Hello Everyone and Happy New Year; In my first article for 2024, please let me express my Frustrating Rant in our World where it seems we have lost our “Gods” Gift of Intuition, Ambition, Sound Mind & Body, Knowledge and Experience. Only to Except our World without Question? And the Lack of Historical, Meaningful, Morals, Values, and Respect.
What Is Fool's Gold?. Any flashy but ultimately worthless investment may be called Fool's Gold in finance? Today’s Expression “Holy Molly Canada Our World Is So Full Of It”. The term originally referred only to iron pyrite, which is commonly mistaken for gold. However, today’s terminology for “Fools Gold” has many different destructible and distrustful meanings such as? Today’s Technologies, The “AWE” of Science, The 1975 Pet Rock, The 1980s George Carlin Clarity Of The Big Club of “Fool’s Gold” 2005 see links below, The Questionable Climate Change, The "So Called Pandemic" and now proven Bio-Weapon Jabs known as vaccines see Dr. David Martin in links below, The Catastrophic Advanced Destructive Weaponized Applications such as what happened in Maui? The HAARP Technologies, the So Called Chem-Trails Program, Propaganda, Miss-information, Dis-information, Freedom Of Speech and the ability to Sensor us all, The push for Ultimate Control through Digital Everything, The Infestation Immigration Program to Compromise, The Gun Program where your guns are only Offensive to the Criminals in High Places. ETC… Pretty darn confusing world since 2019 isn't, and to think all this and so much more can added.. My Thoughts.
George Carlin Video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=Nyvxt1svxso&si=-V2RbxoIsLFi7W_P George Carlin Read: https://x.com/iluminatibot/status/1736710459712032962?t=DfswJkzWQLsqGK2J-nbDVw&s=09
This link supports the results of what George Carlin has stated?
Dr. David Martin: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hnIhuVXtFEMR/ Dr. David Martin: https://rumble.com/v2z71hw-dr.-david-martin-for-58-years-they-planned-most-tyrannical-reform-of-societ.html Dr. David Martin: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RPNbnldSHpfP/ Dr. David Martin: https://rumble.com/v47xgui-dr.-david-martin-breaks-down-disease-x-terror-campaign-being-rolled-out-by-.html BRANDY VAUGHAN: https://x.com/Thekeksociety/status/1748244399127937058?t=MCc8n3nhZFggh3Vl7dcyRQ&s=09 Clearly, there has been Crimes Against Humanity & Genocide committed throughout the World and within many countries? Nuremberg #2 will have “NO” illusions only a solution?
They have D-Energized our Youth (George Carlin) see links above. What does the saying “Fools Gold” actually mean again? The phrase “Fool’s Gold” is used when talking about an item that its owner believes to be valuable, but that really is not so (Vaccines) see Dr. David Martin in links above. Where that investment seems to be a good one, but found out it was “Fool’s Gold” when it crashed and burned and where many have died intentionally by the (Bio-Weapon Vaccines)? So far all the above shows that “We The People Have All Been Made Fools Of” From A Small Controlling Global Fringe Group that, Robbed us all Globally of our Life, Health, Finances, Economy, Education, Food, and so much more?
However, my rant now becomes my continued initiative in pursuing our New Unprecedented Non-Traditional Private Industry Based Vocational Technical College (University) Development for the greater good and opportunities for Canadians and for all of North America. However, what's interesting now is the new Regulations and Statutes in force as of January 1st 2024. WHY? Would they deviate away from the term Private Career College, this should prove to be interesting considering “Government” does nothing without an intentional agenda to perhaps compromise our future as stated below? Note: they also want to ensure language proficiency testing requirements described in the regulation will match federal requirements for language proficiency tests used for “Immigration Selection Purposes”. The Key Word here Is Federal Requirement and we all know about them? There is a “Rhyme and a Reason” for everything they do, must be another controlling or compromising initiative?
Ministry of Colleges and Universities
Ontario is proclaiming into force amendments to the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005, that will change the name of the Act to the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005 and change the term “private career college” to “career college” within the language of the Act. Other amendments being proclaimed will require the Superintendent of Career Colleges to review the Act every five years and enable the Ministry of Finance to leverage enhanced collection tools on outstanding administrative fines imposed under the Ontario Career Colleges Act, 2005. Additional regulatory changes under the Act coming into force on January 1, 2024, will simplify tuition refund requirements, extend the Superintendent's discretion to approve programs for periods other than five years, and clarify key requirements for career colleges such as renewing registration, evaluating students, and keeping records. Amendments will be made to revoke outdated requirements for career colleges, such as retaining physical copies of the Act.
Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
The Ontario government is amending a regulation under the Fair Access to Regulated Professions and Compulsory Trades Act, 2006, to ensure language proficiency testing requirements described in the regulation will match federal requirements for language proficiency tests used for immigration selection purposes.
However, Our For-Profit Business along side our Not-For Profit College Development will definitely enhance Canadians personal growth and our own corporate policies upon the English Language, one of our major prerequisites upon entry. Our economic growth throughout this Alternative College Institutional Initiative accelerating Canadian students abilities to work, learn, and earn throughout their development. Creating Critical Thought, and Knowledge within a No Holds Barred System, verses, A Leashed System That Holds You Back?
Our Strength
Work, Earn, Learn
Mind, Body, & Soul
Health, Fitness, Nutrition
Focus, Fairness, & Financial
Skills, Training, and Experience
Change, Choice, & Opportunities
Education, Degrees, Higher Learning
Single, Dual, Trades, & Entrepreneurship
Get In, Get Out, and Get On with Your Life
Democracy, Constitution, Rights & Freedoms
NO, Tuition, Debt, Student Loans, No Holds Barred
“Our H.O.P.P.E.R. System is Designed for Human Opportunities of Principles, Practices, Education and Recruitment”. An College institutional development addressing the Real World of Work, Learning, and Earning, where there are "NO" illusions only solutions. And what continuously seems to be “Resoundingly Impossible” are the many Educators, Policy Makers and even the General Public when addressing a beneficial change like this “New Non-Traditional Industry Based College (university) Institutional Approach To Skills, Training, and Education.” addressing all Canadians.
The Bottom Line
The knowledge and skills of workers available in the labor supply are key factors in determining both business and economic growth. Economies with a significant supply of skilled labor, brought on through formal education as well as vocational training, are often able to capitalize on this by developing more value added industries, such as high-tech manufacturing. Note: Clearly they project High-Tech Manufacturing? However, this Unprecedented Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical College (University) Development embraces the “Original Key Factors Meaning You”, by supporting our labour supply of “Knowledgeable, Well Trained, Well Educated, Skilled Workers”, creating availability for businesses and stimulating economic growth and entrepreneurship.
“NO” Silicon Valley here? Only a direct process of delivery for the ambitions that are generated by the opportunities presented to the individuals that truly have the drive to do better for themselves. "Innovation requires a strong foundation that opens the mind, embraces the experience of the real, and offers the opportunities that entices the drive of ambition".
NOTE: Perhaps we should do something about this next link? By 2030, 79 million skilled tradesmen will retire, while only 41 million new workers will enter the workforce. So there is a foundation for investment? Or is this just another Liberal Propaganda (Fools Gold) approach? We hear consistently about diversified but yet “NO” interest in doubling up as in “Duel Trades” a 2 for 1 delivery within the same traditional time frame as our standard traditional system?
A valuable future is being expressed here at PH. Industrial Incorporated throughout our For-Profit practical side, and Phate Vocational Technical College development as our Not-For-Profit institutional side, where the two will work uniquely together creating an Unprecedented value to our Nation. Opportunities always creates a valuable future considering the disgusting events being played out in today’s economy and around the world. That is why in this new educational skills training college (University) development we will not need to Guess the Future, We Are The Future, and We Will Build The Future Together.
Where the Hallways and Aisle Ways will be filled with both "Blue-Collar & White-Collar Workers" offering an Alternative Change “And An Edge Up To Engage". From Academia to Practice-Based-Training and everything in between where the worlds come together creating the future of work for today and tomorrow”.
Here again I express another “Wake Up Call” from an earlier posting 8/19/2017 from when I was on LinkedIn before I was termination. The Big Picture - Ray Dalio Founder of Bridgewater Quote; "Indicators of the cost-effectiveness of education are lacking and correlations of the factors with subsequent growth don't exist, at least to my knowledge”. "That is Dangerous" For example; if "Policy Makers” simply educate people without consideration of the Costs and Paybacks of the Education, they will waste resources and make their economies less productive even though we will become more educated people. “SOUND FAMILIAR CANADA ARE WE THERE YET”?
