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Writer's picture: neweconomics2003neweconomics2003

Stagnation: the State of Not Flowing or Moving, the Lack of Activity, Growth, or Development. Let me be clear it is truly short sighted ignorance when an innovative College institutional development that creates greater opportunities, choices, experience, and induces productivity for industry, has been ignored. "WHY" Because it doesn't follow todays scripted narratives, because we are "Outside With A Competitive Mindset" from our 60 years of traditional abuse? There is an old saying that "What You Don't Know Won't Hurt You" But It Does, "What You Do Know Can Inspire You" And It Will", by creating Alternative Choices, Changes, and Opportunities within your life. Economically speaking, the opposite of Competition is "Monopoly" meaning, where one firm holds the market share?

This now brings me to our Public Polytechnic Colleges and Universities here in Canada. Where they don't have "No Real Competition" that Canadians can embrace as an Alternative in having greater productive choices in their life's development.

We have been Promoting and Advocating for this New Competitive Industry Based Vocational Technical College (University) Development for quite some time. Giving Canadians an edge up, and a good start forward, by being "Directly" in Competition with our Public Institutions is both Exciting and Challenging. Where we can all embrace the benefits by increasing the Knowledge and the Flow of Productivity, by Instilling Ambition, Inspiring Greater Activity, Ethics, and Self Discipline. By Growing And Developing Our Canadian Ambitious Enthusiastic citizens.

Scotia Banks Chief Economist - Explains Why Productivity Matters. Listen to the Podcast Link Below.

 1:33 — The basic definition of what productivity is 2:09 — How is it measured? (And why is it so complex?)

 4:19 — Why productivity is “the most important economic variable we have” 

 5:59 — Why increasing productivity equates to increasing standard of living

 7:00 — How Canada’s productivity has looked historically

 8:21 — The mystery behind why Canada lags behind in productivity

12:15 — What the long-term impact of declining productivity could be on Canadians

14:08 — The big question: how do you solve the problem when you aren’t sure what the cause is?

18:03 — Why productivity is the “number one public policy issue” in Canada

Three words come to mind - Business, Money, & Revenue: All are just meaningless words until people are applied to them which then creates and embraces the goods and services required for that particular business or Institution.

Business – a person's regular occupation, or trade, an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities. Businesses can be for-profit entities or non-profit organizations. Business types range from limited liability companies to sole proprietorship, corporations, and partnerships.

Money – is any item or verifiable record that is generally accepted as payment for goods and services and repayment of debts, such as student debt and taxes. A medium of exchange that is centralized, generally accepted, recognized, and facilitates transactions of goods and services.

Revenue – the total amount of income generated by the sales of goods and services related to the primary operations of the business. Note; Speaking of our traditional colleges and universities and where International Student Being their Primary focus of Goods & Services? "AWE" the hunger games as shown in all the links at the end of this article

By Definition – Revenue for our universities and degree-granting colleges receive most of their funding from government sources, tuitions and fees. The remaining funding comes from donations, private grants, investments and other minor sources of revenue. For students, the question of attending university or college is often linked to affordability, which can influence enrollment rates. Todays inflationary costs have accelerated rapidly in food, accommodations, tuition, fees etc... and creates greater hardship for students in the end by (Debt and Repayment) for most and hopefully employment. But the institutions interests don't seem to be for Canadians, more for gorging themselves upon the International students. "We have an Alternative that Benefits "YOU" meaning Canadians".

In the real world as we all have come to know. Universities and Colleges "ARE" you pay them which reflects the Debt and Repayment as stated above in money? Within this New College (University) Development is where, "We Pay You"? Creating a Choice, Change, and Opportunities through ambition that Canadians require having the very best our country has to offer for Canadians especially when our Public Institutions interests are in the overflowing and High Paying International students and short changing Canadians to support their revenue (or other???).

And this is what has come from all their Critical Thought for 60 years? Disgusting to say the least? See the Link below.

Breaking News: about our Colleges & Universities in Ontario? Just like the Song from Sam Cooke 1963 called "A Change Is Gonna Come" as I stated before in regards to Laurentian University becoming the first "Canadian Ground Breaking University" to go into Bankruptcy Protection "How Convenient" and now for the Domino Effect? Perhaps 10 cents on the dollar is to high of price for a College/University, where we would only have to cut away the fat from their curriculums, and present to Canadians an Alternative College development with a meaningful foundation. 60 years, perhaps it is time for a change. Have a good listen to the link below?

What is to be achieved through this new institutional development.

  1. A New Paradigm Shift Will Be Created. 60 years it is time for a change.

  2. A New Private Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical College (University) Will Evolve From This Development.

  3. Our Economy Will Thrive And Accelerate Through The Development Of This College

  4. Simply put "A Change Of Batter Is Required" where people count most, and where industry and our economies can and will benefit.

  5. Where our Democracy, Constitutional Rights and Freedoms, Education, Skills & Training, will be cultivated strongly inside our New College/University and throughout.

