Hello everyone, for some of you that have all come to know of me and my initiative by reading through my Website along with my many blog articles. Clearly, as stated in the title of this article called "PURPOSE" throughout my 25+ years of dedicated work, bringing forward what would truly benefit many. My purpose is in providing the people something beneficial, direct, unprecedented, throughout our non-traditional alternative approach involving education, skills & training, and many other career alternatives.

Our objective, is in the development of a New Private Industry Based Vocational Technical College University Development.
Where our specific objective is within a measurable action stating. Purpose captures why an organization exists. Ambition defines what it wants to achieve. This organization(s) purpose is in addressing opportunities created through a strategic framework that benefits the people. What is a clear "Purpose". and what have we achieved 1. A clear and practical vision for people to achieve their goals. 2. Our Determined Passion and Drive to Succeed. 3. Many Trials, Tribulations, attributed through much accumulated knowledge brought us here. 4. A developed focus and a step away from Traditional institutional success.

5,Addressing the shortage of required needs. 6. The Pursuit of a Strong Defensive
& Offensive Team a (Board of Directors). 7. Patience & Perseverance Prevails. 8. A Complete Strategic plan for growth. 9. Embraced many bumps and setbacks which has built personal strength.10. The Determination to see it through for others to benefit.

What would actually intrigue someone to satisfy their ambition. Perhaps, some rich individuals might invest in businesses, pursue philanthropic activities, or engage in political or social causes. "Or all Three"
There are many people in the world with ambition. However, without a clear sense of purpose and direction to engage in such opportunities is like spinning your wheels in the sand.
Rationale: as expressed withing one of my blog articles called. https://www.phatevocationaltechnicalcollegeuniversity.com/post/rationale-meaning-a-set-of-reasons-or-a-logical-bases-for-a-course-of-action-or-a-particular-beli
Cumulative Effort Of Meaningful Goals: Truly, this has become the "Purpose" behind the years of tenacious efforts bringing forward change, choice, and opportunities for ambitious citizens. An inspiring development embracing and supporting our much needed Manufacturing Base we once had, Entrepreneurial, Vocational, Technical, Skills & Training, and Educational values addressing our "Next Generation". Students with an opportunity in creating a good start forward, not a "Debt Start Forward". Note: Within many of my Blog Articles that are usually followed by supporting Links for those who may not know, or not aware of our Strong Alternative Development creating a step away from our Traditionally High Priced Valued Education. See additional links an comment below.
I am asking you "CANADA" where do "WE" fit in, there seems to be greater government interest outside Canada than in Canadians themselves? "Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)"
Is it just me but all countries seem to be looking for skilled people? Where do all the skilled labour come from out side of the G7? But yet here in Canada from (2015) and all their questionable immigration reflecting skill requirements "We Should Be In Abundance By Now" but that doesn't seem to be the initiative behind the immigration"?
Just another one we can address through our approach. Developing even this area of concerns within this new institutional development becomes all part of the plan?
Indeed Manufacturing is, and has always been an asset. But here we are back at it again and their is nothing more In-depth in developing our Manufacturing Base than this new institutional development? Awareness is one thing the real deal is something different?
"O" Yes it is considering what's being offered and the "High Price", what's being offered within this new institutional development may inspire an Alternative route?
As intended here in Canada, "Canadians First", and they are waiting for their opportunity, so they can "Wail" all they want they've created their own mess?
And to think French Laurentian University was a "Deliberate Insult" to all other Institutions if they are feeling the pain it was intentional. But with Laurentian given a Loop-Hole then our French Government closed the Loop-Hole from all other institutions deliberately. Doesn't sound Canadian to me?
Yes Indeed Front and Center.
I couldn't have said it any better myself? "Here ye, Here ye, Here ye!" Listen Up Canada.
Interesting concerns?
And the Concerns continue.
Self Inflicted Considering?
To Bad So Sad - Yes a Change Of Batter Approaches.
"AWE" The intentional Time Lapse creation has taken place?