Note; This resent Link seems to have industry starting to wake up perhaps to the compromising fraud, or just another “Fools Gold” front, playing the good cop bad cop manipulation in creating the foundation that they want? All this gibberish but you do see how they are deviating away from the largest of all truths? China is the largest polluter on the planet?
This one is interesting have a listen?
Looking Back to Spring Forward? Very Interesting, he must have had a Crystal Ball to see the future of what we are now experiencing? 10 Years ago.
Minister Kenney: addressing the skills mismatch key to strengthening Canada's economy TORONTO, Jan. 23, 2014 /CNW/ - Today at a conference hosted by Hamilton-based think tank Cardus, the Honourable Jason Kenney, Minister of Employment and Social Development, highlighted the need to fix the skills mismatch in Canada to ensure Canadians can benefit from economic growth. In the coming years, hundreds of resource projects are planned that will create hundreds of thousands of jobs from coast to coast to coast. In addition to the direct jobs created by these projects, investments in infrastructure and machinery represent even more opportunities for Canadians. In his speech, Minister Kenney outlined the steps required to ensure that Canadians have the skills they need to fill these jobs and ensure Canada can take full advantage of this opportunity. More employer-led training through the Canada Job Grant, more employer investment in training and increased wages, reforms to Canada's apprenticeship systems, encouraging more Canadians to enter the skilled trades, better recognition of foreign credentials, improved labour mobility and better labour market information were some of the solutions identified by Minister Kenney. Quick Facts: 1. The Association of Canadian Community Colleges says that over the next 10 years Canada's labour market will need approximately 1.5 million new workers to keep up with demand. 2. Experts in the construction sector say they will need 319 000 new workers before 2020, while the mining industry will need 145 000 more workers in the next decade. 3. The Conference Board of Canada says Ontario alone is losing out on $24.3 billion in economic activity because employers can't find people with the skills they need. Quote: "Our government is working to fix the paradox of too many people without jobs in an economy of too many jobs without people by helping Canadians get the training they need. Only by addressing this skills mismatch will we be able to ensure that Canadians can fully benefit from the tremendous opportunities before us." Jason Kenney, Minister of Employment and Social Development and Minister for Multiculturalism.
NOTE: Interesting Link? Don't laugh or scream but Jason Kenney is the Hillary Clinton of Alberta Politics. And a true "Paradox" solution is being addressed here in this article but continues to be ignored?
Below you can see all the Consistent Hype on Skills and Training in the 8 links below: Question: Viewing this first link below shows you distinctly that yes, Canada had great opportunities to increase the population but chose to deliberately ignore (no excuses please) as suggested in the link below? Note: It was fully and intentionally planned? Fast forward to today and all that has gone on in the past 48 months along side my years of research presented in my next 3 links below, I’m sure you can come to your own conclusion?
These next 3 links will show that they talked a good story, spent a lot of money, deliberately ignored a solution and created the illusion (George Carlin)? And now the invasion is here in Canada and around the world. (“Huston We Have A Problem”)
NOTE: I am not in anyway a computer tech, but with so many links with the same ending, is this what they call the sales pitch algorithms?
1 https://www.facebook.com/share/UCURaGcJ9bhXH3gi/?mibextid=I6gGtw 2 https://www.facebook.com/share/Drm2SRbhPPaef1rD/?mibextid=I6gGtw 3 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02ZvbduxHTDvoF13GraeVTmTS9wSMy9VFmg9Etp4CS5jGiqd9dVo45CMeAQrrX6ec7l&id=61553015471614&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=I6gGtw 4 https://www.facebook.com/share/UggGuYaX8CHaKuFo/?mibextid=I6gGtw 5 https://www.facebook.com/share/NFnQBNVRX52TBf9Z/?mibextid=I6gGtw 6 https://www.facebook.com/share/QHBWGAb9RVB8i3Zi/?mibextid=I6gGtw 7 https://x.com/Trades4Tmrw/status/1735349133265760420?t=kquFalDxa49uw44JSK2s5Q&s=09 8 https://x.com/CDNTrades/status/1735298627214454888?t=d8mpPLBsoaOCKig58owe5A&s=09
Donate: And our government throws around hundreds of millions outside our country. But yet wants more from you to be donated. Bridging the Gap for Youth living in low-income communities empowering them to overcome barriers to education and thrive. Note: Interesting isn’t just how this new institutional development can create such opportunities through our Work, Earn, Learn, system and where the English Language will be one of our Prerequisites to Speak, Read, Write, and Comprehend the English language? Where the continuous encroachment of the French language over the English will not apply.
