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The Illusion Or Solution In Our 21st Century Skills Training, & Educational Institution

Writer's picture: neweconomics2003neweconomics2003

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

Hello Everyone, In the Link below you can view all about us and this new Institutional Development alongside all of the

other supporting Postings, and Articles.

In a world of "Competitiveness" I find it truly difficult to believe that our Public Universities, and Polytechnic College Institutions including Government are the only Alternatives in town best suited in the interest of every Canadian, Parent, Student, Business and our Economy. Hundreds of Millions (Billions) of dollars spent over the past 25 years just in Ontario alone. With end results creating enormous amounts of student debt, alongside many degree toting students that are unemployed, and then there is our Polytechnic Colleges along side our Provincial Government(s) in Ontario still trying the "Carrot" approach promoting our required Skilled Trades which has been ongoing for years. Therefore, PH. Industrial Inc. and Phate Vocational Technical College (University) development has created an Alternative that would certainly fit into creating a good start for Canadians not just in Ontario. Truly, creating a sustainable inroad of Alternative Opportunities, debt relief for students and career changers, creating the much need experience, and development of a whole New Cohort addressing education and skills training. As an example; Skilled Trades from start to finish in 26 to 28 months (direct and innovative). A "Purpose for People" in creating a new "CANADIAN ALTERNATIVE INSTITUTIONAL SOLUTION" where our objective is in helping Canadians and Industry through the development of skills, training, educational enrichment, required within one's ambitious goals and a good positive start in life. Where opportunities can be embraced to help solidify one's purpose, creating a positive progressive approach that does "Not Hinder", but able to uphold and defend a good start forward without the burden of debt.

Sustainability; It holds "Merit" today especially in these Unprecedented and Challenging times. “Sustainable” is the ability to be maintained at a certain level. A “Sustainable” development is a development that meets the needs of present without compromising the ability of future generations meeting their needs. A “Sustainable” institutional business is one that generates value for everyone involved without being a drain on the resources that help create it. Sustainability, Is what every leader hopes to achieve and that the business will turn a profit quickly and stay afloat for the long term, and for all the right reasons. A business development that prioritizes sustainability is one that considers all stakeholders, assesses and addresses the concerns of the environment and social impacts, and is transparent throughout and thorough in its reporting. This sustainable business-institutional development is the "Real Deal", and will address 3 key elements Work, Earn, Learn.

Together they will definitely be unique creating a profitable supporting business, and a Not-For-Profit Institution for Canadians. Scaling Up, addressing the skills will be consistent throughout, along side education succeeding in time our ultimate potential goal of a "Private University/College". Attracting students and developing a new cohort embracing industry's needs and the needs of Canadians. Our "Business, Educational & Skills Institutional Development", will hold “Value” through our directly applied Alternative Cohort deviating away from student debt obtained by so many, and hindering a good start in life. Also delivering a Higher Level of education and skill requirements. Our "Niche" if you will, is in embracing one's personal ambition, experiencing our valuable multi-faced campus environment opening up multiple areas of opportunities and seeing possibilities that one may not have otherwise known existed.

Phate Vocational Technical College, will be developed as a (Not-For-Profit) institution, alongside PH. Industrial Incorporated a (For-Profit) company, both can and will succeed well into the future bringing greater opportunities to Canadians, Industry and our Economy. Today's circumstances “Left Overs” from the questionable (Covid-19), is and has created distance between us all today, but will draw us even closer tomorrow when the truth is revealed. This "People Purpose" institutional business development will give much more than it takes. In turn creating and promoting our strategic plan forward, being responsible for, and understanding the flow of 'in' and 'out' – not just cash flow, but tangible and intangibles that are required in creating our product and services and most of all the development of Canadian citizens.

Here at PH. Industrial Incorporated. and Phate Vocational Technical College our mindset is one of being direct, dedicating our resources in creating Change, Choice, and Opportunities for Canadians and Industry. Allies, who believe sustainability is important from the bottom line up, will have absolutely no reason not to connect with us moving forward. Sustainability is important to business, it will allow us to still be here decades from now. And having created something of lasting value, and our ability to attract students, industry, our employees, partnerships, and stakeholders all in creating jobs and supporting our economy. And for those who actively want to do business with a company that thinks beyond today. Our strategic plan would effectively address and embrace Canadian Students, Employers, Industry, Investors, and more. Note; there is "NO" other institution that exists today that will address Industry, our Economy, Parents Concerns, and Student Debt as we intend to do.

A competitive “Change, Choice, & Opportunities” is what’s needed today alongside our Traditional Public Institutions for those initially entering the work force or those seeking a new or Second Career Path, or for those who have incurred debt with no employment where a different path might be welcomed, including addressing our Company-Sponsored Students, and Drop-Outs perhaps after realizing that a change is needed. Your "HELP" is required through Advocating for this New Private Not-For-Profit College/University Institution to its initial point of entry for Canadians and our next generation. Preparing them for their career of choice, a good start without debt, coupled with experience that can not be obtained traditionally. By contacting you Local MPs, Local Chamber Of Commerce etc...

A Private Institution generally does not receive funding from the Provincial, Territorial or Federal Governments. Instead receiving Private Funding through Donations from a variety of people such as the Wealthy, Industry Support, and all Canadians throughout their In-kind support for a needed change. Private Universities often attract and retain the very best staff possessing esteemed reputations in their respective fields, truly something to look forward too. Uniquely combining these two entities together creating a New Private Industry Based Non-Traditional Vocational Technical College University Institutional Development with the ability of becoming Sustainable and Self-Sufficient will be a great attraction to our New Future Cohort.

Mission Statement

Our belief is that through experience, and the development of one’s own ability, is subject to the amount of diversified practical knowledge one can receive within such an environment as in this unique vocational technical college university development, this and only this will inspire and create world-class skills, multi-skilled trades, practicing engineers, (Higher) education and more, in doing so we can help employers maximize their human performance and bottom-line results in the areas of human capital, retirement and outsourcing, building greater resources and opportunities for Canadians.

It is truly the Skills, Work Ethics and Experience that is missing between the post-secondary ecosystem and what Manufactures & Construction Associations and their employers are looking for today which would become a prerequisite within this New Institutional Development for Canadians. Note; The Vision of the (MTCU) Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities was to have the most educated people and highly skilled work force in the world? Our Vision is one of the same within this institutional development and more, called accountability through Change, Choice, & Opportunities where we support our “One Nation Strong And Free”. Where we do not recognize any Premiers calling their Province a Nation but that of one Canada for Canada. Although some "Premiers" may think otherwise.

As Technology continues to transform so will we creating the employees of tomorrow where we will change, adapt, throughout the advances. Here at this new institution the. “Life Long Learning Component” applies to all Practice-Based Training, Education, and Higher Learning a combined culture of knowledge and skill unlike any other institution that exists today we will be unique. The sequence of continued educational growth also needs to have a “Direct Approach” that creates Opportunities as within this Well-Structured Institutional Development such as the one described here. "Where we do not Guess the Future, We Build the Future and where the Hallways and Aisle Ways are filled with both "Blue-Collar & White-Collar Workers" offering “Life Long Learners” from Academia to Practice-Based-Training and everything in between where the worlds come together creating the future of work and embrace new entrepreneur minded leaders".

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