  6. All Under One Flag, One Nation, Strong And Free. "Canada".

Please view all of our Blog supporting documents on our new site.

It would be very difficult to think for a moment that all these Industries listed in the link below would not embrace this type of Alternative College (University) development in pursuit of recruitment, sponsorship, partnership, or stakeholder/investment, in support of such a development.

Today 6/15/23 once again on Twitter Monte McNaughton Minister of Labour & Immigration stated about the Historical Shortage of Skills? I am quite surprised he never mentioned the "All Hands On Deck" like Doug Ford has routinely said but then again that would mean this College Institutional Development too?

Perhaps because we don't follow todays government or our institutions scripted narratives, which makes this Innovative Alternative to tradition unique. Below we have a link of The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) it is the country’s champion for various sizes of business. Truly another enormous area in which this new college (university) institutional development would be a benefit to Canadians. Interesting only 97,000 members and "NO" interest?

This new College (University) Development would be an asset to all of North America meaning both Canada & the US.

If their is a "Voice" out there other than myself, remember nothing changes if we don't choose to change it?

Student Debt in America amounts to over $1.5trn Student Debt in Canada amounts to over $40 Billion

NOTE: In Addition, I Have One Small Question? "WHY" was this the only Lawyer to my knowledge that expressed his concerns about the Unions-Colluding-With-Government-To-Impose-Vaccine-Mandates? I'm sure some Union members would want to know "WHY"?

SUMMARY: Productivity + Competitiveness + Standard of Living, a complete necessity in making our country(s) better off. However, witnessing over the past 40 years where industry either intentionally or not, pounding on the the door of China to let us in for the purpose of outsourcing. And now here we are both Canada, the US, and many other countries too are experiencing the fallout of all that. And on top of it all a very destructive cesspool has infiltrated our governments and unions directly all stated by the head of the WEF himself and how proud they are of their achievement, another one we didn't see coming especially in the past 4 years? On the bright side we are waking up and picking up speed.

Productivity has been destroyed by all the technology gadgets, toys, games, and of course cellphones and apps. Lazy, Lazy, Lazy, compound that with everything Pharma, Opioids, Socialist Government, living everything/everyday on your emotions rather than factual with a disciplined truth, and the ongoing Invasion Immigrational Tactics compromising our country even more? Let us not for get the past 4 years of "Outstanding Unimaginable and being Completely Unprepared for all the Global Shenanigan's" that were, and still being played out upon us all. And you wonder why productivity went south?

If there is any truth to this next Link considering all the Propaganda today. Than you would almost think this College Development would be a "Shoe-In" for all those looking for other means of employment?

If you should find the time to view our blog articles links you can see that the public colleges, universities, and government (Questionably) seem to have tried for decades to improve productivity but truly, looking at them today certainly doesn't look that way, they seem to have become more like Tailors, Dressmakers, Seamstresses, and Pattern-Makers all finding additional innovative ways to create and line themselves with more new pockets deviating away from the eyes of the public?

So here we all are in a completely "Fabricated Stagnation" process where our culture require less aggressive policies from government "Or A New Private Deviation From Tyranny"? And the ability to strengthen our productivity by offering significant Changes, Choices, and Opportunities for the people, and not innovative advancements for the purpose of Better/Faster/Cheaper which is not always the case and can become a problem. So, an opportunity for industry itself that requires the productivity from the human attachment for their goods and service, so we can all now start to go down the right path forward? However, what is being proposed within our many article postings is nothing short of an innovative approach for the advancement and development of the people? Speaking of Industry, just where do the colleges & universities think they should be (At Par) or the same as Industry? "REALLY" I had always thought that education was their foundation you know "For The People" so much for the students? Check out this link.

Our Strength

Work, Earn, Learn

Mind, Body, & Soul

Health, Fitness, Nutrition

Focus, Fairness, & Financial

Skills, Training, and Experience

Change, Choice, & Opportunities

Education, Degrees, Higher Learning

Single, Dual, Trades, & Entrepreneurship

Get In, Get Out, and Get On with Your Life

Democracy, Constitution, Rights & Freedoms

"NO", Tuition, Debt, Student Loans, No Holds Barred

Memories from one of my Facebook Posting with a little extra March 09 2020;

Focus, Fitness, Fairness, Experience, Choice, Change, and Opportunities? What dose it all mean? It means W.O.R.K. the Willingness to Obtain Real Knowledge, work is the product of developing one's self. Manufacturing & Construction have been subjected to an enormous amount of missed direction Traditionally. Therefore, Life Long Learning must take a new direction one that embraces the Real World of Work, through a "Private Unprecedented Non-Traditional Industry Based Vocational Technical College (University) Development". A direct approach that addresses industries needs, and not the needs of those who's Life's Long Learning mean something of a different nature? We (Industry) Manufacturing & Construction and so many other sectors have all that is required to Step-Up and create the Changes, Choices, and Opportunities that count and not just a head count like others? Cost, Experienced, Progressive, Process of Product, People, and Professions. An institution that addresses your needs and have the tools knowledge and experience to engage? Being one Canadian who still hears the call from our young people today stating from industry "YOU DON'T HAVE THE EXPERIENCE" "young people", "WERE DO I GET THE EXPERIENCE"? After 25+ years Promoting & Advocating for a much needed Change such as this College (University) development where opportunities and experience drives determination, self discipline, ambition and the opportunities to succeed.