Funding Universities: Interesting, a lucrative overflow of International students, our government throwing money away intentionally internationally? But yet these institutions are asking for more funding? This has been ongoing for over 25 years as stated in our research throughout many of our blog articles such as in the 3rd link called North America Un-Leashed directly above the 8 links above.
https://x.com/OntUniv/status/1725274545081516522?t=RYU-eYIDEWeQQLaSJMbT9Q&s=09 https://x.com/univcan/status/1734304257103270317?t=vyXJHbtdbiQNk9oHlqlEIw&s=09
Miss-Management perhaps something never asked or questioned. An (Outside) Forensic Audit Perhaps would clear the air in this next link? Or perhaps the "Domino Effect" following Laurentian University Sudbury (CCAA) clearing the path for others to follow? How convenient?
(Crying Foul) How universities are supporting student success and economic growth in Ontario, why students and universities are at risk due to current provincial policies, and calls on the government to immediately implement the Blue-Ribbon Panel’s recommendations to urgently address the financial sustainability of the university sector. Note: See 3rd Globe & Mail article below called "Universities Becoming Money Machines" below. There is a familiar term called "Suck It Up Butter Cup" meaning they need to clean up their own house first before looking for handouts?
The two links above stating "WE ARE OUT OF MONEY" REALLY: Miss-Management and the Quality of Education never seems to be the topic? "They Just Ask For It, And Expect It" "With Know Financial Accountability". It is a far cry from the institutional development being proposed in this article? This is a prime example of "FOOL'S GOLD" Who gets the Gold, And who are the FOOLS? Remember, the past is always a reminder incase you might forget as displayed in these next few article postings 20+ years ago?
Time for a change perhaps Canada. In the Links below.
BUT WAIT A MINUTE? You mean to tell me that government and the institutions didn't know this? "Fools Gold".
Really Canada, the intentional plan to compromise continues, are we done now trying to compensate for their corruption? I think that now with their orchestrated premediated (Ground Breaking) plan that was created for their "Strategic Corrupt Exit Plan" called Chapter #11 or CCAA Bankruptcy Protection of our corrupt institutions just like Laurentian University is the stage being set????????
The rub is that the doers need to also be thinkers and vice-versa – Thus, Canadian universities now covet the applied skills traditionally produced by colleges seek to equip students with boarder cognitive skills for a workplace of changing demands. There is a bewildering; array of choices today all saying “Degree”, says David Marshall, President of Calgary’s Mount Royal College, which has about 20 applied degree programs. Marshall also said, “in part because of a spike in demand for higher education that couldn’t be supplied by Canadian universities alone”. Advanced intellectual requirements for the workplace and “creeping credentialism” are also factors he identified. College-specific education is going to be required for 58 per cent of the new jobs in Nova Scotia over the next five years, as opposed to 18 per cent requiring university specific education, according to a Human Resources Development Canada study in the region. “Colleges and Universities had a virtual monopoly on post-secondary education, “he says. “We don’t anymore and you know what? That’s a good thing. It does not mean these institutions are dying”. “Between 1990 and 2001 in Canada, over 1.1 million jobs were created requiring university education,” says Robert Ciroux President of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada in Ottawa. Meanwhile, the rising, value of a diverse education doesn’t yet preclude an older notion of “credential creep,” the idea that every work function has simply layered on more educational demands. Higher in-come families are four times more likely to use this than low-in-come families. Education tax credits aren’t much help to students or parents with low incomes. And in most provinces students are not able to borrow their full education costs. The recent Throne Speech hinted that the March 23 budget might contain further measures to assist students and encourage their parents to save. Good: We need to shift our thinking, so that saving for education gets as much attention as saving for retirement. The United Kingdom is introducing a new system whereby students can borrow fully against university costs, and repayment after graduation is tied to income earned. There are also offering lower-income families. We need a comprehensive plan, formulated together by the federal and provincial governments, students, the private sector and the education institutions. Canadians’ future standard of living depends on it.
