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Co-Founder, Entrepreneurship, Partnerships, Investors, Creating Our Lost Foundation Of Competitiveness

Writer's picture: neweconomics2003neweconomics2003

Updated: Nov 25, 2024

Hello Everyone, So when is it time to require a Co-Founder(s)? It must be when it becomes the need of many, and where Co-Founder(s) have the ability to bring experience which stimulates the engagement financially along side the Founder/Entrepreneur. When the characteristics of the entrepreneur has had positive evaluations, adding to the continuous advocating and promoting throughout the persistent tenacity embracing passionately of what's truly required in helping Canadians. Portraying a "Comment Sense" philanthropic style objective through to Start-Up. Through our extensive knowledge based R&D acquired over time sets precedence in breaking new ground and creating what's called "Movers & Shakers". Where these two entities uniquely design to work together bringing forward greater opportunities throughout our educational, vocational, technical, skills, training, and apprenticeship program(s) campuses. All of which support Parents, Students, Industry, our Economies, and the future of Canadians, Indigenous, and Americans.


After viewing the speaking notes “Skills; the Key to Canada’s Competitiveness” of the Honorable Perrin Beatty President and CEO of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, on October 24/2007 at Telfer School of Management, at the University of Ottawa. Note; In this new institutional development, "we have achieved in developing and addressing these points of interest; Surprisingly Lower Cost to Students; Enhanced Coordination of Business Needs; a Unique Training Regime; Opportunities in Skilled Trades; Completely Encourage Labour Mobility; Created Specialized Training; and Captured a Unique Approach to Obtain Older Workers and their Knowledge and Skills”. NOTE; We have also addressed a unique alternative process for those with other interest such as higher learning that also addresses a, "Surprisingly Lower To "NO" Costs To Students".

(Interesting how things come to light?) Compared to 2007 in the paragraph above and the link below? Just Saying?

The Go For The Gold Award, interesting enough was the Fact that after Laurentian University came out of CCAA Bankruptcy Protection? The government severed that (French) Loophole opportunity for all others. Needless to say who needs bankruptcy protection anyway when you can gouge international students so easily. And "Ignore Domestic Canadians" at the same time "BRAVO" Conestoga College as stated in the Link below?

And Then Their Is Always An Alternative For Canadians If They Voice Their Concerns.

The government of Ontario is investing $260 million through the Skills Development Fund (SDF) Training Stream to help workers in manufacturing, construction and technology get connected with high-paying jobs in their communities. A press release from the province reads. High Paying Jobs need to be Created for Canadians? This is where the Partnerships/Co-founder(s), Stakeholders, and Investors come into play. Clearly, a Canadian Alternative Institution would become an asset to Canadians and our Canadian Industry. Great opportunities for Industry and strategic partnerships along side serious investors with Canadians in mind. "We Will Become Another Great Leap For Mankind"? "ALL HANDS ON DECK RIGHT DOUG"?

So just where does Domestic Canada (Canadians & Indigenous) fit in? We Don't?

NOTE; Here are the main requirements to qualify for the CEC program: In the Link below asks for these things.

  • Work Experience: Many young Canadians have experience and would become a priority within this new institutional development.

  • Language Proficiency: At this new institutional development, English will be a prerequisite, Reading, Writing, Speaking and Comprehending the English language.

  • Valid Work Authorization: Canadian citizens will have 100% ability and opportunity to work here.

  • Occupation: Domestic Canadians/Indigenous will gain rapid experience prescribed as in many of the occupation classifications under Canada’s National Occupational Classification (NOC) in skill level 0, 1, 2, or 3. This includes management roles, jobs typically requiring a university degree (like software engineers which I believe is already a saturated market), college diplomas or apprenticeships Note; The Medical Sector jobs will be looked at and may be considered at a later date upon review? (like medical technologists), and roles requiring on-the-job training (like dental assistants).