"I Often Wonder What It Is? The Fact Of Being A Competitor, Or The Creation Of An Alternative" Or Putting People First?

Note: these next 3 links compares our Past to Present considering

the long displayed Hunger Games below in the attached 76 links below.

"AWE" Our Present Day Hunger Games. "Disarray" and the Cry For Money? And Just Where Do The Students Fit In?

4. Can't Wait For The Day When Our Marketing Portfolio Is Presented -

10. First You Need & Want To Learn, Second, You Need And Want To Teach "It Is Important"

11. Not All? This Private College Development has NO Tuition, No Student Loans, and No Holds Barred -

15. Our Future Is The Opportunities, Changes, & Choices That Are Presented? -

16. Now That Is A Smart Move And A Prerequisite For This New College (University) Everyone Will Be To Busy Throughout The Day Anyway Called Learning? -

17. Not On The Edge Just A Readjustment And A New Approach Within This New College Development -

18. What I like Most Is That One's Future Starts With The Best Possible Opportunities, Including Alternative Opportunities -

19. "AWE" The Collaboration Of The Whole Institution, And The Under-Funding, Let Us Not Forget The Ground Breaking Efforts Of Laurentian University CCAA Bankruptcy Protection -

21. Forget The Co-ops The Nature Of The Behemoth Institutional Appetites Are Out Of Control -

22. Now That Is Funny We Have Been Talking About Indigenous Involvement For Many Years Typically Ignored, The "Critical Thinkers" Know What's Best For Us All? -

23. Who Is Working Together "Doug Ford" says "All Hands On Deck" Why Are Alternatives Neglected It Is All About The "Money" sorry I mean The Students Correct? -

24. This Is Disgusting Not Required At This New College (University) Development -

26. The Behemoths Say One Thing, But A Combined Experience, Education, Skills & Training Are An Attractive Alternative -

27. I Often Wonder Just How Many Canadians Would Attend An "Elite Private Non- Traditional College (University)" Where International Students Do Not Exist? -

28. "AWE" Good Food, Nutrition, Fitness & Health We Got It Covered -

30. 60 Thousand Over The Next Decade? Are Albertans Having Lots Of Babies Or Is It Something Else Driving Up This Projected Increase? -

34. No Tuition, No Student Loans, No Debt, No Holds Barred, No Candy Dish Here? -

36. From All Of Our Research Their Never Seemed To Be A Chronic Shortage Of Funds? Perhaps It Has Been A Gross Miss Management Of Funds? Funny You Never Here About The Students Only The Funding? -

44. Stabilized They Call It, And Then What? Floor Gates Open For More Un-Accountable Funding? -

45. "AWE" The Blue Ribbon? Why Not A Yellow Ribbon Around The Old Oak Tree, The Critical Thinkers Are Brilliant -

46. Is There Not A Cereal Commercial For This "They Just Can't Get Enough Of That Sugar Crisp" -

49. "Really" What Happened, Too Much Money Got In Your Eyes, Couldn't See For All That Green? -

50. Just What Will They Do For Three Years? I would be more concerned for the students in 3 years?

58. A Two Year Cap On International Students? You Know What They Say Always Expect The Unexpected? -

60. Doug Ford Says “Our number one selling feature (is) the colleges and universities and the students that are coming out of those colleges and universities,”. "What Ever Happened To All Hands On Deck"? -

61. Yes Indeed Private Colleges (Universities) Are An Asset? Wait Until This One Gets Going? -

62. The Pocket Agitation Is Every Where These Days? -

63. Scott Moe has made it clear - funding public education is not his priority. A HIGH FIVE For Scott Moe? -

64. Can We Not Just Get Along, "KIDS" And Where Is The Critical Thought for Canadians?

65. Well Now That Is A Pretty Good Wage? And You Wonder Why Tuition Goes Up? -

66. Yes Indeed Children Running An Educational Institution, Name Calling, It Is Nice To Be Called A Competitor Instead Of A Whore? -

67. Here We Go Again Government To Save The Day "Solution or Illusion" It Is Funny Being Ignored By Industry, Government, Institutions, And Students? -

69. I Guess When The Gravy Train Was Running There Was Know Thought Of Anything Else But The International MONEY? -

70. "WOW" "Really" There Are Truly More Competitive Ways To Become VITAL Other Than Traditionally, And To Think AI Will Save The Day? -

71. Developing Partnerships Would Certainly Be An Advantage In The Competitive Ring? -

72. Financial Struggles, Funding Shortage, Can't Raise Tuition, Just A Terrible Thing? Time For A Change Perhaps? -

76. That Didn't Take Long 37 million? Good To Be At The Top Of The Food Chain. For All That Research.

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