GLOBE & MAIL AUG. 26/2003 – UNIVERSITIES IN PERIAL OF RUNNIN AGROUND – Tricky business, some schools are in better financial shape than others, in large part because of difference in levels of provincial support. The biggest challenge for Canada’s Universities however is stopping the deterioration and perhaps improving the quality of undergraduate education. No, the universities are grappling with a huge backlog of deferred maintenance (even while they construct new buildings), growing class sized and a series of pressures that emphasize faulty research over teaching, especially to undergraduates. But there has been multibillion dollar investment by the Federal Government in university research. The universities main challenge lies with the undergraduates. They’re paying more for their education in most provinces, but universities would be hard-pressed to argue possibly that students are getting more for there money. Funding budget the lifeline of university financing, hasn’t kept pace with the cost of university education. Research can help but doesn’t drive excellence in undergraduate teaching. A selected handful of Canadian universities have thought privately how to escape the tyranny of low base-budget increases from government by imagining them selves as a “fully private institutions” such as exist in the United States. Those who have toyed with the idea have all breaking away from the other universities and from Provincial Governments. So the universities are stuck. They have persuaded some provinces to allow graduate and professional fees to rise. But these measures cannon make-up for limited base-budget increases, fee freezes, and governments, to be stuck. They worry about access, which includes them to keep fee increases down. More important, the health-care is rising faster than any other component. Health care is literally squeezing every other government-financed program. More voters worry about health care than universities. With universities and governments both stuck, something has to suffer. But in a depressing number of cases-is the quality of under-graduates education. Note; there not stuck, but they have been sticking it to us for a long time? "Fools Gold"
Globe & Mail - Date 1999/200? - Universities Becoming Money Machines – This is a major challenge from 20 to 30 years ago when the pursuit of knowledge and education were the main items on the agenda. They are equipped to file patents, to develop licensing arrangements, to provide real-state, for development and to help establish new companies all with the eyes on the money. We are witnessing a race to acquire intellectual property rights that will generate money. It is getting out of hand, and other important values are being neglected both at the individual staff level, where professors are distracted from research and teaching by the lure of money, and at the institutional level where the captains of the corporate world are pursued and coddled with great affection than our leading academics. But today most of the money comes from the private sector. Governments encouraged that shift, partly by offering tax incentives for investments in research and development partly by expanding the scope of intellectual property rights. Note; More Money, More Money, Canada "REALLY" without question? And now you understand why our education system has problems, seems to me they stepped away from the foundation of knowledge and education of the student, to lining their pockets? And just my thoughts are in exploiting the students and their ideas during the process? "FOOL'S GOLD" Who gets the Gold, And who are the FOOLS? The signs of what money does, it overrides our students values in education and knowledge and has developed in presenting their ignorance, arrogance, neglect, and greed? "Again Who Gets The Gold, And Who Are The Fools"?
This next article is rather interesting and supports our cause, I came across this about 5 years ago?
Are universities becoming business-driven?
There is the mantra that 'universities are not business'. However, others believe that universities already had become business-driven and reveal that higher education institutions should agree and focus on improving their operation as applying business concepts. There are many arguments about the commercialization of universities while it has been a very controversial topic. Nature of academic institutions may be changed by commercialization in ways, and by trying so hard to obtain more money. Moreover, higher education is seen as a budget area that, unlike other government services, can compensate for cuts in-state expenditures. A typical and not incorrect assumption is that public colleges and universities have sources of funds, especially students and the tuition's they pay, that are not available to other government services. This assumption makes higher education vulnerable to cuts during tough budgetary times, when policymakers tend to focus on solving short-term issues rather than on addressing long-term needs. Unfortunately, higher education, in particular, becoming out of reach for a common man, not to talk about a poor man. Everybody deserve to acquire appropriate knowledge. As a result, universities may compromise values that are vital to the continued assurance and loyalty of faculty, students, alumni, and even the general public if they try too hard to make money. Should universities agree that they are becoming business-driven?
Nyamdavaa Byambadori - Mongolia - University of Life Sciences.
"GIVE NOW" and pave the way for talented students who are striving to change the world. Through 4 ways to support students "REALLY AGAIN" THAT'S INSULTING
1. Invest in a brighter future for student refugees? Note: Our proposed College/University development will bring brighter futures to Canadians First?