Note; This new institutional development will be open to all Canadians, with the millions of domestic citizens and the opportunities being developed is a NO Brainer? In Layman's Terms " If You Build It They Will Come" Which involves creating the work experience, education, skills, training, apprenticeships supporting English speaking Canadians.

NOTE: Questions in the Link were characterized by the encouragement presented to Canadians and Indigenous Canada.

  • Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS): This New Private Industry Based Vocational Technical College University Development has an express process of delivery as stipulated in our prerequisites upon entry. "NO HOLDS BARRED"

  • Express Entry Draws: This new institutional entry will come from everywhere Canada & Indigenous, and could be sponsored through various industry with a clear understanding of the requirements.

  • Check Your Eligibility: We will create a Website of our required inspiring ambitious programs with a clear, concise, and complete understanding to ensure you meet our basic requirements.

  • Estimate Your CRS Score: Reading Writing, and Arithmetic, will be a prerequisite for most programs, higher learning programs will be defined upon high school stats and academic skills.

  • Language Testing and Documents: Unless your illiterate, English language would be a know brainer for Canadians.

  • Create and Submit Your Express Entry Profile: For Canadians, work experience, education, and other relevant information is necessary in creating a starting point where ambition prevails.

  • Wait for Invitation and Apply: "NO INVITAION REQUIRED". Once you submit your profile of your career interest, you will here from us promptly and any questions you or we may have? Clearly, as we develop this new institutional development your interest will drive our presents here in Canada quickly? So, as they say everyone has a voice, and conveniently today we have social media platforms. Also note that every program will have a continues intake.

  • Application Fees: NO FEES REQUIRED - Ambition is your acceptance or departure for the lack of it? Rules of engagement are simple your either in it or your not? Help will be available.

  • Opportunity for Indians: Indians as in Canadian North American Indigenous are and will be part of our domestic intake representing a greater opportunity for skilled Indigenous seeking and creating a future in our country Canada.

Just in case you didn't know, now you do? Where do we fit in Canada? This new Private Institutional Development sets precedence for the required change Canadians can make together.

A Labour Gut & a Population Growth? Really, Interesting how since 1996 they have been boosting shortages of skilled Labour & Trades and and Promoting College & University, now in a short time frame they have a mass of labour? With the right attraction, investment, and partnership opportunities. Canadians for Canada would have a cost saving alternative for education, skills, and training for growth. I still laugh at the comment, "Population Growth"?

So sad and unfortunate, yes the push for Skills, not on the same page.

This is food for thought? And your thoughts are?

See how we continue to over look the importance of Domestic & Indigenous crowded by many absurdity things like, Mental Health, Opioids' and Hard Drugs, Shortages of Skills that promotes Mass Immigration, Homeless, The Covid Caper, Bioweapon Vaccines, & the Crimes Against Humanity. So much Camouflage? My thoughts

Awe, the continuous pursue to raise tuition.

1. Obsessions to compromise creates generations of jobless graduates

2. Awe the vital roll of engineers and "STEM" another premeditated compromise perhaps in Luo of a jobless generation future?

What ever happened to Domestic and Indigenous (Compromising Canadians In Motion)

It truly is disheartening to see Billions thrown around like confetti, but then again as stated in my last article posting it's their narrative correct? For reasons that are not beneficial to Canadians.

Here we are again on the hunt for Skilled Labour "Where are all The Skilled Labour, projected through all the Pilot Programs across the country. Just last year alone 800 thousand immigrants & (International Students) We Should Be In Abundance"? So when does Domestic Canadians and Indigenous come into play?

Hope it hurts for their lack of Canadians.

Corruption it is apparent in just about everything, and how many Jerry McGuire's have their hands on the money?

WOW, a President's Strategic Initiative Fund? Unfortunately that their isn't an Initiatives Fund for Canadians as in this Institutional development.

WOW, their doing everything they can to cover their ass on the MASS IMMIGRATION.

