation, Skills Development, that has now become something of Great Concern. "I Get It", it's in the “Private Competitive College/University Solution Institution” that must agitates them not to engage in their "All Hands On Deck" formula. However, that must only apply to that other Nations "Right Doug"? Directed to me early in this New College Development when presented to a Public Polytechnic College Institution with an intent to partner which only led to a kick to the street which was rather Sweat clearly stating I am their Competitor? The opposition is Quite Large, and go hand in hand with our Government? Private verses Public, interesting enough it seems to have a theme of "David and Goliath" here in Canada.
In the Link below - Quote; An African proverb states, “If there is no enemy within, the enemy outside can do no harm.” This could be creatively interpreted to mean, “When the water hole starts shrinking, competitive instincts kick in. "Bring On The Sun If That Is The Case" 60 years has been long enough and an alternative change is needed.
PRIVATE UNIVERSITIES WOULD BE A CREDIT – ? AUG. 23/99 – “REALLY" DON’T TELL OUR GOVERNMENT THAT”. For the most part available university funds are being spent on unnecessary programs and irrelevant research grants. But letting some students pay high tuition fees for a formal education if desired, there will be more money in the total education pool for struggling public universities. It is high time that Canadians stop fearing the supposed threat of Private Universities. By allowing some students to pay their own way, we would reduce the influence of government controls on our education system and increase the freedom of choice in the education/skills training market place. As well, there is no reason why a Private College/University can’t do well in Canada. It’s true there are some but a few Canadian Private Universities present this type of opportunities. Hello Canada Anybody Listening?
Note; Are Universities Becoming Business-Driven – (This Must Be A Skill Testing Question) Yes Indeed They Are? The "WANT" is the driving force behind anything and everyone "Higher Education Is Know Exception" creating a Cost Alternative in achieving that "WANT" posses the opportunity to succeed within our Work Earn Earn Curriculum. See the Link below.
However, please let me reiterate once again that their is a “Cost Competitive Alternative Solution” available addressing skills, education, training, apprenticeships and so much more for Canadians as stated throughout the many article postings within this link below. Change, Choice, & Opportunities is what this "Canadian Alternative" is all about. Enjoy the Read, Please Share, and Donate.
Earn Your Learn; Builds Experience, Self Driven Ambition, Character, Integrity, and in this New Private Industry Based College+ (University) Development we will build upon the Critical Thought Intelligence from various levels of our citizens being Blue Color & White Color and our Indigenous peoples of Canada. We have it all here in Canada let us not piss it away through the endless spending of our Swellheaded Politicians? We will need to be "Vigilant" moving forward to ensure a Leader of our Country is not one that under-minds our intelligence from within. Ambition is created by our internal drive in obtaining our personal interest and goal, it is the applied opportunities that help solidify the drive from within creating our Country Strong and Free. Remember the posting from one of our other articles in our blog stating that our Former Conservative Leader Of Ontario and Premier Mike Harris in 2002 & 2003 was Promoting Private Universities. Interesting do you think Doug Ford would consider such?
My finale thought in ending this article is in addressing our government by example; Like all mammals the "TEAT" it is a nipple of a mammary gland of a female mammal, from which the nourishment is sucked out to sustain life for their young. In reflection upon our Governments Leadership to nourish its citizens the people of Canada. I would have to say our Leader and his Side-Kick by design, that they prefer to nourish them selves, their Party and their Corporate Friends? Therefore, it is truly up to "We The People" to "Advocate & Promote" engaging together in the coming months (Years) to ensure our choice, and our future, is in the best interest of our future, for our Children, Families, Friends within our next election?