Around the world, conflict and war (Fabricated) can disrupt the education of students, making it difficult for them to follow their path to education. Your support can help them reach their potential. Note: Support has never been in more demand for Canadians than it has ever been than right now? From a Patriotic Stand Point and the state of the world we are in right now "Canadians First" refugees later?
2. Enhance student mental health and wellness through world-class research. Note: (stop creating it first?). Note: (Research the reasons behind Mental Health)? Mental health is the bedrock for strong academic outcomes and a successful life beyond school. Note: Maybe you should Walk the Talk instead of pushing it? You can champion transformative research to support student well-being and help them thrive. Note: Sounds like a plan of creative employment when help becomes exploited?
3. Support non-traditional pathways to higher education. Note: (Such as the Alternative Institutional Development expressed here in this article)? Adults from underrepresented communities face barriers to university admission. Note: (Barriers exist in Canada against Canadians achieving university admission)? Your donation provides access to financial aid, academic support and the encouragement needed to succeed at university. Note: (This new College requires Partnerships with Industry, Investors, and an Accredited (College or University) where "NO" financial aid is required to support and encourage Canadians achieving university success if one chooses. "A" for ambition.
4. Help deserving students access to financial aid. Note: (Do Universities have any "Critical Thought" for their students outside of "MONEY" that they already make as outlined in the article above called "Universities Becoming Money Machines", donations, give now, funding, tuition, bursaries etc...) "REALLY"? Financial problems makes it very difficult to focus on studying. Note: (Focus on studying will not create mental health in this institutional development, the financial debt created traditionally, doesn't apply it is eliminated within this new Non-Traditional Institutional Development). Student bursaries can help eliminate these worries, setting students up for academic success (NOT REQUIRED)? Note: (Smoke and Mirrors setting you up for more mental health chasing the carrot? Amazing how the world of education is created to keep you in Debt, Debt, and more Debt.
University courses: Note: nothing is free when they are begging for donations?
https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/higher-ed-gamma/creating-more-collaborative-higher-education-ecosystem https://x.com/OntUniv/status/1725270015081877864?t=SnpTnX5Wbcy6tDkdvqezWw&s=09 https://theconversation.com/low-funding-for-universities-puts-students-at-risk-for-cycles-of-poverty-especially-in-the-wake-of-covid-19-131363
Investing in Universities:
The Lack of Public Funding for Universities: Note; is their a Lack of, or is it that "Greed" can't get enough?
Universities: are they really the only solution or just more illusions?
Private Universities & Colleges: Question, does this have something to do with the removal of "Private" from Career Colleges?
“While we’re "Spending Billions" to save higher education”, college and university leaders should focus on engaging today’s students. Note: So here we have the root of the EVIL within as stated in the Globe & Mail article called "Universities Becoming Money Machines"? All Part Of The Big Club (George Carlin)? An Alternative solution to help eliminate you from all of these illusions and Mental Health is in the development of this new Unprecedented Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocation Technical College/University Development.
Funding, Funding, Funding, talk is cheep? Canada risks losing the people whose research is driving ideas and solutions that will tackle the challenges of tomorrow and power our economy "And That Is Their Niche"? Two words describes my perspective on Funding our Universities “BS”. Funny, how driving Real Ideas, Research, and Sound Foundational Solutions that do tackle the challenges of tomorrow, that puts the Canadian people First because our economy doesn't exist without the People, and our future is within the People. But goes on being grossly ignored?
Money and the connection of employment as a professor in a University: Amazing how it works, and the quality of education goes for a "SHIT" as stated in the link below? Just another example expressed in the article "Universities Becoming Money Machines".
UNION: WHY, WHY, WHY, from all I have heard and seen this is the only lawyer that I know of that states clearly about the Unions Colluding with Government (The "Freeland" Express of Compromising Initiatives)? Remember what the “WEF” was so proud of, that they had infiltrated our Governments and Unions. Interesting, you want to work “Get The Jab”? See Links above from Dr. David Martin. It is all about the money? "Fools Gold".
Your thoughts? Upon the Link below.