Note: Below in article 2005, then scroll back up to Perrin Beatty 2007 “Skills; the Key to Canada’s Competitiveness”, and then the link below that? Compromise 1, 2, 3, & A, B, C,?

Rhetoric just runs ramped here in Canada. Where meaningful solutions are ignored. Almost 20 years in the making and to feel the outcome of it all today.

Note; (Globe & Mail, Mar.23/05, "War for Talent Requires New Strategies') A report recently released by Deloitte warns that, by 2008, a wealth of skills and experience will begin to disappear from the job market. The first members of the baby boom generation will turn 62, the average retirement age in the large developed economies of North America, Europe and Asia, Deloitte wrote in its report. Its 2008 do you know where your talent is? Rich compensation packages and “hot skills” bonuses will be insufficient for they can be matched by competitors, Mr. Deloitte said. A more thoughtful response is required – one that lures critical talent but, more importantly, engages them in ways that promote the flexibility and productivity you need to compete. Few organizations are developing the next generation to take over from aging boomers. But when the crunch comes, these companies will find they cannot just poach the talent they need from the competition. “By develop, we mean providing the “real-life learning” employees needed to master a job. By deploy, we mean working with key individuals to identify their deep-rooted skills, interests and knowledge to find their best fit in the organization. Craft the job design and conditions that help them to perform, it said. “By connect, we mean providing critical employees with the tools and guidance they need to… build networks that enhance individual and organizational performance and…improve the quality of their interactions with others. Deloitte said, adding, Managers may be amazed by how often the talent they need resides right under their noses. But, inviting talented people to explore their options is not as risky or costly as paying them when they are disengaged, or losing them altogether to the competition. Stephen Deloitte, a Toronto-based partner at Deloitte Consulting LLP.

Amazing, Looking Back 10 years????

By the Numbers: Student Debt in Canada

Education should be a human right, not a debt sentence

Toronto – April13, 2013 – Between 1990 and 2010, average tuition fees for post-secondary education in Canada increased four-fold from $1,271 to $5,139.

By the end of September 2010, student debt exceeded nearly $15 billion and growing - higher than the debt of some provinces.

The total cost of a post-secondary education - including tuition, school supplies, housing, and other expenses - is roughly $14,500 a year, or close to $60,000 for a four-year program. (Statistics Canada)

Average undergraduate tuition in Canada is $5,366. (Statistics Canada)

More than 60 percent of current post-secondary students will graduate with student debt.

A recent poll showed that 58 percent of post-secondary students who borrow to pay for their education expect to graduate with nearly $20,000 in debt while 21 per cent expect to owe more than $40,000.

The Canadian Federation of Students estimates that average student debt is almost $28,000. According to the Canada Student Loan Program, most students take 10 years to pay off their loans.

Students studying in the Maritimes have the highest average debt loads while those studying in Quebec have the lowest.

Student Debt by Province in 2011 dollars:

Alberta: $25,698

British Columbia: $29,497

Manitoba: $21,564

New Brunswick: $34,413

Newfoundland and Labrador: $35,703

Nova Scotia: $35,642

Ontario: $26,480

Prince Edward Island: $32,960

Quebec: $15,195

Saskatchewan: $31,061

Student Debt Load Varies Greatly by College and Region


Published: December 4, 2013

Rising student debt has become a national concern, but the picture is far from uniform, with students at some colleges borrowing ten times as much as their counterparts at other colleges, a report released Wednesday says.


Student Debt and the Class of 2012,

Related Student Debt Slows Growth as Young Spend Less (May 11, 2013)

Degrees of Debt: A Generation Hobbled by the Soaring Cost of College (May 13, 2012) The Institute for College Access and Success, a research group, reported not only enormous variation in student debt from school to school — from less than $5,000 per borrower at some colleges, to almost $50,000 at others — but also wide differences by region, with students in the East and Midwest borrowing far more than those in the West and South.

The report underscores the murkiness of college costs, with consumers often focusing on sticker prices that have little to do with how much aid they will receive, how much they will pay out of pocket, and how much they may have to borrow.

The report came a day after the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau announced that it would regulate large loan servicers like Sallie Mae — companies that do not lend the money in the first place, but take over the management of the loans – in the $1.2 trillion student debt market. The federal bureau, created in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, already oversees lenders, but it recently reported that people who have student debt are often tripped up by the loan servicers, particularly when they want to change repayment terms.

The Institute for College Access and Success estimated that of the students who earned bachelor’s degrees in 2011-12 from public colleges and nonprofit private ones, 68 percent had student loans, and the average borrower had $27,850 in debt, up from the $26,600 it estimated a year earlier.

A recent report by the College Board, using different methodology, put those figures at 60 percent and $26,500. Both sets of estimates exclude for-profit colleges, whose students are more likely to borrow and also borrow more on average, because much less data is available for that sector.

The institute’s report does not give debt figures for specific colleges, but it names 40 of the nonprofit schools where students borrow most, and 20 where they borrow least.

Average debt for graduates who had taken loans ranged from $41,500 to $49,450 at the 20 private, high-debt colleges listed. They are concentrated in the Northeast, like Quinnipiac University in Connecticut, and Utica College in New York.

At the 20 named high-debt public colleges, student loans averaged $33,650 to $41,650. Half of them are state schools of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

The low-debt colleges are a geographically diverse mix of public and private, ranging from little-known places like Campbellsville University of Kentucky to Princeton University. Their average debt loads for graduates who borrowed ranged from $4,450 to $11,750.

State-wise, graduates of colleges in Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, California, Arizona and Louisiana were among the least likely to have student debt, and if they did, to have borrowed relatively little. Graduates in New Mexico had the lowest average debt per borrower of any state, about $18,000.

At the other end of the spectrum, graduates in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Maine, Minnesota and Ohio were among the most likely to borrow, and had some of the highest debt loads. Delaware colleges had the highest debt per borrower, almost $34,000.

The institute said the gaps in available data showed a need for more information to be made public, and for better consumer understanding of the true costs of going to college. Forty-five percent of the nation’s nonprofit colleges, which granted 21 percent of the bachelor’s degrees, did not provide debt information, and almost none of the for-profit colleges participated.

In addition, the report says, colleges know of money students borrow from the federal government or from the colleges, themselves, but they are not always aware of debt owed to private lenders like banks.

Summary: I think it is great just how much Canadians & Americans love their debt. And so unwilling to even think that an alternative was even possible. Patriotism come in many forms mostly it reflects and benefits the people.

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Aug 30, 2024

"addressing unfilled job demands in certain employment sectors". Is that what the government thinks they are doing? what jobs in what sectors? I'm confidant they have no idea and don't care. If they did there would be a means of tracking the career paths and validating if immigration is fullfilling our labor needs. Are foreign trained tradesmen as good as our homegrown guys? just asking! We should train our own people to our own standards in our own ways of doing things. We need skilled, motivated people who work with integrity like professionals so our buildings dont fall down. The government's solution seems to be diluting the work force with a massive influx of unskilled, untrained immigrants, and charging exorbita…

Oct 29, 2024
Replying to

Hello tombrady585

Sorry for the delay. Thank you for your comment, yes they certainly seem to not care, and the immigration seems to be their ultimate goal? Tracking I doubt that even happens, and are foreign trained better, if they were from another G7 Countries I would say equivalent, but questionable perhaps from else ware? Training our own people I can't agree with you more equally, and an acceptable standard throughout all provinces. If you are saying we are being compromised by the influx of unskilled, untrained immigrant people it does seem that way and intentional. Yes, education cost are "BS" and the Private Sector over incompetent Public Sector Government would certainly be an asset? Thank you for your response…

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