Here we have a Prime example of the past 20+ years? As stated in the Link below. Today’s construction forecasts in Ontario alone are seeing high levels of employment for the next 15-20 years. With a Red Seal Construction Skilled Trades, you have the freedom to work across Canada. Note; Isn't that something that has been in place for years? Looking at the 3 Links we have presented above the 8 links shows nothing but a deliberate arrogant and ignorant approach to changing nothing that would truly benefit the people? NOTE: INTERESTING FOR SOME REASON WE CAN KNOW LONGER ACHIEVE THIS LINK POSTING?
https://m.facebook.com/story.php story_fbid=pfbid02GShCZoARGzFTPEFrdzV9cTgk9UJt1JNqkmG4fUM3ra9MYvQKDmZg3VYXXvTnvYcHl&id=100069871179498&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=I6gGtw
After sending billions abroad he has the audacity to ask for donations?
Engineering: Another group of intelligence? I think they should check their own house before compromising another (Or Are They Already There, We Already Have A Gong Show In Ottawa)? Note: we already have a Political group trying to crush our Canadian Foundation we have know room for another. My thoughts.
https://www.facebook.com/share/v/n6ZYbN56meeKrteW/?mibextid=I6gGtwhttps://m.facebook.com/story.php story_fbid=pfbid02GShCZoARGzFTPEFrdzV9cTgk9UJt1JNqkmG4fUM3ra9MYvQKDmZg3VYXXvTnvYcHl&id=100069871179498&sfnsn=mo&mibextid=I6gGtw
ENG. DIMENSIONS NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 2000 – PRESENTATION ON THE STATE OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION – SUBJECT: CHAUDHURL, P. ENG. DEAN OF ENGINEERING WATERLOO UNIVERSITY - For the finance industry and business industry and business management consulting firms, an engineering background is a “hot” commodity. Noting that makes engineering grasps attractive to these employers is their practical, problem solving skills and the ability to arrive at cost-effective solutions quickly. He stressed that engineering schools will have to find ways to lure talented engineers from industry since University salaries don’t match that of those in industry. Note: for the past 23 years I see know solutions but illusions have become plentiful. Another Jerry Maguire foundation? "Show Me The Money" "Fools Gold"
Note; in the above paragraph certainly leads into today’s narrative that we are all living in? Also with that comment a "HOT" commodity, I laughed, because when I was on LinkedIn for a number of years, I posted this out their a few times asking "Where Do I Find An Engineer With A Full Journeyman Background". No Answer?
ENG. DIMENSIONS NOVEMBER AND DECEMBER 2000 – Licensing categories a non-starter to my knowledge, at no time since 1975 has PEO raised, or even considered, the issue of making apprenticeship training a prerequisite for P. Eng. Qualifications in the fields of mechanics, electrical or civil eng. – a system that exists in European countries. Many times I have witnessed engineer grades getting the necessary four years of experience and becoming licensed without gaining any real knowledge or practical feel for their fields in terms of the application of design. When if ever is the association going to consider this matter. It is therefore no surprise that, when experienced engineers are required for this business I have to look to Europe for recruitment says, N.C. Halden C. Eng. M.I., Mech. E., P.Eng, Hornell N.Y.
ENG. DIMENSIONS JANUARY AND FEBRUARY 2002 – Ontario ministries and large private corporations are developing their own formal engineering training programs – and have contacted PEO to make sure their programs for (EI’S) engineering internships will meet the experience requirements for License? Note: That means we can develop our own meaningful, accountable, practical, engineering program with a full practical back ground?
Engineering, a 4 year engineering internship after graduation with a Bachelors Degree, followed by 4 more years mentored by a professional engineer and mandatory for PEO to grant a license, consequently many new graduates never get licensed because they can't find a suitable job with a professional engineer as a mentor, because the employers are not forced to participate? Note: Just a solution to our problem Canada, within this New Institutional Development with a positive Delivery. Engineered By Design? With no illusions.
(Globe and Mail, April 14, 2005). “U.S. Engineers need hands-on training: GM/ U.S. auto makers could streamline their design process if American engineers were trained more like their Asian and European counter parts. We are actually training our engineers to be managers while the rest of the world trains them to be doers.” General Motors executive Bob Lutz said Asian and European engineers are trained in drafting and can draw a new design on the spot when they run into problems. U.S. engineers often need to call in designers to do the drawing and may take weeks to figure out a solution. He said. GM has been trying to combat the problem with a three year old program that trains engineers, including some middle of their careers, to do their own drafting. We can no longer afford to do engineering and design several times over around the world Note: I often wonder just how deep and wide this problem is today?